September 13, 2009

kurdtcobain (kurdtcobain) on Twitter


  1. My old friends from Sonic Youth are coming to Seattle this weekend. Maybe I'll drop by Pill Hill in disguise and say hello
  2. @dsjobppv murdered? the only thing i remember is listening to Automatic For The People, going to the shed and a loud BANG, then it was over.
  3. So, um today is the anniversary of my death. Does that mean it is my death's birthday? Strange.
  4. did you know i recorded with trent reznor? i swear i am on this album
  5. Wow. Somebody wrote a book about In Utero and you can download it for free. At least I made money off the record.
  6. I'm on a plain. I can't complain.
  7. Black Friday? I didn't limit myself to just Friday, almost all of my days were black that's part of why I was famous
  8. Thanksgiving bugs the hell out of me
  9. I'm following @r2d2 and he just said "bleep blork...ding" silly droid, everyone knows r2d2 isn't real
  10. @jlvblogger I just think he's been dancin' with Mr. Brownstone for the last 14 years and is lucky enough to live to tell about it.
  11. What the F took Axl so long to write Chinese Democracy? What was he doing for 15 years, Perfecting his wiggly worm dance?
  12. Give me a Leonard Cohen afterworld
  13. come on people now, smile on another, everybody get together, time to love one another right now
  14. @NotoriousBIG rock n roll purgatory is a bitch my friend. you wanna do a collabo? maybe spit a few verses over my teen spirit guitar part?
  15. I just saw my friend @NotoriousBIG and called him Big Poppa. He smiled. We're trying to convince Tupac to twitter but he's not having it
  16. I still can't believe Krist missed his bass toss at the 92 VMAs. Here is his side of the story
  17. I can't believe Courtney is selling my clothes for $40 million. Man, she must really need the money.
  18. Just saw an action figure of me in the Teen Spirit video. They should've made one from the Heart Shaped Box video instead
  19. Overheard a few minutes ago: Tupac saying to Machiavelli "Man, this isn't nearly as awkward as I thought it was going to be."
  20. Can't sleep. Wondering what Dave and Krist are doing for the holidays and whether they'll send Courtney Christmas cards again this year.
kurdtcobain (kurdtcobain) on Twitter