October 31, 2009


Tokyo <span class=

Scary Japanese masks, Halloween costumes at Tokyo <span class=
I would like to invite all of you who receive this email  to help me with the initial and secret grand reopening of  Mr. Dante Fontana's Visual Guidance, LTD. , on Halloween at Midnight.

as of today, while recuperating from my recent surgery, i have accepted my friend, sebastian's, generous offer to take over his music/video blog.


i am grateful to him for his trust in transferring administrator status of his blog to me:

(click below to see  Mr. Dante Fontana's Visual Guidance, LTD )


instead of explaining his two different blogs, i will let him give you the picture: 

Decadency. Pumpkin mask, monster special effects makeup, clown and Budd disguises, masks

Quite a few guests were experts at special effects monster makeup.
Cool fake eyelashes, decorative Halloween stick-on drag queen eye lash makeup. Long fake nails and Hello Kitty cute bag.

<span class=
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Joker Dark Knight as hospital nurse costume, outfit with wig, dress and bomb detonator. Batman Joker makeup. Winning Halloween outfit at Midnight Mess, Tokyo party.

After over 1 year and 1600+ posts I think it's about time for a short introduction to this page and what's going on here.
As you may have noticed I'm posting videos and... not much else.
 I'm posting music videos found at, mostly YouTube, but also videos found over at Dailymotion and occasionally a few good ones are found and posted via Google Video and Veoh. As you probably already know if you're acquainted with online video deposits (like these above) the videos are not there forever. For copyright reasons and shady "morality" reasons some videos are bound to be taken off the air at any minute. This concerns especially videos uploaded to YouTube. So, enjoy them while they're up. Do not blame me if the video you want to see is not there anymore and, please, do not ask me to upload it again. 99,9 % of the videos posted here are NOT originally uploaded by me but by somebody else. Use the search box in the top left applied by blogger.com to check  today.
You can also find everything posted here by browsing the Monthly Archives.

My main attraction is PCL LinkDump,

a pop culture depositary for audio and visual findings.
The Visual Guidance thing (this place) started when I noticed how many cool vids I found while cruising the net for material for PCL.
If you want to subscribe to this blog you can go here or here [Bloglines] or just get the feed you need: atom and/or rss."

MY New Blog:

  • the new blog will have the same URL address, but with a different title, not yet decided. (any suggestions will be appreciated.)

  • The format will be the same; however, with no restriction on its content, subject or theme.
  • (posts will not be exclusively music/video related.)

Those of you who decide to participate will receive an Official Blogger invitation on Halloween,  which will look like this:

"The Blogger user TPA (that's me) has invited you to contribute to the blog: Mr. Dante Fontana's Visual Guidance LTD..
You'll need to sign in with a Google Account to confirm the invitation and start posting to this blog. If you don't have a Google Account yet, we'll show you how to get one in minutes.

This email introduction should give you enough time to either establish a Google email account, or if you already have one, construct a post with an embedded video from any source available (youtube, dailymotion, etc: you can learn how to embed videos at any of these sites, or ask me).

After you have accepted the invitation to be a contributor to the blog, you can simply follow the instructions on the Blogger dashboard, and
(after clicking "new post") copy and paste your post onto the field; when satisfied, click ("save as draft").

After Sebastian posts his introduction, i will then post all of the drafts for the newly named blog at midnight, Halloween.

You may participate either just for the first Halloween Related Special Premeire ( one-time post), or continue on as a contributor and post directly to the blog whenever you wish.

Please let me know if you have any questions before you receive the invitation. 


If you decide not to join in, have a Happy Halloween.


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