October 31, 2010

Keith Richards talks 'Heartbreak Hotel' for the first time - Elvis Australia

Elvis Presley News: delivered by email

Keith Richards talks about hearing 'Heartbreak Hotel' for the first time


Elvis Australia : <a href=

Rolling Stones guitar player Keith Richards has just released his biography. In it he states: Good records just get better with age. But the one that really turned me on, like an explosion one night, listening to Radio Luxembourg on my little radio when I was supposed to be in bed and asleep, was 'Heartbreak Hotel'. That was the stunner. I'd never heard it before, or anything like it. I'd never heard of Elvis before. It was almost as if I'd been waiting for it to happen. When I woke up the next day I was a different guy.



via Elvis Presley News: Keith Richards talks 'Heartbreak Hotel' for the first time - By: Elvis Australia


Posted to See Ya At What Gets Me Hot via Dogmeat