Blue Christmas
from Dogmeat
and VintageSleaze
1970 - Twisted tale of Vietnam Vet having a Christmas visit to his family and staying at an old Inn.
From the Christmas of 1953, the world has never been the same. Indeed, as the decades passed, it became a question of how much more can be shown legally. The 50s showed tit, the 60s, showed muff and beaver, the 70s showed it all -- but not always legally! The 80s showed it all but sometimes didn't show genitals within orificies, oral, or otherwoise, the 90s showed that but not cum, but by 2000, it was entirely acceptable for periodicals to show ejaculation -- glossy, gooey and somehow now glamourous!
First line: "Jonathan had noticed her on the train from Boston." | |
Xmas smut | Blue Christmas from Dogmeat and VintageSleaze CHRISTMAS PARTY 1970 Twisted tale of Vietnam Vet having a Christmas visit to his family and staying at an old Inn. From the Christmas of 1953, the wo ... Dogmeat