Destructoid - UK Charts: Kurt Cobain shoots his way up the chart
UK Charts: Kurt Cobain shoots his way up the chart
1 hour ago - 9:40 AM on 09.14.2009, Jim Sterling
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UK Charts
Courtney Love might hate Guitar Hero 5, but she has the entirety of the British public against her, as evil publisher Activision's puppetry of dead celebrities has hit the number one slot, beating The Beatles: Rock Band despite the latter's hype and press coverage.
In fact, The Beatles has only hit number four in the charts, demonstrating you need more than just dead singers in order to make it to the top. The new Rock Band game has been beaten out by both Batman: Arkham Asylum and Dirt 2.
That's a shame, really. I had hoped The Beatles: Rock Band would topple the Guitar Hero franchise from atop the mountain. I guess Activision's Satanic Gods have not abandoned the company yet. Oh well, hit the jump for the latest nonsense.
- Guitar Hero 5
- Dirt 2
- Batman: Arkham Asylum
- The Beatles: Rock Band