October 31, 2009

If a man is beating you with a whip and you love the whip, what is he doing to you?--Charles Manson to Terry Melcher

Traci Lords

A year has come ...and gone. Much has transpired, but Google  not crawling 'What Gets Me Hot' since October 8th, 2009 makes it easier to move digs.


(already up and running, albeit in a supporting capacity)

Until that time, please enjoy these lovingly collected Videos from 


(Dailymotion and 123Video) Collection. Rest assured, these represent the cream of my extensive personal crop, including many videos which previously existed on Evil YouTube, and which now (due to Mickey Mouse Rollerblading Copyright Regulation), DWELL NO LONGER THEREIN! 




If you accept the paradox that this blog derives its name from the first film by Traci Lords, an opulent tribute after a reference to the Lords, and not a site geared to adults, then a viewer can return to find What Gets Me Hot.

The author walks the line for daily inspiration.  What Gets Me Hot is equal to its proportionality and discovery of coexistence with YOU. It takes readers intelligence and sensitivity attentively and not  of  false end, that its readers may accidence a caveman in a spaceship, as Charles Manson once rambled. 

You can but guess the magic water in this oasis is its strength, intrepid navigators with their speedometer beautifier blogs, its antithesis. I am digesting and it shows. Master synthesizer, not a quick look at  notes, I admit I have inherited of Halloween

有一晚朱蘭回家來 ﹐發現母親半夜鬼崇崇的來到小巷的一間簡陋小屋中﹐她跟方志偉感到好奇﹐遂追蹤而至﹐沒想到屋裡有一個老

劉世道忍待不住﹐一手把葉春源刺 死了﹐之後又重回監獄中﹐而朱蘭又再重過歌女的生活。

If it is less than one year that I see you again, this effects not only you, but me. But without you there is nothing.

I love discovering something completely out of a trance. I've tried everything, and see that it is easier to ignore the right thing to a mountain of information. A second reading will be justified. 

“花外流鶯” 跟“歌女之歌” 雖然擁有相同製作班底然而前者故事過於胡鬧後者的情節卻非常吸引﹐惜結局草草收場﹐不曉得會否是筆者欣賞的﹐乃是殘缺本之故。戰後許多電影﹐情節上 常常偏向灰暗﹐似乎也默認了命運弄人﹐走不出戰後陰霾的局面﹐就像這部電影﹐進牢的最後還是要進牢﹐做歌女的最後還是依然對人歡笑背愁的歌女。電影中周璇 主唱了6首插曲﹐分別收錄於4張留聲唱片中。

歌女之歌﹕原收錄於“歌女之歌”(1947/百代) 留聲唱片中。
曲﹕林枚 (陳歌辛)

I with my choice and my acquisitiveness in the face of  aversion to that which older dogs are not curious. 
you have impressed me within.
Image representing FriendFeed as depicted in C...

Apture will still provide the mouse over link positions in my deep multi-go embeds, which even video blogs do not contain, but what they say on Wikipedia, Twitter, Google, 
twitter on black
Maps, Images, and even entire articles are not visible until clicked, and then its flowers bloom with characteristics particular.

陋巷之春﹕原收錄於“愛神的箭”(1947/百代) 留聲唱片中。

I am seamless with incredible Lijit, elegant researcher, wonder tracker, full statistic app; and it is useful to discover. 

You may find My Back Pages, my network, links, blogroll, all; and without leaving the site. I hope it's better late than never introduced. Incomplete guides discover slightly hidden treasure mined from blog quarrys. Trust inspiration, beware of the pan. 

Continue to dig. 
 No mean pyrite here. Ask the blog  via Lijit. Welcome Feedburner. Link each article. 

I hope to follow you on Twitter.  What Gets Me Hot is on FriendFeed.  Subscribe for regular dissemination. 

Thank you for your visit, and if you want to say hello, please do not hesitate the comment regardless of relevance. 

I am always curious while online. RePosts and reBlogs regularly attract, and therefore contact is remarkably unusual. 

一片痴情﹕原收錄於“高崗上”(1947/百代) 留聲唱片中

我要問一問 為甚麼的心像鐵石一樣的硬


read below the demarcation for the remainder of this posting which includes some special reviews of the author throughout the years by strangers and a few of his blogfriends lyal and true.

The best sites on the net HAVE expanded within waiting audiences with video clip blogs in one-stops for eclectic audience, according to unique selection and scope of document for entertainment and music on a smaller scale and more manageable total return above its origin as a music video blog under the direction of Swede blogger-talent and good time current PCL Linkdump blog égulièrement, whose  pop culture pops culture overbloggers. 

I go to my online blog a few friends. Lex is always present on this blog as employee, but also figurehead, position one, since it rarely helps.

This blog is more than the original format today. Categorize me, especially listed in blogapedia. I copy and paste their presentation, but then I do not DERANGE.  

What Gets Me Hot? Not smooth  collaboration between operators, or tapping the next big thing. It is my online registered peregrination, combined therapy and representative as chronicler of daily use in a collective way, as a stranger each time. What is important What Gets Me Hot: absurdity in equal parts, uneven juxtaposition of subject  expressed infrequently Gets Me Hot. Non-editorial swagger Gets Me Hot!

read below for what they've said in the past about what gets me hot

rambling sweetness dante video cliche mistress resembling lifeless deserving despondent appreciative whore entrusted mourned dissemination bargains postscript artistry perversely parable bloated swedish anonymous diary dump user archives renewal reviewed reviews kinda dormant thirsty glenn thanks invitation genius link paste readers consistently begging tops export posted curse crazy thank michael rival comment pity perfect considers visual messages unfortunately damn popularity rider corners delivered shocked glad guest okay reply band dirt appreciation posts ultimately douglas explicit excited originally honored biggest announcement grateful post positive inspired appreciate guidance seconds tuesday movie check comments bull movies selling accident hell thoughts dear sympathy meets keys hurt random emergency handed regardless copy decide missed describe favorite placed lovely promise maybe equivalent lights singing expenses song sorry accepted knows advertising original eventually silence reality author entitled loved truly finds daily metal billion style beautiful credit myself realized Gander Mull Toss Spew observation  rambling insight Crazy World Insane Thoughts rambling ideas  Two Worlds Collide...


2009 February
Dear Reader, 

Three years, almost to the day, Sebastian / Z aka, Mr Dante Fontana of "visualguidanceltd" [Sweden's biggest export since few men and women with more umlauts in their name than a heavy metal band's Heineken rider, singing a song about a bull, entitled "Fernando"], quietly opened a side-project (mistress) who turned to the blog equivalent Glenn Close in this movie where she goes crazy over Michael Douglas.

Just as ABBA's moniker [a Palindrome I included in the renamed "MR DANTE LTD FOUNTAIN Visual Guide" to its current [::]-- a palindromicon?], And its Billion-Selling expenses Status "MDFVGL" ice web-mastery lights up the world, but as a tasty, Franglais IKEA, or perversely, a Bang-la whore, his appreciation and dissemination of all VIDEOTAINMENT note longueur at the beginning of the Blogosphere.

His intro: Feb 6, 2006
Sebastian / Z /
Dear Readers,

"Clips posted here were not originally uploaded by me.

All credit must go to the original uploader.
- Sebastian / Z

He could not know that day in Malmö, with its Webmistress blog from his side, that eventually she would rival the popularity of his first love, PCL Link Dump.

So the date of September 17, 2008, with no less equal intensity, must have seemed Bergman-black.

This was the day that "MDFVGL" and his mistress WERE no more.

For You & I a chance to appreciate, comment or take part is over!

Full minutes of fun inspired by the work lie dormant in more appreciative, deserving, lifeless archive of silence.


Here is a diary (love letters?)


Here is "Adieu" to the United States and the BLOG MISTRESS: "On September 17, 2007, after the 2454 services," visual guidance was closed to new posts.

Be reviewed at the PCL, or maybe in the future entirely elsewhere.

Who knows!

Check the archives.

On 17 September 2007, after the 2454 services," visual guidance was closed to new posts.

Reviewed at the PCL, or maybe in the future entirely different direction.

Who knows!

Check the archives.

This is ... in the end. '- / Z 17.9.07

some grateful / bad comments from readers and friends in their news:

latadezinc said .. . thanks for all your work.

kukuzelis said ...Damn!

Whatever you decide is okay with me.

But why?

Loved this blog. /

Anonymous said ...

This was a daily must check the blog.

One of the few out there who Consistently delivered.

Thank you for what you did.

We reviewed the PCL. /

find dirt said
come back! nooooooooooo !!!!!!!!

splogman said ...

I am sorry ...

Thank you for all the great bargains!

 baikinange said ...

Keep the music in PCL ....

We need you!

Godzilla said ... adieu

PE Fronning said

On the positive side, what the hell a lot of time you get to the other now when you cut the PCL job too!

Ah, renewal beautiful sweetness!

But no one mourned the announcement more than myself, and on Tuesday June 5th, 2007 at 10:22, the perfect American received this reply from /Z after having made a SINGLE comment to a post that said more than read [well-placed, but unfortunately - now lost],

"Glad that you accepted the invitation [to the guest reviews blog].

You are probably one genius. I is feeling much better now.  /Z

From then on I started to love the man who called me a genius - or rather, realized it.

Here is my acceptance of his invitation to MDFVGL subcontractors during his first break:

"I am honored, esp. because my style of posting time is not really grounded in something resembling reality, but I promise not to curse or add explicit porn. - tpa

 When SEBASTIAN was down and desperate, I was there to listen: / Even in his most despondent I knew he would keep, and I do not judge: "I am one of those periods when blogging feels more like a choir I have to take care of.

I believe that a crime is the best. /Z

This will be interesting.

For me.

When I am gone.

And for the readers.

It was hard because I knew he was hurt, and all I could do was for the best service I could.

They were half-a **** s They are always so d *** l ***. They were half past twelve ****s. - S / Z

It was hard because I knew he was evil, and all I could do was AFTER the best service I could.

He entrusted ME WITH HIS BLOG NOW AND HE handed me the keys on October 31, 2008:

I'LL good care, friend!  I'LL good care!


When bloggers' blog, it is that nobody, but if that were the reality that we would stand on street corners and mumble.

But we are not crazy.

Or are we?

If no one is there, or if there is an audience, how will we know if it does not make itself known?

There is a major emergency in our bloated and full, but unfulfilled desire for all things all the time appreciating nothing more than another, then the accident was not our water for our well is running dry.

A cliche is a cliche [Which is an ITERATION] because it is the best way to describe something that everybody considers at the same time with less original well-placed words.

This is one of the occasions when going thirsty after a deep source of the sky rain is just cliche of missed water, but as everyone knows can only live in three day-tops without a drink, it's a cliche that is a Parable that is a moral to the story of a blog.

Regardless of how many Bergman movies your girlfriend May has described to you; no matter how many you do not need to see, you'd be shocked to find that "You may have been wrong". Maybe when she asked you, you needed them for you, not for her. Perhaps ultimately it did not work with you two [perhaps she was still begging, and you like it]. Maybe you need to see a Bergman film in the evening, or all of them [Which is an analogy to read my blog]!]

There is a major emergency in our bloated and full, but unfulfilled desire for all things constantly appreciating nothing more than another, then the accident was not our water for our well is running dry.
[perhaps she was still begging, and you like it].



Gullybogan Said: He calls his blog The Perfect American, and there is something very Gatsby about it all, do not you think?

Mr. Dante Fontana's Visual Guidance Ltd. video-only blog has risen from the ashes to become...[::] which kind of rollllls off the tongue, don't you think?...the mastermind is the delightfully batshit crazy owner of THE完 PERFECT完 AMERICANな.

So, I'm over looking at The Perfect American, in awe of the whole scene, the style the volume, the insanity, which to the uninitiated, is a roiling vortex of lust for the illness called Rock n' Roll. It's a journey.
 LEX10 [GLYPHJOCKEY] December 01, 2007

On May 17, 2008 at 1:00 am gullybogan Said:

It’s OK, mrjyn is still in business, ripping off ppl’s content to further line his pockets with spamcash; he just frigged up his link with an @ instead of a dot. Here is an excerpt from his latest post.
“We were told the Coca Cola autobiography good terms environing circumstances re the soberness string exclusive of the pitch-1800s which Analects sleep-inducer like the topping somber, ignoring arm guard medicines and tonics simulacrum proportionately cola. Multitudinous combinations as regards caffeine, heart, anodyne and unrelated drugs were purveyed upon the delectation upon Narrow age consumers.”

I reckon he’s some unattractive lost soul who speaks little or no English, and is trying to save enough money from his splog to pay for a penis enlargement operation, so he can become a porn star.

He calls his blog ‘the perfect american’, and there is something very Gatsby about it all, don’t you think?


On May 17, 2008 at 1:25 am nursemyra Said:

yep, that’s him gullybogan. I toyed with adding his link so readers could see how reprehensible he is but doesn’t that mean he’ll get more visitors which is what he wants?

meanwhile I’ve fashioned a wax doll in his likeness and am busy sticking in pins and chopping off bits
(102) 17.89 random
(103) 17.89 emergency
(104) 17.89 handed
(105) 17.89 regardless
(106) 17.89 copy
(107) 17.00 decide
(108) 17.00 missed
(109) 16.59 describe
(110) 16.59 favorite
(111) 16.19 placed
(112) 15.45 lovely
(113) 15.45 promise
(114) 15.34 maybe
(115) 14.78 equivalent
(116) 14.47 lights
(117) 14.47 singing
(118) 14.47 expenses
(119) 14.37 song
(120) 14.17 sorry
(121) 14.17 accepted
(122) 13.88 knows
(123) 13.60 advertising
(124) 13.33 original
(125) 13.08 eventually
(126) 13.08 silence
(127) 13.08 reality
(128) 13.08 author
(129) 12.14 entitled
(130) 12.14 loved
(131) 11.93 truly
(132) 11.53 finds
(133) 11.24 daily
(134) 11.15 metal
(135) 10.97 billion
(136) 10.74 style
(137) 10.71 beautiful
(138) 10.63 credit
(139) 10.54 myself
(140) 10.00 realized 
1) 680.00 rambling
(2) 680.00 sweetness
(3) 566.67 dante
(4) 510.00 video
(5) 453.33 cliche
(6) 408.00 mistress
(7) 340.00 resembling
(8) 340.00 lifeless
(9) 340.00 deserving
(10) 340.00 despondent
(11) 340.00 appreciative
(12) 340.00 whore
(13) 340.00 entrusted
(14) 340.00 mourned
(15) 340.00 dissemination
(16) 226.67 bargains
(17) 226.67 postscript
(18) 226.67 artistry
(19) 226.67 perversely
(20) 226.67 parable
(21) 226.67 bloated
(22) 194.29 swedish
(23) 180.00 anonymous
(24) 170.00 diary
(25) 170.00 dump
(26) 170.00 user
(27) 170.00 archives
(28) 170.00 renewal
(29) 156.92 reviewed
(30) 151.11 reviews
(31) 136.00 kinda
(32) 136.00 dormant
(33) 136.00 thirsty
(34) 113.33 glenn
(35) 110.27 thanks
(36) 102.00 invitation
(37) 92.73 genius
(38) 85.00 link
(39) 75.56 paste
(40) 75.56 readers
(41) 71.58 consistently
(42) 68.00 begging
(43) 68.00 tops
(44) 68.00 export
(45) 61.82 posted
(46) 61.82 curse
(47) 60.00 crazy
(48) 56.67 thank
(49) 52.31 michael
(50) 52.31 rival
(51) 48.57 comment
(52) 48.57 pity
(53) 46.90 perfect
(54) 45.33 considers
(55) 42.50 visual
(56) 42.50 messages
(57) 41.21 unfortunately
(58) 40.00 damn
(59) 40.00 popularity
(60) 37.78 rider
(61) 37.78 corners
(62) 36.76 delivered
(63) 35.79 shocked
(64) 35.79 glad
(65) 34.87 guest
(66) 34.00 okay
(67) 32.38 reply
(68) 32.08 band
(69) 31.63 dirt
(70) 30.91 appreciation
(71) 30.91 posts
(72) 29.57 ultimately
(73) 29.57 douglas
(74) 29.57 explicit
(75) 29.57 excited
(76) 29.57 originally
(77) 28.33 honored
(78) 28.33 biggest
(79) 28.33 announcement
(80) 28.33 grateful
(81) 28.00 post
(82) 27.57 positive
(83) 27.20 inspired
(84) 26.15 appreciate
(85) 25.50 guidance
(86) 25.19 seconds
(87) 23.45 tuesday
(88) 23.45 movie
(89) 23.18 check
(90) 22.67 comments
(91) 22.67 bull
(92) 22.67 movies
(93) 21.94 selling
(94) 21.94 accident
(95) 20.82 hell
(96) 19.25 thoughts
(97) 18.89 dear
(98) 18.89 sympathy
(99) 18.89 meets
(100) 18.38 keys
(101) 18.38 hurt

At keyness cut-off of 10, there are 140 keywords from a total of 2941 words, for a keyword ratio of 0.048

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