September 27, 2009

Oscar for best director Roman Polanski was arrested in Switzerland - LITTLE PIECE OF ADVICE: DON'T CLICK ON LINK THAT SAYS LATIMES PICTURES OF WHATSHERNAME

Oscar for best director Roman Polanski was arrested in Switzerland

分類:國外影劇 Category: Foreign motion picture

新聞等級: 3 News Rank: 3 小型字中型字大型字

中央社記者顏伶如舊金山27日專電)「 戰地琴人 」奧斯卡最佳導演羅曼波蘭斯基30多年前被控與未成年少女發生性關係在美國遭起訴,為躲坐牢多年來從不返美。 (Central News Agency reporter Yan Ling such as San Francisco 27, Ta Kung Pao) "Battlefield Kotohito" Academy Award for Best Director Roman Polanski more than 30 years ago, was charged with sexual relations with underage girls in the United States prosecuted for hiding is never returned to prison for many years the United States. 昨天他在瑞士被捕,可能被引渡回美。 Yesterday, he was the Swiss was arrested, may be extradited to the United States.

法國司法當局發表聲明,生於法國巴黎、在波蘭長大的這位76歲知名導演,原本要在本屆蘇黎世電影節(Zurich Film Festival)接受表揚,但他昨天晚間飛抵瑞士時卻在蘇黎世機場立即遭到逮捕。 French judicial authorities issued a statement, was born in Paris, France, grew up in Poland, the 76-year-old well-known director, is supposed to at this Zurich Film Festival (Zurich Film Festival) to accept praise, but he flew to Switzerland last night Shique at Zurich Airport immediately arrested. 瑞士當局是以國際拘捕令(international warrant)將他扣留。 Swiss authorities based on the international arrest warrant (international warrant) will detain him.

好萊塢報導,以「戰地琴人」(The Pianist)在2003年贏得奧斯卡金像獎 (Oscar)的羅曼波蘭斯基(Roman Polanski),很可能將被引渡回到美國。 The Hollywood Reporter, with "Battlefield piano man" (The Pianist) in 2003, won the Academy Award (Oscar) in Roman Polanski (Roman Polanski), is likely to be extradited back to the U.S..

1977年,羅曼波蘭斯基被控與年僅13歲未成年少女發生性關係,在加州遭起訴。 In 1977, Roman Polanski charged with underage girls as young as 13-year-old sexual relationship in California prosecution. 羅曼波蘭斯基後來在庭上坦承犯罪,但為了躲避牢獄之災,1978年逃離美國前往巴黎定居,多年來不曾返美。 Roman Polanski later admitted in court, crime, but in order to avoid prison, fled the United States in 1978, went to Paris to settle in over the years have not returned to the U.S..

2003年奧斯卡頒獎典禮,他也沒有親自領取最佳導演小金人獎座。 2003 Academy Awards ceremony, he did not personally receive a trophy for best director Oscars. 980927 980,927