May 14, 2010

My vagina make!

■ my vagina make!
■ my vagina make!

"Your vagina to form a" vagina manufacture kit was released. Speaking of Takumi Man, what a association is pressing to form and enjoy local paper soaked in ink, and this is Lear Norman Taku introduction of solid resin. It requires two major steps as well as the penis will be a good time and a plus support for smooth conduct cooperation with other partners, if possible. The glossy finish is downright lush. Thinking model, "embarrassed - look at" The blush and I'll more realistic modeling, and execution do not care who you feel that you have a vagina individuality, the power not miss a single copy was a surprise wrinkle . Fun is also a thinking man how to use the Taku finished. The memorial, a long distance relationship, masturbation, side dish, to charm, to play with her shyness,, ・ ・ ・ goes on and erotic fantasy.

ボウルに158mlのぬる湯(人肌くらい)を用意し、粉剤を混ぜ手際よくかき混ぜます ※時間をかけ過ぎないよう注意 ※ぬる湯の温度が高いと硬化が早まってしまいます
Cash in a bowl of hot water 158ml (about skin) to prepare, stir and mix the neatly Dust
※ Note that only over time
Would be premature curing temperature of the water is high ※ cash in
かき混ぜたものを専用カップへ流し込みます。 ※間もなくして硬化が始まってきます。手際よく進めましょう。
Pour the mixture stirred to something special cup.
Soon you will start hardening ※. Moving on neatly.
局部を覆うようにあてがい、2-4分固定。 ※溢れてこぼれる為、下にビニルなどを敷くとよいでしょう。
Ategai to cover the local 2-4-minute fixed.
For the full spill ※, and you should lay down vinyl.
型が取れました(左側)。 因みに右側は硬化が進み型が取れなかった失敗例。
I was able to type (left).
Incidentally, I did not get the right type failures curing progress.
Prepare a paper cup, spatula and mix the two in liquid.
型に流し込みます ※この液剤は手につくと落としにくい為注意。
Pour the mixture type
※ This is because less liquid drop and take note of hand.
The 24 intact
Nervous moments. This is also the best! ?
周りのバリなどを整えて完成! 作る人ぞ知る感動の瞬間! 無臭である点も嬉しい!
Prepared and completed around Bali!
I know people make a moving moment!
Points can be odorless and happy!

from Dogmeat