youtube 3d feature (yt3d:enable=true) - some issues - YouTube Help
youtube 3d feature (yt3d:enable=true) - some issues
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yuriythebestLevel 1
7/16/09right, first let me say this is a great new feature!! however it's "focus thru", more conventionally known as parallel, and crosseye modes are in fact reversed- parallel is crosseyed and crosseyed is parallel . Also, please add an interlaced option (otherwise known as field sequential), for those users with shutterglasses.All replies
yuriythebestLevel 1
7/16/09oh almost forgot - I use firefox and a lot of the time I have to refresh the page once for it to appear16 of 22 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
BlackSharkfrLevel 1
7/16/09I just discovered this YT3D feature.
As an amateur stereo3D filmmaker this feature is AMAZING ! True 3D video is finally coming on Youtube without having to make 10 different versions for each 3D display method ! Thank you Youtube !
Although it's not complete yet, it looks extremely promising so far.
I can't find any documentation about the YT3D stereoscopic tags, can anyone at the google/youtube labs give us more info on the state of the YT3D feature ?
Alpha/beta status, features to be added (interlaced/checkerboard displays ?), additional related tags. I noticed someone using an aspect ratio tag10 of 13 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
YouTube PeteGoogle Employee
7/17/09Hello yuriythebest,
First off, thanks to you and the other stereoscopy fans in the community for the awesome videos and useful feedback.
I'm the developer working on the stereoscopic player as a 20% project. It's currently very early, hence the silly bugs like swapping the eyes for the anaglyph modes. A fix for this is in the works.
The current tags are provisional and may change or expand. They are:
yt3d:enable=true Enables the view mode. (obviously you've already discovered this)
yt3d:aspect=3:4 Sets the aspect of the encoded video.
yt3d:swap=true Swaps the left and right sources. You may need to add this to videos when the player with fixed anaglyph modes ships. Apologies for the inconvineince.
yt3d:left=0_0.1_0.5_0.9 and yt3d:right=0.5_0.1_1_0.9 These tags are very provisional and most useful for fixing up old videos. They set the source area for each eye as pairs of coordinates x1_y1_x2_y2. The scale of these coordinates is 0,0 for the the top left down to 1,1 for the bottom right.
Ideally you shouldn't use left and right. For the best quality make the sources as large as possible within the frame and set yt3d:aspect correctly.
Your feedback and suggestions are welcome, but as this isn't my primary project I can't promise a speedy turnaround with improvements.
Thanks again for the videos!
Pete24 of 25 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
yuriythebestLevel 1
7/17/09thanks mister YouTube Pete!! Glad to know the bugs will be fixed- still, since there is some confusion of whether the uploaded videos should be in crosseyed or parallel and how they will work in the future, I will revert back to uploading videos the old fashioned way (anaglyph and crosseyed as 2 separate video uploads)
Can't wait for the bugs to be fixed then it'll be awesome! Also please add interlaced output, perhaps also a checkbox next to the viewing styles that allows you to swap left and right in case they are incorrect. Thanks again!!4 of 5 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
BlackSharkfrLevel 1
7/17/09Thank you Pete for your work and for the reply.
Just like Yuriy, i thought the 3D video input was in L|R pattern due to anaglyphs working well this way, and I thought the other outputs were swapped.
So you say that it should be the opposite : the default pattern is R|L pattern then, and the swap command is there in case we upload the opposite L|R pattern, is this correct ?
I notice that the Left and Right commands could also be used to make over/under input work. This is really nice, although a proper input tag would probably be better.
How about adding a dedicated tag : yt3d:input= LR / RL / overunderLR / overunderRL ?
I can't wait to see more 3D outputs supported. I own an interlaced (zalman) monitor and i would love to have it working in 3D straight from youtube.
Keep up the amazing work !4 of 6 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
YouTube PeteGoogle Employee
7/17/09The anaglyph bug makes this confusing unfortunately. The following comments will hold once the fix is released. (I'll reply to this question when the fix is released).
The intention is that videos should be uploaded in crosseyed, but if you've got a video uploaded in parallel adding yt3d:swap=true will ensure the feature works correctly.
Interlaced is interesting, but I currently lack the equipment to test it.
As for the swap checkbox, I'd like to avoid having users alter settings to view individual videos. Ideally once the anaglyph issues are fixed swapping by viewers won't be needed.
Pete10 of 11 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
yuriythebestLevel 1
7/17/09cool thanks for the quick reply! yt3d:swap=true seems like a very good idea since my first video that uses these tags is in parallel.
Actually the fact that the input format will be crosseyed is actually quite good- I have many many videos uploaded in crosseyed already and once the issue is resolved I'll add the yt3d tags to all of them! grand news!5 of 6 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
YouTube PeteGoogle Employee
7/17/09Hi BlackSharkfr, thanks for your comments.
The input type argument would be clearer than the current setup, and would allow setup using a single tag.
By overunder do you mean a video where the inputs are arranged as below?
I'll read up about the zalman monitors.
Pete5 of 6 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
yuriythebestLevel 1
7/17/09yeah over under is 2 images, one of top of the other, though to my knowledge no clear standard of whether L or R is on top- seems to be a matter of debate- but not too critical if the yt3d:swap=true is introduced
some over/under sample clips are here: 3 of 4 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
BlackSharkfrLevel 1
7/17/09indeed : over/under is when the views are stacked vertically instead of the usual horizontal side by side stack.
Over/Under is usually preferred for HD footage in order to avoid getting insanely resolution >3000 pixels when stacking two HD images : some codecs and video players do not support such big resolutions.
Additionally, i found from my own tests that over/under seems to keep more quality when squeezing the two views in a single frame size.
The Zalman screen uses interlaced rows of polarizers (a technology usually called Xpol).
Every odd line of pixels on the screen goes to one eye, and every even line of pixels on the screen goes to the other.
I do not know if the Left and Right eye is standardized on Xpol displays so you may have to implement two output options for interlaced displays. (one where Left eye is odd lines, and an other where Left eye is even lines)3 of 4 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
BlackSharkfrLevel 1
7/19/09Hi Pete :
I have just uploaded an other test clip using over/under input.
I used the left and right tags to tell the 3d player where to find the correct views.
My original video had some very nasty letterboxing so my xy values are a bit unusual but it works perfectly.
Please tell us as soon as you fix the inverted outputs so that we can remove the swap tag.
This feature become more and more amazing as i discover how to use it. Thank you Pete !3 of 4 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
NoixPecanLevel 1
7/19/09I love this new feature!
Some support for Xpol-based displays (such as Zalman or Hyundai 3D screens) would be a great.
About anaglyphs, green/magenta glasses (green on left eye) are becoming fairly common, since they are supplied with 3D DVDs such as Journey to the Center of the Earth or Bloody Valentine. Some people might be interested in using them.4 of 5 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
ederenLevel 1
7/20/09Youtube Pete, fantastic feature. To be completely clear, to get the best quality, your intended procedure for users is to upload their videos as side-by-side, scaled as large as possible (changing the aspect of the source if necessary), and then correcting the aspect through the tags, correct?I just want to clarify before I convert my videos to use this ericderen3 of 3 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
Philipp LenssenLevel 1
7/20/09Hi Pete! Is there a help entry for this? Could you explain what format to upload for this to work?
Philipp3 of 3 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
yuriythebestLevel 1
7/20/09Philipp Lenssen - please read the thread. currently the correct format is parralel 3d or crosseye with the swap tag. In future the correct format will be crosseye3 of 4 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
BlackSharkfrLevel 1
7/20/09Hi philipp,
Pete has not published an official manual, we initially discovered the feature by copying what others did, until Pete came to give us more details.
You need to upload your left and right views stacked together horizontally in the same video frame.
I am not sure about the inner workings of the youtube re-encoding process so i do not know if it is better to upload il full resolution or to squash the videos in a standard frame. But both work thanks to the aspect tag.
You can stack the videos either in L|R pattern (parallel) or in R|L pattern (crosseyed).
According to what Pete said : the standard pattern should be R|L, but you can perfectly use L|R if you want, you just need to add the swap tag.
You can also use over/under (vertical stacking) patterns using the left and right tags (i made a test and it works) but since this is still beta, the tags are subject to change.
Once the video is uploaded you can change the tags at any moment, all the 3d conversion is performed on the fly when playing the video, just like in other stereoscopic player software.
I think that's about it.7 of 8 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
MarkRRLevel 1
7/20/09Is there a way to embed videos in the default "Red / Cyan Glasses - Full Color"?3 of 5 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
YouTube PeteGoogle Employee
7/20/09@ericderen: Yes, that should give you the highest quality.@MarkRR: Embedding the 3D player is not currently supported. I'm unsure when this will be available.@Philipp: I think yuriythebest and BlackSharkfr have answered your questions. There's currently no help page as we're still ironing out the kinks in the player.As for tips on how to create good 3D videos, I think others on this thread have much more experience and expertise than me. Perhaps they'd be willing to share resource pointers or ideas about how to create good material?When experimenting I used a pair of small cameras screwed onto a metal bracket I found at a hardware store. To synchronize the left and right videos I clapped once just after I started recording and lined up the peak in the audio waveform in the video editing program to sync the video.I've been impressed by what the community's created so far, I'm looking forward to watching more stereo videos.Thanks!PeteP.S. Anaglyph fixes should be in by the end of the week.2 of 3 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
MarkRRLevel 1
7/20/09Thanks Pete - Good stuff... I just posted about it on and was hoping to showcase and example - suppose it doesnt hurt to just send readers to one ;-)1 of 1 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
romulusnrLevel 1
7/20/09Your "Cross Eyed" and "Focus Thru" options are backwards.1 of 1 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
BlackSharkfrLevel 1
7/20/09Hi romulusnr !
Pete wrote previously that Cross Eyed and Focus Thru are actually technically correct, but the anaglyph ones have eyes swapped.
Pete will correct this soon, but until then we swapped eyes on all our videos so that the anaglyphs are right : some anaglyph glasses are hard plastic and cannot be reversed like cardboard anaglyph glasses, so we prefer this temporary inversion (which accidently inverts crosseye and focus through) which we will remove when Pete will update the player.1 of 1 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
YouTube PeteGoogle Employee
7/20/09Hello all,The fix for the eye swapping in the colored glasses modes has just gone live. If you've optimized/tested your video using glasses you may have to add or remove the yt3d:swap=true flag to get your video working correctly again. Apologies for the inconvenience.There's also a first pass at Green / Magenta glasses support. Comments welcome!Pete2 of 3 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
enzolisLevel 1
very nice feature, thanks!
Would also like to see the line-interlaced feature for XPol displays and frame sequential for shutter solutions.
Keep up the good work!
Thimo1 of 1 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
JorisLevel 1
7/21/09I believe you need Adobe Flash Player 10 for this.Under Mac OS X Tiger with Safari 4, Flash Player 9 and ClickToFlash, it did not work, without a warning.Under Firefox 3.5, I got a message in a yellow banner below the video: "In order to view 3D content, you need to have the latest version of Adobe's Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player."1 of 1 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
DelpijLevel 1
7/21/09Hello all,> Joris, Yes. I can confirm that I needed to upload my flash player to latest version in order to make it work.Well! Quite something we've got here... Keep up the good work YouTube Pete :)By the way, will such a functionality be available so everyone can provide some on the fly 3D streaming on their own platform?> It's not like I'm not a YouTube user but I also feel like expressing my point as a developper & open source supporter.Apart from this kind of consideration, I do think that Google always payed attention to the fact that there was no better way to spread and acknowledge a given technology than by sharing it.Regards.1 of 1 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
ehudgerLevel 1
7/21/09Hey Guys,
I know of an Israeli Company named "Taatua" that has been developing such a 3D solution for real time systems.
I have seen a few samples and the result is surprisingly really good.
Has anyone else heard of them?? Pete, have you been in touch with them?
E1 of 2 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
ehudgerLevel 1
7/21/09you can look at
not much there, but contact info :)1 of 1 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
steve1811ukLevel 1
7/21/09Great work YouTube Pete. You could always use a Minoru 3D webcam for testing. Minoru is the Worlds first consumer 3D webcam. Please get in touch and we'll see if we can send you one out. www.minoru3d.com1 of 1 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
MarkRRLevel 1
7/21/09Steve, Id love to have one for testing and write up a review if interested. Please let me know how to get ahold of ya.1 of 1 people found this answer helpful. Did you?Report abuse
the_huLevel 1
7/21/09We're all excited about this at Spatial View in Toronto. Good work, YouTube Pete.Did you find this answer helpful?Report abuse
yuriythebestLevel 1
7/21/09yesss! youtube seems to have fixed the parralel and crosseye confusion!! Did you find this answer helpful?Report abuse
deftly.dLevel 1
7/21/09Is there a primer on how best to upload a 3D video? I have both raw stereo camera shoots and 3D video sample based video music.Did you find this answer helpful?Report abuse
tetovarjaxxxLevel 1
7/21/09tetovarjaxxxDid you find this answer helpful?Report abuse
yuriythebestLevel 1
7/21/09deftly.d - currently the only "tutorial" is written by me :) Did you find this answer helpful?Report abuse
youtube3dLevel 1
7/21/09great work youtube pete!i uploaded a video and it works really well, though it seems to work at a slower frame rate when in full screen mode. i wonder if it's only on my computer.