| About scambaiting |
 | 419eater. This is one of the best sites I know about scambaiting. |
 | 419baiter. "Stringing-along 419 scammers for my amusement" |
 | 419hell. "It's good to be a jerk - to those who deserve it." |
 | Apathy Sketchpad. Read about "Killer Soludo" and "Samurai Soludo" and others. |
 | Ebola Monkey Man: Pissing Off Nigerian Scammers One At a Time! |
 | Fighting Back at Nigerian 419 Advance Fee Fraud Scammers |
 | Frank Rizzo and the 419 zeros. Reverse the scam and have some fun with them. |
 | Gannett's roost Many examples of 419 Email Frauds. |
 | Goofing With Nigerian Scammers. Hosts for this website are Marie and Donny Osmond. |
 | How to become rich dotcom Good original humour. See for yourself. |
 | Mes amis, les cyber arnaqueurs. French scambaiting by Julia.  |
 | Mugumania. German site.  |
 | Nigeria - The 419 Coalition Website. "We Fight the Nigerian Scam with Education" |
 | Nigerian Frauds - 419 Scam Central. The Freeman Institute - Dealing with people who drive you crazy. |
 | No scam. Scambaiting in french.  |
 | Scam info links. Various information about scams. |
 | Scambaiter - Deutschland. Vorschuss Betrug & die Nigeria - Connection. [In german] |
 | scambuster419.co.uk. Where 419 scam artists meet their match. |
 | Scammers on TAGGED. Scambaiting in portuguese.  |
 | Scams in South Africa. "Together we will nail these bastards". |
 | Spam Links - everything you didn't want to have to know about spam |
 | The 419 Game. Reverend Ebenezer J Codpiece plays the game. |
 | The Nigerian Letters. The teasing of conmen. |
 | The NIGERIAN Scam Page... Scams -- Dishonesty -- Abuse |
 | theScamBaiter.com. Their mission is simple: To aggravate and humiliate scammers worldwide. |
 | The Scam Slapper. We've all been pestered by unsolicited SPAM emails ... |
 | Worldwidespam.info. ... recognize and avoid many of the common advance fee frauds, lottery scams, and other shady gimmicks ... |