November 2, 2009

Originated in 2006 as a video-only tributary of PCL Linkdump...

Charles MansonImage via Wikipedia

Originated in 2006 as a video-only tributary of PCL Linkdump, WGMH evolved into what it is today on Halloween 2008, when 'The Perfect American' relocated his recently 'reclassified' blog of that same vintage. 

The URL: VISUALGUIDANCELTD.BLOGSPOT remains unchanged. Its name and format have received a three-year commensurate modification by the author, employing the latest blogging tools, network integration, and SEO resources, whose incorporation have served only to enhance, not distract. 

If you were an older reader of this truly cutting edge video-only blog format, these changes should not deter you. If you are a new reader, I hope you will find their integration make for a satisfactory experience--and explore.

One word about the title: 'What Gets Me Hot'. The blog derives its title from 'What Gets Me Hot!' the film, starring the illustrious Traci Lords in her "slightly precocious' debut role (whose origin and story belong to more than a few posts I invite you to discover in the blog's archive) This is in no way an an adult site in every context of that description. Those of you who meet this criterion may proceed. 

'What Gets Me Hot' represents the chronicling of one person's online sorties into unknown URLs, whose collation and juxtaposition exist in a singularity somewhere between 'Lost' and 'Found'. Uneditorialized, unadvertised, and slightly untrustworthy, WGMH assumes its readers' intelligence and sensibilities are highly piqued and overstimulated as its own, but will settle for accomplishing this task if not preexisting. It hopes its reader may discover its orchid-like trouvaille exactly as its publisher: 'a caveman in a spaceship,' as Charles Manson once said.   

I hope this introduction will provide you with inspiration to explore and return, and  I encourage you to subscribe to the NEW Feedburner feed of this blog, and/or follow @mrjyn on Twitter for its regular copious postings----------what gets me hot, October 2009

If you accept the paradox that this blog derives its name from the first film by Traci Lords excursion into show business its current language is obsolete, it is a tribute to my Popular a row after a reference to the Lord working woman, and that this is not a site geared to adults, then a viewer can return to find.

What Gets Me Hot, which collected only from the content of the author, and walking the line provides daily inspiration blog of a person on this in the URL outputs strangers here later What Gets Me Hot proportions equal to the absurdity and the discovery of coexistence He takes his readers intelligence and sensitivity are very attentive and do not appear on their own or false, and that his readers may have accidentally discovered that he cite a caveman in a spaceship Space to  Charles Manson As you can guess the magic water in this oasis I am not as obsessive about have my strength intrepid navigators with their speed that I can no more beautiful than geek  blogs blog Zwanghaft II'm digesting one and it shows master synthesizer and not as a quick look at my notes, I admit I have inherited a lot of this blog for Halloween If the mail account is less than less than one years he has Shobi This fact affects not only you me there is nothing I love more than discovering that something completely out of a trance I've tried everything and see everything, just easier to ignore what the right thing to a mountain of information a second reading% justified, I finally happy with my choice and my acquisitiveness in the face of an inherent aversion to technology that most older dogs, if you have are always curious about the  Internet scientific nature, you have impressed with this within

Image representing FriendFeed as depicted in C...Image via CrunchBase
Apture provides the mouse over links positions in most multi-go video, which even a video blog does not contain the music but what they say s', now on themes Wikipedia Twitter Google

twitter on blackImage by what gets me hot via Flickr
Maps Images and even entire article not visible until clicked, and flowers, the characteristics of this particular application I am rarely on other blogs about dovetail seamlessly with my new incredible Lijit elegant researchers wonder trackers full statistics and wonder of the whole app as it is useful to discover with You can find it all My Back Pages of my network and links blogroll Apture and without leaving the site I hope it's better late than never introduced incomplete guides and discover more about this slightly hidden treasures blogquarry inspiration from pan and continue to dig and that you again starting in May Maybe less, I mean rich pyrite Shinya ask you to mrjyn the feed of this blog or via the Lijit Welcome Feedburner link banner at the end of each article I hope to follow on Twitter @ or What Gets Me Hot mrjyn on FriendFeed Updates Subscribe for regular dissemination of this blog, thank you for your visit and if you want to say hello, please do not hesitate to me via the link below the post or just to comment, regardless of their relevance, I am always curious about what you, the video works online Since site reposts reBlog regularly attracts some of the nuggets found Contact remarkably unusual and taken from a variety of other major compilers  mainstream media, focusing on  pop culture and celebrity adult sexual themes without music, and developed the website to publish further to ill Thanks reblogging interesting day of the best sites on the net and has expanded within waiting audience with a video clip blog in one of the stops for its eclectic audience, according to its unique selection and scope of the document for their news and entertainment videos music on a smaller scale and more manageable total return above the first letter FRENCH hitory This blog has its origins as a  music video blog under the direction of the blogger Swedigh talent and good time and current PCL Linkdump blog égulièrement a step those who like their pop culture pop culture over bloggers EGULAR Count I go to my online blog a few friends Lex is always present on this blog as an employee, but also a figurehead position one, since it rarely helps This blog is more than the original format it is today every EFIE categorize me, especially when the blog listed in blogapedia I copy and paste their presentation, but then I do not ERANGE "I try to guess if you're anal Inquisitor, let me say that if the idea or the paradox that has the name of this blog may start to accept from the film is the first years of invasion Traci Lords AMOUNT long and not a page, then focused on adults will be all right to go back as a reader What What Gets Me Hot smooth has decided not to seek a collaboration between hipster venue operators, tap the next big thing, it is my first online registered grinations combined therapy and the inspiration and the representative of a person chronicle of daily use in the URL in a collective way, a stranger, not have time Iscover EN 'ù exception is what is important Gets Me Hot absurdity in equal parts by the uneven juxtaposition of his subject rather expressed, that it is not infrequently an editorial in its swagger and is especially iscovery WGMH never receive the readers to its largest Fri iscovery It requires sensitivity and intelligence of his readers itching is so great to hear and to dive to his account, whether or not fair, and thus the reader at its May Iscover serendipitiously Home Edition is free but a bear cave man Spacecraft like a Charles Manson once said: So how do you find content that is not on the front page of this oasis, the only thing I'm almost like my virtual drive on Obssessive intrepid Naviagor is perhaps the possibility of using the same él and authority so easily as possible so that I could be better than doing geek blogs blog I have in this case I Zwanghaft maker and master synthesizer than five seconds because you are forty-five, which my stats show that most you stay on this blog, I have a party "erit reserved it on the Halloween Blog, where the position against miles and less than less than one years after the meter has not only reinforced the fact that effects you, it makes me, as there are Nothing better than love Iscover something completely forgotten who I also creative éposée Fl I Get avant-garde and ready to try anything to find something that access to a mountain of paperwork on what% of that justifies what is usually first and second reading, I finally say facillitate happy with my choice and happy to be for an older man that would be very impressed and overcome my inherent dislike Technology sticktoitiveness against which the dog and the wisdom of Ag that is not not qualified new things, but classical application So, if you are always curious, you have what I Apture provides the mouse over most links in multi-positions, all the integrated video Twitter, you said, now impressed on Google maps for Wikipedia-Fri Photos and full articles that are not visible until clicked ANK Coinciding with the use of new and advanced features of this application, I can honestly say I've never met another personal blog that I have not bothered to at least Parking And this transparent registered Lijit amazing él my new gloves complete Wunder Blog Tracker app and statistics useful to researchers around miracle as it is not known at this time With it you can search through my entire back pages, without the side with Apture links and so what my ETWORK Blogroll Truly remarkable among all that are correct and that you are not advertising or links enanthic side, because I love him and we hope that better late than never, and give the introduction of gaps Iscover easier for some of the best hidden gems of the last positions of teeth Inspire you to explore and not just bounce back the return of the FD is not through a link with currently a small problem with HTML and Google Crawling motivated indexing my site and I have and I can not imagine not sell anything, happen encourage I will, in order to subscribe to the feed of this blog, if you use RSS for the lower house of Banners "Lijit each of position and / or follow on Twitter @ mrjyn or mrjyn What Gets Me Hot on FriendFeed égulière feed frequency and distribution of this Blog We appreciate your visit and if they always want something you need help or just say. 

Introspector Reader Update

It has been a while since I posted. I have been saving this blog for real updates, not progress reports.

Well, I have finally started to hack mencoder to produce the videos that I need in the right way. The existing reader script uses a hack of creating symlinks to images to create frames. that creates thousands of files. Now my new mencoder hack produces  much better results.

Here is my idea : I would like to have a version of espeak that can feed into information directly to mencoder. It would be able to give the exact timing for each word and the pronunciation keys as well.

These would be emitted as subtitle tracks and usable.

In addition, I would like to be able to use this information to create frames of video per word where the word is highlighted on the screen. A bouncing ball or red highlighting.

The would be done by creating successive images from the pdf, the pdf file is text anyway, so it should be a hack for pdf2ppm command to say : highlight this text, or emit the x,y coordinates of the words. I know that xpdf to xml can do this.

pdftohtml -xml is the command.

So now we have an xml file that looks like this  :


That is enough information to then render it and highlight it.

Alternatively we could just render that frame, highlighting the text and then pass that single text to espeak.

That would produce many small texts, but they could be embedded in html pages for example as mp3 later on. The problem with that are link breaks, and how to deal with them.

So we have two types of processing ideas : One to markup the output of espeak with timing information, the other to break down the input to espeak into smaller chunks.

We should look into both of these ideas, and be able to use them together.

Missing right now is the timing and subtitle information from espeak. that should be a quick win.

My vision is really to have a single sentence on the screen as it is spoken, and to have the words/parts of speech visible and highlighted in realtime.

Ideally we would be able to annotate such videos and feed that back to create better ones as well.

Also ideally espeak would be able to do such things directly, like read pdf files, mediawiki directly and be able to produce interactive graphics as well.

This would be embedded in the firefox as a plugin and also be able to add in translation tools as well.

For example, I would like to be able to transform the english pronouciation into another language, how would an Albanian encode this word to produce the same sounds? a German? How to pronouce this in chinese?

that could be done with the phonetic information. Also translations of the text in meaning could be brought in.

Additionally, hyperlinks on the words would be interesting. A SVG graphics of the text, or a CSS highlighting would be even better. It could be all done directly in the browser.

So those are my ideas for the introspector reader. Imagine what would happen if you were able to read a c++ program as well? Take the compiler intermediate data and be able to create videos? Well that is the connection to the gcc introspector project I started ten years ago.

Hi, how you please do not hesitate to contact me at my email in my profile link, or just bloggers I know They were here to comment, regardless of the 't for others, the location of your arrival, I have caught more curious to see what can my Level Inter' in community with others, either intentionally or video project FRANC HELLO agrégateurr "online work because the page again Blog disfigurement, and draws some reposts know epitome remarkable and unusual made from a variety of other public key compilers EDIA el Brit pop culture focus on sexual themes and adult reblogging without music, and the site continues to develop, publish, ill a day thanks to the most interesting of the best sites on the Internet and expand audiences have been waiting within a video blog in a variety of stops for his audience that after his election return and the unique possibilities of the document for its videos and entertainment news, music on a smaller scale and more manageable BACK TO French here is a brief hitory This blog has its origins in a music video blog under the auspices of good taste and talent bloggers Swedigh contains the time and current PCL Linkdump blog regular stop one for those who like their culture as a pop-pop culture and has its regular blogger, I Count my online blog a few friends Lex is still in this blog is presented as a contribution to an essentially one position of this signboard, as it rarely helps this blog from its original format to what Today it is primarily categorize me if this in the blog blogapedia I was copying and pasting from their description but are not listed defies grown so I will not bother to, I suppose if you are anal Inquisitor, I would say that if you can accept the idea or the paradox that this blog will start derives its name from the first movie-year long trip to the Traci Lords film and not a site geared to adults, then fine, as readers go back to What What Gets Me Hot is not a smooth hipster venue co-opted by entrepreneurs to the benefits of the next big thing there is to take from my hike only collected both online therapy and serve as an inspiration and a person representing this blog daily walks in URLs Unknown collectively does not exist, explore together somewhere other than here What Gets Me Hot absurdity equal proportions simply by uneven co-existence of its subject rather expressed, that there is rarely a boastful and not editorial in its discovery, and especially attentive denies WGMH Readers, even his most important discovery is expected of them, the intelligence of his readers, itching and sensitivity is also very attentive and do not appear on their own or false, and the reader may also discover loads as a publisher within serendipitiously Bear but a caveman in a spaceship that Charles Manson once said: So, how do you find content that is not the only one on the first page of this oasis, which may be in some way, almost as my virtual Naviagor Obssessive intrepid bravery, maybe even the ability to do so easily and quickly as possible so I can be more beautiful than I am no geek blogs blog in this case I have a compulsive maker and synthesizer master, because, as you forty-five five seconds, it is clear statistical evidence that most of my communication is you stay on this blog, I have a lot of Halloween, I inherited this blog to know when the mail account km and less than less than a year after the counter that fact, not only pushes effects that you see me because there's nothing effects what I remember, rather than something of who had prepared for myself I creative and avant-garde, anything and everything, something that the accessibility of what amounts to a mountain of paperwork% of facillitate This justifies the first to find, try to discover and second regular bed.
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