October 14, 2009

Ohayo Sanspo - Sankei Sports Newspaper

Japanese Fuzoku Technical Terms

On this page we introduce more terms regarding the service offered at many Fuzoku places. This dictionary will help you when you go into any Fuzoku place.

ANARU ZEME [a-na'-ru ze-me]
1) To stimulate the anal area by touching, licking in and around the anus. At adult service places, people usually use a lotion and a fingertip. "zeme" "seme" mean "attack(s.)"
2) To abuse the anal area in the S&M play. This includes enema, cold water, milk and sometimes live loaches etc. There is a wide range of appliances for personal preferences: anal beads, anal vibrator etc.

ANUSU NAME [a-nu'-su' na-me]
To lick anus. This service became available in the 1980s.

CHINGURI GAESHI [chin'-gu-ri ga'-e-shi]
To give you a head with your body held up just like in a wrestling match.

DIPU KISU [di:-pu' ki'-su]
"Deep kiss."

FERACHIO [fe-ra'-chi-o]

GANKI [ga'n-ki]
The service that a masseuse rides on your face and press down her pussy. One of the latest popular services in 2000.

GANSHA [gan-sha']
To cum on your partner's face.=BUKKAKE To cum on your own face by accident is called "OUN GOURU (own goal.)"

GOKKUN [go-kku'n]
To have your cum swallowed by your masseuse. Or just to swallow it.

HANABIRA KAITEN [ha-na-bi'-ra ka'i-ten]
This term is used only for PINK SARON. That the different masseuses comes to your table one after another.

HON SHIMEI [hon shi'-me'i]
At adult service places, it is usual that they pick a girl for you. And if you want to chose, you have to pay extra1000yen or so. HON SHIMEI means to be picked by a customer or popular masseuses picked by many people.

HONYO KANSATSU [ho'-nyo' ka'n-sa'-tsu]
"Honyo" is to urinate. "Kansatsu" is to watch. HONYO KANSATSU is to watch your masseuse urine. One of the services that certain kind of place offer.

JIKA NOMI [ji-ka no-mi]
"Jika" is "directly." "Nomi" is "to drink." In this case, this means to drink your masseuse's urine directly from her pussy by putting your mouth right on it.

JOOUSAMA [jo'-ou'-sama]
Dominatrix. Literally means "a queen."

JUKUJO [ju'-ku-jo]
Women in the middle age.

KAO MISE [kao-mi'-se']
Generally the massage place will choose a random masseuse for you. However, most massage places offer the chance for choice by doing KAO MISE (to show the pictures of the masseuses available.) You are supposed to choose the masseuse you want before you pay for the service. This usually requires some extra fee. 1,000yen is industrial standard.

KEMEKO ZURI [ke-me'-ko zu'-ri]
The service that your masseuse with a hairy pussy rides on your belly and rubs your body with lotion.

KONAI HASSHA [ko'-nai ha'-ssha]
To cum into your masseuse's mouth.

KOSU PURE [ko-su' pu-re']
Costume play.

KOTOBA ZEME [ko-to'-ba ze-me']
To use words to satisfy your partner's sexual desire.

KUGURI ISU [ku-gu-ri' i-su']
A special kind of chair with a unique shape. You sit on it and your masseuse put her hands or head under it to give you a blowjob and do other things. Only expensive places offer this service.

MAJIKKU MIRAA [ma-ji'-kku mi'-ra:]
"Magic mirror." When you pick your masseuse, there usually is a mirror between you and them so that they don't have to see you wondering which one you want.

MATTO [ma'-tto]
"Mat." Soft, air-filled, plastic mat used for "MATTO PURE" at Sopu Randos. Because they use a lot of soap, MATTO PURE is sometimes called "AWA ODORI (bubble dance.)"

MEKAKUSHI PURE [me-ka'-ku-shi pu-re']
"Mekakushi" means "blindfold." To get blindfolded during the service. Or to have your masseuse blindfolded in S&M play.

NAMA [na'-ma']
"Raw." In this case, to have sex or to give a blowjob without a condom. NAMA-FERA: A blowjob without a condom. GOMU FERA: A blowjob with a condom.

NISHIKAWAGUCHI-RYU [ni-shi'-ka-wa-gu-chi' ryu']
"Nishikawaguchi style." "Nishikawaguchi" is a name of the place where many massage parlors are located. This style is a special technique used in PINK SARONS, which is cheaper than SOPU RANDO, in this area.

NG SHITEI [enu-ji: shitei]
"Shitei" simply means "to label" or "to rate." "NG" originally means "to make a mistake during acting on the stage or on the movie set." In this case, "to label too annoying or strange customers NG and keep them away from certain masseuses who want to avoid them or sometimes even lock them out." Be nice to them.

OMORASHI PURE [o-mo'-ra-shi pu-re']
"Omorashi" is to pee your pants. In this play, you wear a special kind of diaper and urinate in it. Then the masseuse(s) is going to take care of you as if she were your mommy.

OPUSHON [o'pu-shon]
"Option." Extra services. Usually you have to pay some extra money (2000yen to 10,000yen) to get this kind of "specials" For example, GOKKUN(to have your cum swallowed)5000yen, GANSHA(to cum on the face) 6000yen, ONANI KANSATSU(to watch them masturbate) 6000yen, HONYO KANSATSU (to watch them urinate) 6000yen, ANARU FAKKU (to have an anal intercourse) 10,000yen etc.

PAI ZURI [pa'i zu'-ri]
To put your penis between their breasts and massage it.

PURE [pu-re':]
"Play." A sexual act or special service at adult service places.

RIBASHIBURU [ri-ba:-shi-bu-ru]
"Reversible." People who can play both S and M.

RIPPU SABISU [ri-ppu' sa':-bi-su]
"Lip service." This term is used almost all the sexual acts with lips from kissing to blowjob.

SEISUI [sei-sui]
Holy water. In this case, "urine."

SENBOKYO [sen-bo'-kyo]
"Periscope." You get in the bath tub with your masseuse facing each other. And she put her legs under yours to lift them up with knees so that your erect penis pops up just like a periscope. Then she gives you a blowjob. One of the major services that Sopu Rando offers.

SHIKOMI [shi-ko-mi']
"Shikomi" is "to prepare for something." In this case, the masseuse for "urine play" drinks a lot of water beforehand.

SHIMEI [shi-me'i]
To request which masseuse you want to give you a massage. It usually costs extra 1000 to 2000 yen.

SOGEI [so'-ge'i]
It originally means to send someone off or welcome someone. In this case, this means to give a ride to customers from and to the station nearby. They offer this service for free when the place is far away from train stations.

SOCHO [so'-cho']
"Early morning." In this case, "early bird special." It usually from HINODE(dawn) to 10am.

SOKU SHAKU [so-ku' sha-ku']
The service that your masseuse gives you a blowjob without having you take a shower.

SUKEBE ISU [su-ke-be' i-su]
A special kind of chair with which a masseuse can wash your crotch with you sitting down. We see more "kuguri isu" lately. =KUGURI ISU

SUMATA [su-ma'-ta]
The service that a masseuse put your penis between her thighs and massage it with lotion instead of having an actual sex. One of the most popular ones.

SUPPON [su-p-po'n]
To have a vaginal spasm.

TAMA NAME [ta-ma' na-me']
To lick testicles.

TEIKU AUTO [tei-ku' a-u-to']
One of the services that you get some goods to go after the service. In most cases, your masseuse's urine. If you bring a bottle, they give it to you for free. If you don't, you may have to buy an empty bottle for about 2000yen.

TEI MO [tei-mo:]
To shave your pubic hair. Or to let you shave your masseuse's pubic hair. One of the S&M services.

TSUBO ARAI [tsu-bo' a'-rai]
To let you stick your fingers into your masseuse's vagina to wash it with soap.

YOBAI PURE [yo-ba'i pu-re']
"Yobai" is to sneak in your girlfriend's bed to have sex. This service simulates this situation.

YUBI IRE [yu-bi' i'-re]
To stick your fingers into your masseuse's vagina. Usually it is prohibited at most Fasshon Herusu. Sometimes they just let you do it.

Ohayo Sanspo - Sankei Sports Newspaper