- Taquila Mockingbird likes your comment: "i'm too afraid to look at your photo up close in..." 7:21pm
- Bettys Darling, Winston Wolfe, and Taquila Mockingbird like your comment: "i'm mr. search if you wanna compare seo notes. i..." 7:19pm
- Taquila Mockingbird, Winston Wolfe, and John Stich commented on your video. 7:17pm
- Dampira Quin and Alain Pascal Routhier commented on your photo. 7:14pm
- Winston Wolfe, John Herman, and 9 other friends commented on your video. 7:11pm
- Winston Wolfe, Joe Nalley, and 8 other friends like your video The Hils Have Eyes (La colline a des yeux) French Subs. 7:04pm
- Winston Wolfe, Taquila Mockingbird, and 2 other friends commented on your video. 7:02pm
- Scott Anderson, Jay Alan Davis, and 5 other friends commented on your video. 7:02pm
- Winston Wolfe, Adriaan Neven du Mont, and 2 other friends commented on your video. 6:59pm
- Liz Cox, Theodore Gracyk, and 4 other friends like your video Sylvie Vartan Bye bye Leroy Brown. 6:56pm
- Mike Fifty-nine commented on your photo. 6:47pm
- Mike Fifty-nine likes your photo. 6:46pm
- Mike Fifty-nine and Rusty Spur like your photo. 6:46pm
- Mike Fifty-nine likes your photo. 6:46pm
- Mike Fifty-nine and Elena Bridges like your photo. 6:46pm
- Mike Fifty-nine and Rusty Spur like your photo. 6:46pm
- Mike Fifty-nine and Rusty Spur like your photo. 6:46pm
- Mike Fifty-nine likes your photo. 6:46pm
- Mike Fifty-nine likes your photo. 6:46pm
- Mike Fifty-nine and Bettys Darling like your photo. 6:46pm
- Mike Fifty-nine, Winston Wolfe, and Rusty Spur like your photo. 6:45pm
- Mike Fifty-nine, Vomitos DeVulture, and 2 other friends like your photo. 6:45pm
- Mike Fifty-nine and Rachel Anne Lisi like your photo. 6:45pm
- Mike Fifty-nine, Rusty Spur, and Rachel Anne Lisi like your photo. 6:45pm
- Mike Fifty-nine, Lenny Smith, and 2 other friends like your photo. 6:45pm
- Mike Fifty-nine and Rusty Spur like your photo. 6:45pm
- Mike Fifty-nine and Rachel Anne Lisi like your photo. 6:45pm
- Mike Fifty-nine and Rusty Spur like your photo. 6:45pm
- Mike Fifty-nine and Rusty Spur like your photo. 6:45pm
- Rachel Anne Lisi, Bettys Darling, and 4 other friends like your video You Cannot 'LIKE' Dogmeat (Draft 1). 6:44pm
- Pedro Sanpietro, Winston Wolfe, and 5 other friends like your photo. 6:43pm
- Barbara Stinson, T Trapper Burk, and Mike Fifty-nine like your link. 6:41pm
- Dampira Quin likes your comment: "yo quiero saluds de mi esposa?" 6:40pm
- Cam Paterson commented on your link. 6:22pm
- Liz Cox, Eric B. Hughes, and 4 other friends like your video Slaves! Dionne Warwick Film Debut 1969. 6:15pm
- Taquila Mockingbird commented on a photo of you. 6:14pm
- Nettles J. Eichinger, Tom Gallo, and 4 other friends commented on your video. 6:12pm
- Taquila Mockingbird, Barbara Stinson, and 14 other friends like your video Taquila Mockingbird laughing with orange wig. 6:05pm
- Adriaan Neven du Mont, Winston Wolfe, and 4 other friends like your video Monseiur Crocodile Dundee (Deux) Le Chomp! 6:01pm
- Bettys Darling commented on your wall post. 5:55pm
- Nettles J. Eichinger tagged 3 photos of you. 5:49pm
- Barbara Stinson, Cam Paterson, and 6 other friends commented on your video. 5:48pm
- Matthew M Alexander, Nettles J. Eichinger, and 10 other friends commented on your video. 5:39pm
- John Herman, Rachel Anne Lisi, and 4 other friends commented on your video. 5:33pm
- Tricia Toberman, Dampira Quin, and Bettys Darling commented on a post you were tagged in. 5:29pm
- T Trapper Burk likes your video mrs kin (special friend's only view) n s f w. 5:21pm
- Kayvan Moradi Espaili, Jay Falconer, and 9 other friends like your video MRI of male and female genitals during coitus (Hard Ru Science). 4:57pm
- Lenny Smith, Taquila Mockingbird, and 3 other friends commented on a video of you. 4:11pm
- Winston Wolfe and Rusty Spur commented on your photo. 3:49pm
- Bettys Darling posted on your Wall. 2:51pm
- Bettys Darling accepted your friend request. 2:50pm
- John Herman, Elena Bridges, and 5 other friends like your video 'Vanessa' Inherits a brothel which caters to WOMEN. 2:46pm
- Bettys Darling commented on your photo. 2:39pm
- Rusty Spur tagged you in a post. 2:12pm
- Elle Padron likes your status. 1:50pm
- Diane Troiano and John Folliard also commented on Diane Troiano's photo. 1:47pm
- Elena Bridges commented on your photo. 1:32pm
- Rusty Spur likes your photo. 1:05pm
- Vomitos DeVulture tagged you in a video. 1:05pm
- Rusty Spur and Mike Fifty-nine like your album on Facebook, Y'all! 1:04pm
- Rusty Spur and Rachel Anne Lisi commented on your photo. 1:04pm
- Rusty Spur tagged Bettys Darling in one of your photos. 1:03pm
- Rusty Spur and Nettles J. Eichinger like your comment: "i used to have a clip of her introducing johnny..." 12:40pm
- Rusty Spur, Jan Taylor, and 11 other friends like your video Mr. Arashi's Amazing Freak Show BANNED IN JAPAN. 12:38pm
- Mike Fifty-nine likes your post. 11:28am
- Kate Dick and Vmr Recordings commented on your status. 11:04am
- Jay Alan Davis, Francesca Capasso, and 11 other friends commented on your video. 11:03am
- Jay Alan Davis, Alan Pritchard, and 6 other friends commented on your video. 10:48am
- Vmr Recordings likes your status. 10:01am
- Francesca Capasso likes your comment: "english ruins it" 9:34am
- Skylo DeMylo, Nettles J. Eichinger, and 2 other friends like your video E.T. l'extra-terrestre (MAISON!!!) (extrait deuxiemme). 9:27am
- Rachell White, Melissa Crawford Bonnette, and 6 other friends like your video Les Goonies (French Dub). 9:27am
- Diane Troiano likes your comment: "i was right there probably reenacting some kind..." 9:20am
- Cam Paterson, John Stich, and 4 other friends commented on your video. 9:06am
- Your video "mrs kin (special friend's only view) n s f w" has finished processing. You can now watch it or select a thumbnail. 9:00am
- Diane Troiano also commented on her photo. 8:54am
- Agata Jar, Lion Dale, and 7 other friends like your video El Guincho Pop Negro. 8:48am
- Scott Lloyd commented on your photo. 8:30am
- Diane Troiano likes your comment: "you mean my avatar de moment. i was trying to be..." 8:25am
- Diane Troiano commented on your photo album. 8:18am
- Rachel Anne Lisi likes your comment: "oh, fucking christ. midi, warn a guy next time..." 8:16am
- Rachel Anne Lisi likes your comment: "supernot. well, the only context really..." 8:12am
- Rachel Anne Lisi likes your comment: "mardi gras is sooooon" 8:11am
- Mike Fifty-nine likes your status. 8:04am
- Rachel Anne Lisi, Taquila Mockingbird, and 4 other friends commented on your video. 7:54am
- Rachel Anne Lisi commented on your photo. 7:49am
- Rachel Anne Lisi commented on your photo. 7:48am
- Rachel Anne Lisi, Jay Alan Davis, and 4 other friends commented on your video. 7:41am
- Mike Fifty-nine commented on your post. 7:29am
- Mike Fifty-nine likes your post. 7:29am
- Mike Fifty-nine likes your post. 7:00am
- Mike Fifty-nine likes your status. 6:54am
- Mike Fifty-nine likes your post. 6:49am
- Mike Fifty-nine commented on your post. 6:47am
- Windysan Zog commented on your status. 6:41am
- Windysan Zog commented on your link. 6:12am
- Mike Fifty-nine commented on your status. 6:07am