May 15, 2010

YouTube UnVideos...IF YOU'VE BEEN GOOD! Nobody read that part: No Strikes, No Copyright Infringes, etc.

YouTube UnVideos...IF YOU'VE BEEN GOOD!

Fergie Olver 'Just Like Mom' If Mom was a Pedophile

YouTube UnVideos (IF YOU'VE BEEN GOOD! Nobody read that part--Means: No Strikes, No Copyright Infringes (everyone), etc.

With "unlisted" video to watch your person on semiprivate videocassettes labeled YouTubeX two people can view em deux, et entre nous o singlement vous pour tu yeux! You’ll get a video then you decide who're watching (if anybody, greedy bastard). Sunlit video options say perfect class for La Summer sur La Ile d'France or un specialment union avec your secret video audition Lover.

In other words: If you've had a YouTube Channel for over about six months and upload home video of your Aunt Melinda who teaches high school in the Bay Area, and have a YouTube problem, or a video history and want to share, but are concerned about posting videos publicly, because you don’t want the whole world to find them, or you, and YouTube’s private sharing options -- a 25-person cap that’s limited to other YouTube users -- doesn't work for you; and you need a better option to privately share your talent...

THEN Later today, YouTube is rolling out a new choice that will help you and people like you: UNLISTED VIDEOS. [Update: UNLISTED Videocassette videos-re availability .]

Just remember, the video can be viewed by anyone with the link, so only give it to people you trust! For more information, check out our Limbsandthings1 Videos Uploaded: 163 Video Views: 236,259 Favorites: 114 Channel Type: Channel Views: 3,140 Subscribers: 51.

Jen Chen, Software Engineer, recently watched La vidéo plus bizarre de lannée /Most bizarre video of year Vintage Punk Haircuts 1984 from YT limbsandthings&search Videos by limbsandthings1Saskatchewan Game Show Host (Just Like Mom--If she happened to be a Man and a Pedophile) Pedophile Fergie Olver (not Oliver as many think) administers more than questions to these pre-pubescent Lolita Conts. (contestants). HE'S IN IT FOR THE SUGAR AND SPICE AND EVERYTHING TWICE (as young as the Saskatchewan Mounties Allow). Pedophile Fergie Olver Gameshow Ho (Sask.) CA links appreciated! Fergie Olver 'Just Like Mom' If Mom was a Pedophile by Limbs Andthings (videos) 2:23 first I thought, "dirty old man" Fergielicious was Merv Griffin (and was gonna title it Perv Griffin), but it'll be alright as is I guess. Gameshow Ho Le gars du Bagel Blog The guys Bagel Blog tells me this montage of segments selected from Just Like Mom, an old Canadian program of the 1980s. The facilitator Fergie Olver, has led to a bizarre with girls. Nothing escapes YouTube. Malaise, indeed ...In an old television Canadian called "Just Like Mom, the presenter Fergie Olver embraces young Girls participating gambling Perverse grandpa is! La vidéo la plus bizarre de lannée this is SO-Saskatchewan SICK. Pedophile Fergie Olver Just Like Mom (Canadian - Saskatchewan) Gameshow Ho (Sask.) CA links appreciated! Working on his story now. Any local CA links would be greatly appreciated. Promise not to use your name as source. Sweet guy. Where's Saskatchawan? The most bizarre video “Fergie Olver 'Just Like Mom' If Mom was a Pedophile

via from Uploads by limbsandthings1 by limbsandthings1

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