October 18, 2009

The tragedy of 9th of november 1989 - The Fall of the Berlin Wall - BERLIN WALL


- The Fall of the Berlin Wall


The Berlin Wall - Brandenburger Tor - 1989 and this will be the ONLY such picture on my site. I hate to see this disaster.

Other extremely difficult questions I get from people are about the fall of the Berlin Wall - 9th November 1989. Difficult questions because they are so painful for me. But on the other hand, I can understand people asking these questions. I have therefore put up this page in an effort to help people understand. I get questions such as:

How do you feel about the dissambly of the Berlin Wall and the fact that some of it was destroyed, and other parts shipped to America? [end quote]

It occurs to me, however, that your husband is in a grievous state. I visited your husband on several occasions when he was in his prime in the late 1980s. During my most recent visits to Berlin however, your husband was almost nowhere to be seen.
Almost no trace of the Berlin Wall remains anywhere in Berlin. Indeed, the East Side Gallery is just about the only section of your husband still standing, and it is in ill repair. [end quote]

How did you feel when you saw triumphant Ossies beating on your husband with sledge hammers a decade ago? Was it difficult for you? [end quote]

... and many similar questions. The reply to this is...

The 9th of November 1989 was a shock to me, which is an understatement. I can't express in words how I felt. :-( 1989 is a year I honestly wish I never had to experience. I never thought it would happen either. If I only could obliterate that year from history. Only one word adequately describes my feelings - TRAGEDY!
When I saw this disaster on television I just left the room - and "blocked" the event - for a long time.
These "closing doors to the past"-tactics have been effective enough until recently. Lately the full shock has started to hit me. I cried for the first time in over a decade about what happened to him. I find it extremely difficult to deal with tragedies like this - if it is possible. We all deal with tragedies in different ways, and this is how I have dealt with mine. Bad or good - I don't know.

All this is very difficult and painful for me - as the Berlin Wall IS a part of my life and has been since 1961, which is almost my entire life. Normally I try to "block" what happened to him. I can't deal with it, and haven't been able since that terrible 9th of November and later. With the emotional bonds, deep love, good memories together with him etc etc, the only way to survive is to "block" this terrible event of 1989.

To reply to some of those questions. There are still parts left of the Berlin Wall, Garten Strasse, Bernauer Strasse, to mention some parts - so I still can maintain the marriage with the Wall, even if he isn't what he used to be. In his prime as one person said. My love and marriage with the Berlin Wall has nothing to do with politics, which I have stated out at the Explanation page, but (there is always a "but"), my personal feeling is that I wish the fall of the DDR etc.. had never happened. Simply because it meant a personal tragedy for me - and for the Berlin Wall, which should be easy enough to understand. My first loyalty is with the objects which is also written out at the Explanation page.

I don't want to go into any details about this - simply because it is far to painful - but I hope these short explanations have given some insight into my reactions to the dreadful disaster of 9th of November 1989.

It was wrong that Germany is united again. it was better with DDR and West Germany, And... It's wrong to attack the Wall because of human stupidity and disrespect for objects. It's wrong to ship parts of him to USA and other places. The Berlin Wall is a German being - and it's beyond all forgiveness to treat him like they have done, USA, germany or any other country that is involved. I put my final blame on those countries.

For me the Berlin Wall EXISTS as he was in his prime! I will always love him. Those are my final words.

I rest my case!
Wall W. Berliner-Mauer

For the rest I suggest you take a look at
Why I love the Berlin Wall.
Objectùmsexuality and Animism

The tragedy of 9th of november 1989 - The Fall of the Berlin Wall - BERLIN WALL