May 13, 2010

(VIDEO) Iggy EVERYTHING! 16 Min Bowie Stooges Suki Idiot Brick Dad Golf... [HQ] (Facebook Video by Limbs AndThings)

Iggy EVERYTHING 16 Min Bowie Stooges Suki Idiot Brick Dad Golf... [HQ]

16:32 Because it IGGY Everythings NIGHT!! Grab a glass of wine (oh wait, you're MY friends...uh, put down the glass of wine) and dig in to the most sincere, introspect-jimmy Osterberg you've ever seen and/or heard AND GET READY TO 'LIKE' LE FRANCE FAVORIS INTERVIEWER (THIERRY ARDISSON) INTERVIEW AMERICA'S MOST POP ROCKSTAR...CUZ IT'S IGGY EVERYTHINGS NIGHT!

*!*!*!Best Iggy Pop Interview ever ought be for Rusty Spur, don't you think?

Iggy EVERYTHING 16 Min Bowie Stooges Suki Idiot Brick Dad Golf...

If you think babying this MP4 for an hour and thirty minutes was what I wanted to do on whatever night this is, you'd be wrong, but you also might not know Rusty...then again if you've had to navigate around the plastic-covered comment boxes beneath any of my Ig-vids to avoid the slobber puddles, you might realize this isn't just a 'Spur' of the moment late night dedication...and maybe since I dare not open a new window or tab for fear of prolonging the glacial progress of the thin blue line which ebbs toward its final destination with ONLY 11 MINUTES REMAINING...maybe it's what we all need every once in while...a little enforced time-out to collect our thoughts and appreciate the ones who appreciate us the best way possible--without ever having seen us at all.

.............................Yes, as 8 minutes remaining ticks off, I suppose this is as good a place as any to appreciate all of you and the menagerie of personality you present independently but more often experienced en masse as a collective PERSONALITY, and to mention that although my Internet addiction and digital hoarding problem prevents me from frequenting the flea market of your pathologies as often as I'd like (reminding me too much of that return from that first trip to Cuba and into an American Supermarket), I would be remiss and disingenuous if I failed to fill out this message with a sincere appreciation for what you put on my plate every day, whose delicacies I sup, graze, and sample throughout my varying and overlong days and long into their night, and whose taste I savor long after its imprint has left my page...


Limbs AndThings
(Mo Rourk)

Iggy TOUT 16 Stooges Bowie Min Golf Suki papa Idiot Brick ... [AC]
par des membres Andthings (vidéos)
Il est IGGY nuit, tout! Prenez un verre de vin (Ah, vous êtes Mes amis ... euh, posa le verre de vin) et de creuser dans les plus sincères, l'introspection, Jimmy Osterberg vous avez jamais vu et / ou entendu et préparez-vous A 'LIKE' INTERVIEWEUR LE Favoris FRANCE (Thierry Ardisson) ROCKSTAR plus pop AMÉRIQUE INTERVIEW DE ... Parce que c'est IGGY NUIT Everythings!

Best *!*!*! Iggy Pop Interview jamais doit être pour Rusty Spur, vous ne pensez pas?

Iggy TOUT 16 Stooges Bowie Min Golf Suki papa Idiot Brick ...

Si vous pensez que cette babying MP4 pendant une heure et trente minutes a été ce que je voulais faire sur n'importe quel soir, il s'agit, vous vous trompez, mais vous ignorez peut-être Rusty ... puis de nouveau si vous avez eu à naviguer dans les boîtes de commentaire recouvert de matière plastique sous un de mes Ig-vids pour éviter les flaques bave, vous pouvez réaliser ce n'est pas seulement un Spur »du moment dévouement tard dans la nuit ... et peut-être que je n'ose pas ouvrir une nouvelle fenêtre ou un onglet de peur de prolonger l'état d'avancement glaciaire de la mince ligne bleue qui reflue vers sa destination finale avec seulement 11 minutes restantes ... c'est peut-être ce que nous avons tous besoin de temps en temps ... un peu de temps, forcée pour recueillir nos pensées et d'apprécier ceux qui apprécient nous la meilleure façon possible - sans jamais nous avoir vus à tous.

............................. Oui, comme les tiques 8 minutes restantes, je suppose que cela est aussi bon que n'importe quel lieu d'apprécier vous tous, et la ménagerie de la personnalité de vous présenter de façon indépendante mais le plus souvent connu en masse comme une personnalité collective, et de mentionner que, bien que ma dépendance à Internet et problème de la thésaurisation numérique m'empêche de fréquenter le marché aux puces de votre pathologies aussi souvent que je similaires (qui me rappelle trop de ce retour de ce premier voyage à Cuba et dans un supermarché américain), je m'en voudrais de mauvaise foi et si je ne remplir ce message avec une sincère gratitude pour ce que vous mettez dans mon assiette tous les jours, dont les spécialités je soupe, faire paître, et l'échantillon au long de ma variable et trop long jours et dans leur longue nuit, et dont le goût, je savoure longtemps après son empreinte a quitté ma page ...


AndThings Limbs
(Roark Mo)

$$$TRANSLATED BACK TO ENGLISH (MY FAVORITE...laughed till the snot came out my nose)

ALL 16 Bowie Iggy Stooges Golf Suki Low dad Idiot Brick ... [AC]
by members Andthings (videos)
4:32 p.m.
It is IGGY night all! Take a glass of wine (Oh, you are My friends ... well, put the glass of wine) and dig into the deepest, introspection, Jimmy Osterberg you've ever seen and / or heard and get ready A 'LIKE' THE INTERVIEWER Favorites FRANCE (Thierry Ardisson) ROCKSTAR more pop AMERICA INTERVIEW WITH ... Because it IGGY Everythings NIGHT!

Best *!*!*! Iggy Pop interview ever be for Rusty Spur, do not you think?

ALL 16 Bowie Iggy Stooges Golf Suki Low dad Idiot Brick ...

If you think this babying MP4 for one hour and thirty minutes was what I wanted to do on any night this is, you're wrong, but you may not know Rusty ... then again if you had to navigate through the comment boxes covered with plastic material in one of my vids-Ig to prevent drooling puddles, you can do is not only a Spur of the moment dedication later in the night ... and perhaps I dare not open a new window or tab for fear of prolonging the status of the ice thin blue line that flows to its final destination only 11 minutes remaining ... perhaps what we all need from time to time ... a short time, forced to collect our thoughts and appreciate those who appreciate us the best possible way - without ever having seen them all.

............................. Yes, like ticks remaining 8 minutes, I guess this is as good as any place to appreciate all of you and the menagerie of personality to present independently but more often known as a mass personality collective, and to mention that although my Internet addiction and the problem of hoarding digital prevents me from attending the flea market of your disease as often as I like (which reminds me too much of a return of this first trip to Cuba and in an American supermarket), I would be remiss in bad faith and if I fill this post with a sincere gratitude for what you put on my plate every day, whose specialties I dine, graze, and the sample throughout my long and too variable in their long days and night, and whose taste I enjoy long after his fingerprint was left my page ...


AndThings Limbs
(Roark MB)

In the cabaret Scheherazade, Thierry Ardisson talks with Iggy POP (English subtitled in French). They mentioned in particular his meeting with his wife and his new outlook on life, his relationship with his father and his son, his new album "Brick by brick," the reasons which led him to be a singer when he played as a child battery, the team New York Yankees, his taste for politics, the source of her stage name, his meeting with the brothers ASHETON, musical influences, his punk phase, producing the first album by John STOOGES SHIM, drugs, his stay in Berlin at the time of recording the album "The Idiot" in 1977, the composition of "Nightclubbing" with David Bowie and what it brought him ...

Iggy Pop Interview truth/vérité Iggy Pop
16/06/1990 - 16min32s
Dans le cabaret parisien Shéhérazade, Thierry ARDISSON s'entretient avec Iggy POP (en anglais sous-titré français). Ils évoquent notamment sa rencontre avec son épouse et sa nouvelle philosophie de vie, ses relations avec son père et son fils, son nouvel album "Brick by brick", les raisons qui l'ont incité à être chanteur alors qu'enfant il jouait de la batterie, l'équipe des New York Yankees, son goût pour la politique, l'origine de son nom de scène, sa rencontre avec les frères ASHETON, ses influences musicales, sa période punk, la production du premier album des STOOGES par John CALE, la drogue, son séjour à Berlin à l'époque de l'enregistrement de l'album "The Idiot" en 1977, la composition de "Nightclubbing" avec David BOWIE et ce que ce dernier lui a apporté...

producteur ou co-producteur:

Antenne 2

Colonna, Dominique


Ardisson, Thierry ; Barma, Catherine


Iggy Pop


Ardisson, Thierry


from Dogmeat