November 1965
1990 (zine) #2
”In the days before the Internet, I had my finger on the pulse of culture by collecting zines in the mail. This involved a lot of research in Factsheet Five and other directories, then sending out envelopes full of stamps and dollar bills and assorted bulldada for intriguing-sounding items; and then the waiting for days or weeks or months for the ordered items to appear in my post office box.
I saved many of these zines, and now have several huge boxes where they reside, obsessively bagged, carded, and alphabetized... with all their correspondence, too.
I don't know where bOING bOING number 1 got to, but I have all the rest of the print magazines, including this #2 with colored collage cover
essays by Antero Alli, Rudy Rucker (who continues to be featured on the boing boing website), and Paul di Filippo; comics by Ace Backwords and Dennis Worden (prolific zinester comix artists); and articles by Carla and Mark plus those great Frauenfelder title graphics.”