POTENTIAL KEYWORDS IN Untitled (4257 words)
Keywords are the words in your text that are far more frequent, proportionally, than they are in a general reference corpus (here, the Brown corpus, whose 1 million words comprise 500 texts of 2000 words on a broad range of topics - see Brown freqs). The number accompanying each word represents the number of times more frequent the word is in your text than it is in the Brown corpus. For example, the first item in the output 2936.50 elvis is calculated on the basic that elvis has 2 natural occurrences in the Brown's 1 million words, but 25 occurrences in your 4257-word text. These 25 occurrences are proportionally a lot more than the 2 occurrences in the Brown. Taken as a proportion of 1,000,000 words, these 25 occurrences represent 25/4257 x 1,000,000 = 5873 virtual occurrences. These 5873 occurrences are 2936.50 times more numerous than the 2 occurrences in Brown. The keyword list below contains all the words in your text that are at least 10 times more numerous in your text than in the Brown reference corpus (the "keyness factor."). The greater the keyness factor, the more 'key' a word is likely to be to your input text.
(1) 2936.50 elvis
(2) 783.00 steve
(3) 783.00 eric
(4) 587.50 freddie
(5) 587.50 anita
(6) 470.00 todd
(7) 470.00 chico
(8) 470.00 phillip
(9) 470.00 preston
(10) 470.00 tate
(11) 469.75 bruce
(12) 422.80 jackie
(13) 411.00 donna
(14) 391.67 elisabeth
(15) 391.67 dennis
(16) 391.67 dante
(17) 391.67 jeff
(18) 352.50 buchanan
(19) 352.50 carson
(20) 352.50 orlando
(21) 352.50 osborne
(22) 352.50 christie
(23) 352.50 clair
(24) 352.50 percy
(25) 352.50 coleman
(26) 352.50 alberto
(27) 352.50 lowe
(28) 352.50 andrews
(29) 352.50 kenny
(30) 352.25 floyd
(31) 328.80 lynn
(32) 313.33 barry
(33) 313.33 stan
(34) 313.33 lena
(35) 313.33 jesse
(36) 293.75 campbell
(37) 235.00 mack
(38) 235.00 billie
(39) 235.00 betty
(40) 235.00 clifton
(41) 235.00 amos
(42) 235.00 ahmad
(43) 235.00 vickery
(44) 235.00 vaughan
(45) 235.00 gary
(46) 235.00 sinatra
(47) 235.00 sharon
(48) 235.00 gerry
(49) 235.00 karen
(50) 235.00 giorgio
(51) 235.00 ritchie
(52) 235.00 griffin
(53) 235.00 hampton
(54) 235.00 harrison
(55) 235.00 patrick
(56) 235.00 hawkins
(57) 235.00 neil
(58) 235.00 nancy
(59) 235.00 morrison
(60) 234.91 jimmy
(61) 234.86 nashville
(62) 213.55 tony
(63) 205.50 memphis
(64) 201.29 anna
(65) 188.00 brian
(66) 188.00 alan
(67) 176.25 lear
(68) 176.25 roland
(69) 176.25 dexter
(70) 176.25 stanton
(71) 176.25 hoyt
(72) 176.25 benny
(73) 176.25 clint
(74) 176.25 quincy
(75) 167.86 danny
(76) 167.86 terry
(77) 156.67 collins
(78) 156.67 turner
(79) 156.67 shirley
(80) 156.67 martha
(81) 156.60 johnny
(82) 156.58 wayne
(83) 146.88 clarence
(84) 144.58 billy
(85) 141.00 ronnie
(86) 141.00 kingston
(87) 141.00 davidson
(88) 141.00 elliott
(89) 141.00 jason
(90) 141.00 vegas
(91) 141.00 alpert
(92) 141.00 knox
(93) 141.00 leon
(94) 134.29 ellis
(95) 134.29 stewart
(96) 130.56 cadillac
(97) 130.56 victoria
(98) 128.09 dylan
(99) 128.09 ross
(100) 128.09 mann
(101) 124.35 scott
(102) 117.50 barney
(103) 117.50 barbara
(104) 117.50 armstrong
(105) 117.50 kenneth
(106) 117.50 doris
(107) 117.50 evans
(108) 117.50 gibson
(109) 117.50 catherine
(110) 117.50 meyer
(111) 117.50 marie
(112) 117.50 manuel
(113) 104.44 murray
(114) 100.71 molly
(115) 100.71 diana
(116) 100.71 tessie
(117) 100.64 alice
(118) 97.92 chris
(119) 97.92 gordon
(120) 94.00 eleanor
(121) 91.33 stevie
(122) 90.38 michael
(123) 89.82 williams
(124) 88.13 perry
(125) 88.13 hopkins
(126) 88.13 mccarthy
(127) 88.13 judy
(128) 88.06 claire
(129) 85.45 vince
(130) 85.45 phillips
(131) 84.33 paul
(132) 78.33 jenny
(133) 78.33 maria
(134) 78.33 isaac
(135) 78.33 monroe
(136) 78.33 bernard
(137) 78.30 david
(138) 78.29 keith
(139) 74.16 russell
(140) 73.44 nelson
(141) 72.27 moore
(142) 70.84 lewis
(143) 70.50 leonard
(144) 70.45 dick
(145) 68.00 jackson
(146) 67.87 peter
(147) 64.79 davis
(148) 64.09 shaw
(149) 64.09 simmons
(150) 64.09 richards
(151) 62.67 marty
(152) 62.67 willie
(153) 61.84 shelley
(154) 61.26 taylor
(155) 58.75 stuart
(156) 58.75 essex
(157) 58.71 pete
(158) 55.29 carroll
(159) 55.29 anderson
(160) 53.41 arnold
(161) 52.22 stevens
(162) 52.22 harvey
(163) 51.38 dave
(164) 51.09 jean
(165) 50.78 andy
(166) 50.36 bryan
(167) 50.36 lester
(168) 50.36 cooper
(169) 50.36 joel
(170) 49.47 tommy
(171) 48.59 spencer
(172) 47.00 jessica
(173) 47.00 graham
(174) 46.98 linda
(175) 45.45 eddie
(176) 44.06 joan
(177) 44.06 hawaii
(178) 43.80 smith
(179) 42.73 ralph
(180) 42.70 albert
(181) 41.95 martin
(182) 41.47 frankie
(183) 41.47 denver
(184) 41.47 tokyo
(185) 40.52 sarah
(186) 40.52 fred
(187) 39.17 willis
(188) 39.17 freddy
(189) 39.17 dickens
(190) 39.14 jane
(191) 38.39 james
(192) 38.09 jones
(193) 37.90 harris
(194) 37.58 charlie
(195) 37.11 ernie
(196) 37.11 stephen
(197) 35.25 hamilton
(198) 35.25 laura
(199) 33.57 allen
(200) 33.57 francis
(201) 33.57 russ
(202) 33.55 walter
(203) 32.64 clark
(204) 32.02 johnson
(205) 31.13 robert
(206) 29.38 tennessee
(207) 28.48 howard
(208) 26.11 kate
(209) 25.47 henry
(210) 24.92 george
(211) 23.24 john
(212) 17.41 hollywood
(213) 16.79 mississippi
(214) 16.40 thompson
(215) 15.46 louis
(216) 15.46 richard
(217) 14.69 alexander
(218) 14.46 wilson
(219) 14.38 mike
(220) 14.03 phil
(221) 13.68 charles
(222) 13.06 greg
(223) 12.82 wright
(224) 12.37 susan
(225) 12.05 stanley
(226) 12.05 robinson
(227) 11.99 mary
(228) 11.75 alex
(229) 11.46 lawrence
(230) 11.02 parker
(231) 10.68 orleans
(232) 10.44 carl