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Facebook Password Reset Confirmation
show details 6:44 AM (5 hours ago)
from Facebook <>
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to Limbs Andthings
date Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 6:44 AM
subject Facebook Password Reset Confirmation
hide details 6:44 AM (5 hours ago)Hey Limbs,
You recently requested a new password. Please click the link below to complete your new password request: can also reset your password by visiting http://www.faceboo and entering the confirmation code below:
0c91f8c8 Please note that this email has been sent to all contact emails associated with your account. If you did not request a new password, it's likely that another person has mistakenly attempted to log in using your login. As long as you do not click the link contained in the email, no action will be taken and your account will remain secure. For more information, visit our Help Center at,
The Facebook Team
Via Dogmeat Random China Wiki Possum Poster 加利福尼亚岛 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
via Random China Wiki Possum Poster zh.wikipedia.orgvia Random China Wiki Possum Poster
This Wrestler's Angry and Confused! via Dogmeat Random China Wiki Possum Poster - 克里斯汀 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
NEW! Posterous Dogmeat Random Possum Poster (China Wiki
Wikipedia Cat:Fellation:(Image)Blowjob on Second Life - I'm not satisfied with Common Fellatio, I have to go for 'Nominated for Deletion' Fellatio
Blowjob (I'm sorry, but Wiki or not: This Line Drawing is SLEAZIER than Hustler's Page 69)
Blowjob (I'm sorry, but Wiki or not: This Line Drawing is SLEAZIER than Hustler's Page 69)
All I'm doing is providing a service which you should enjoy while you can, because believe me, free or not, protected or not, these will go away soon!Uploaded by user "SieBot" on Sat, 10 Mar 2007 14:49:00 UTC
Added to category on Tue, 11 May 2010 19:49:22 UTC
Original image: 300×446 pixel; 9.691 bytes.
Licensing : CC-BY-SA,GFDL
Random Pain in My Ass Posterous Poster via VideoLAN Wiki
From VideoLAN Wiki
Jump to: navigation, searchHere is a list of the accepted projects for Google Summer of Code 2O10.
List of current VLC projects
Shader support for video post-processing
- Project page: SoC 2010 Shader Support
- Student: Sasha Koruga
- Mentor: Adrien Maglo
- Abstract:
A lot of video post-processing such as RGB-YUV conversion can be accelerated by using the GPU. This can either be achieved through a fragment shader, where it is the last step before a pixel is displayed on the screen, or it can be done with DirectCompute/CUDA/OpenCL. The method will vary depending on the task and intent. I will implement support for shaders by using the DirectX and OpenGL API and write a few shaders such as RGB-YUV conversion.
Port VLC Player to Symbian Platform
- Project page: SoC 2010 Shader Support
- Student: Pankaj Yadav
- Mentor: Rémi Duraffort
- Abstract:
To port VLC Player to Symbian S60 Platform.
ASF demuxer
- Project page: SoC 2010 ASF Demuxer
- Student: Juho Vähä-Herttua
- Mentor: Ilkka Ollakka
- Abstract:
I was selected to do a project related to ASF and Matroska demuxers, but since there's some overlap related to Matroska, my main goal now is to improve the ASF demuxer as much as I can and then find another similar project to work on the rest of the time.
Implementing BD-J support in libbluray and VLC
- Project page: SoC 2010/Implementing BD-J support in libbluray and VLC
- Student: William Hahne
- Mentor: Jean-Paul Saman
- Abstract:
This project will focus primarily on getting BD-J (Blu-ray Disc Java) support into libbluray. BD-J support is important because many of the advanced features and extra content in Blu-ray movies uses BD-J. Currently people with Blu-ray drives are tied to Windows if they want to access this content, they are forced to use proprietary Blu-ray software which does not run on Linux or various other operating systems. This project will also integrate the BD-J support into VLC.
Interface for mobile phones (WinCE and others)
- Project page: Interface for mobile phones
- Student: Kumar Anik
1932 Olympics via Posterus Dogmeat Random China Possum Poster 年冬季奥林匹克运动会 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
第三届冬季奥林匹克运动会 主辦城市 美国普莱西德湖
參賽國家及地區 17 參賽運動員 1,072
男:840 / 女:232比賽項目 38(6个大项) 開幕典禮 1932年2月4日 閉幕典禮 1932年2月15日 正式宣佈開幕 紐約州州長富蘭克林·羅斯福 運動員代表宣誓 約翰·阿米斯·杰克·謝伊(John A Shea)(速度滑冰) 主體育場 Lake Placid Speedskating Oval 第三屆冬季奧林匹克運動會於1932年2月4日至15日在美國紐約州的普萊西德湖舉行。
[编辑] 背景
[编辑] 焦點
[编辑] 參賽國家及地區
[编辑] 奖牌榜
排名 国家
总数 1 美国
6 4 2 12 2 挪威
3 4 3 10 3 加拿大
1 1 5 7 4 瑞典
1 2 0 3 5 芬兰
1 1 1 3 6 奥地利
1 1 0 2 7 法国
1 0 0 1 8 瑞士
0 1 0 1 9 德国
0 0 2 2 10 匈牙利
0 0 1 1 总 计 14 14 14 42 [编辑] 外部連結
奥林匹克运动会 項目 • 獎牌統計 • 國家及地區奧委會 • 標誌 夏季奧運會 via
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