November 13, 2009

reBlog from Go to My Stats page

The Jerry Lee Lewis Drive in FerridayImage via Wikipedia

I found this fascinating quote today:

Hi, I'm Done Lane's son. Yes, my father was a great US Aussie Expat who sadly died only a short time ago. His unusual name 'Done' derives from the Borgoza Royal Family and was a private instruction to their local Coffee Grinder which signified the style in which they liked their Espresso ground. It also came to be used in culinary terminology as a reference point for the consistency of pasta in relationship to the preferred 'al dente,' or 'to the tooth' method which the Borgozi Royal Family demanded from its slavish Italian Castle Staff, Cooks, and Restauranteurs, so much so, that when any of these disparate group noticed a member of the Borgozi Royal Family approaching, they would utter the equivalent of this transliteration in the Mother Tongue of the Borgozi, a stylized and overly wrought dialect combining Sicilian, French and quaintly, Arabic phraseology and linguistic glottal stops and maws, saying: Here come the Borgozi Royal Family, I'm DONE!' My father, a bloodline descendant from the noble Italian clan was no less exacting in his invention of 'Tabloid Style' Television which can be witnessed by scanning your local channel. Consistently ranking as Australia's Top Entertainment/News Program for the entire run of his famous Show, called (in tribute to his Grand Uncle, Count Federico 'Done' Borgozi), 'The Done Lane Show.' It is with pride and joyful tribute that I dedicate the musical portion from his Interview with Jerry Lee Lewis, who had suffered unfortunately, a bad reaction to shellfish cooked in Seagrams with Mandrax sauce, included here for the second time anywhere (first time if you count, third, Dailymoti...fourth Facebo...nope mashes...i don't know, but less than a hundred). Please enjoy 'The Done Lane' show, and when you're done watching it, please leave comments and rate in memory of my father, Done Lane. The Estate of Done Lane, L.L.C., would like to thank a special extended great great twice removed descendant of the Done Borgozi lineage, currently living in Borgozi, appropriately named, Federico for allowing copyright waver and right of performance and broadcast recognized under stature 67:5666.982 Australian Television Broadcasting Association. I'm Done and by the way, when's the last time you saw the Opera Done Giovanni? When I was 19 I thought I owned some shit too, but come to find out I was just renting. You've got a lot of stupid shit left to say for the next 20 years, but until them I've got 20 years to not listen to it 1 week ago 3 views, Go to My Stats page, Nov 2009

You should read the whole article.