October 1, 2010

David Bowie Elephant Man Portrait (15 mins. Fr. Exclusive)

limbsandthings1 | October 01, 2010 For the first time on YouTube: 15 mins. entire 'Portrait de David BOWIE' 1981 Elephant Man, Performance, Dresses, French Special
Portrait de David BOWIE à travers ses dernières créations. Extraits de son dernier disque illustré par une bande vidéo aux images étranges et fantastiques, dont il est le principal interprète - [différents plans] David BOWIE sur scène alternativement vêtu en homme ou en femme. Extraits de la pièce, dans laquelle il joue à broadnay "the éléphant man" - interview de David BOWIE : parle de sa carrière et de son plaisir de changer souvent et de tenter des choses très différentes.

Portrait of David Bowie through his latest creations. Excerpts from his latest album in a video shown to the strange and fantastic images, which is the main performer
David Bowie on stage dressed alternately as a man or woman. Excerpts of the piece, in which he plays Broadway "The Elephant Man" - David Bowie interview: talks about his career and his pleasure to change often and try something very different.

Iggy Pop presented by Yves Mourousi
Yves Mourousi hosts on the set of TV news. Follows an unusual exchange and humor between the singer and journalist. Iggy POP, helped by Yves Mourousi, removes his shirt and shows off his "muscles". it's true. (you won't need a translator for this one except maybe INTO French...Jimmie's French is about as good as mine! (and old Bookies, 'be polite'--who would have ever thought they'd give me 700 this time...and i can't find it) i'm putting this up again because it went down from my removed youtube channel this week and so i need new comments for its description.

Yves MOUROUSI accueille Iggy POP sur le plateau du journal télévisé. S'ensuit un échange insolite et teinté d'humour entre le chanteur et le journaliste. Iggy POP, aidé par Yves MOUROUSI, enlève sa chemise et exhibe sa "musculature".

NEW Best Iggy Pop Interview EVER! and LIPSTICK! and disrobing!!

FIRST: Best Iggy Pop Interview EVER! and LIPSTICK! and disrobing!
David Bowie IS Elephant Man
David Bowie Elephant Man Portrait (15 mins. Fr. Exclusive)>

Posted to See Ya At What Gets Me hot via Dogmeat