Video: Apple store in Sanlitun queue [Category: Image Video]
注:如果您看不到上面这个视频, 直接去YouTube啦! Note: If you do not see the video above, directly to YouTube it!
又注:视频缩略图里面这个手举“二"字胖子是吕欣欣 ,不是我。 Also note: the video thumbnails inside of the hands, "two" the word is fat 吕欣欣, not me.
咳咳,很久没做视频了。咳咳, not a long time to do a video. 上次还是经观的办公室 ,周五看了看,唏嘘了半天。 Last or through the office of view, looked at Friday, sadly for a long time.
这次的视频日记呢,是关于我去苹果三里屯店排队的事情。 The video diary of it is on Sanlitun Apple Store I went to line up things. 这是苹果在中国开的第一家直营店,想知道为什么Apple Store 如此重要? This is the Apple in China, opened the first outlets, Apple Store would like to know why so important? 可以看看我过去翻译的这篇帖子 ,中间有一部分叫做“关于苹果专卖店”。 I can see past the translation of this post, the middle part is called "on the Apple Store."
在7月11日的晚上, herock同学火急火燎地给我打了个电话。 July 11 in the evening, students herock to火急火燎punched a phone to me. 那时我正在闷热的731路公交车上睡得五迷三道,赶紧抹了一把哈喇子:“咩事?我正在回家路上。”但电话那头的问题立马就把我惊醒了:“喂,我说,苹果店不是今晚开吗?在三里屯哪儿啊?” When I was hot and the 731 bus routes 3 fans sleep five, quickly wiping the哈喇子1: "咩事? I'm on the road home." However, the issue of telephone那头immediately awakened, I had: " Hey, I said that Apple stores do not open tonight? in Sanlitun where ah? "
我回忆了半天,终于想通了herock的逻辑症结所在。 I remember for a long time, finally realized the crux of the logic of herock. 回复到:“今天是iPhone 3G 发布,不是苹果店开业。您搞错了。再说,我就是个苹果用户,不是苹果粉丝。我才不去排队等开门了。记住哦,我是很理性的消费者!” Reply to: "Today is iPhone 3G release, not Apple store opening. You made a mistake. Furthermore, I is an Apple user, not Apple fans. I do not open the door of the waiting. Remember Oh, I am a very rational consumers! "
可是呢,一个礼拜之后,我还是搞了一台DV,屁颠屁颠地跑到苹果三里屯店去了。 But then, after a week, I still engage in a DV,屁颠屁颠to go to the Apple Store Sanlitun. 虽然在面对herock的前五秒一度语塞,但是巧舌如簧的我很快就进入了状态:“我是因为这里有很多朋友才来看看嘛,不是因为苹果哦。我真的很理性!” Although in the face of the first five seconds herock was speechless, but I quickly巧舌如簧into the state: "I have many friends here because it看嘛view, not because of Apple's oh. I really rational ! "
于是,前些天,我看到了这样的一则blog ,说:“我觉得身在Sohu的飞猪同学,风格却很XX(飞猪字:抹去不堪入耳的脏话2字),常常在开始做一件事之前表现的毫不在意甚至嗤之以鼻,忽然开始做的时候又会极度投入,在某种程度上将其做到极致。” Thus, the other day, I saw such a blog, said: "I think in Sohu's飞猪students, style is very XX (飞猪words:不堪入耳to erase the word of bad language 2), often at the beginning of do one thing even before the performance to give a snort of care, all of a sudden started doing extreme inputs will, to some extent to achieve the ultimate. "
什么叫做“极致”呢? What is "extreme" it? 在这篇用了“极致”这个形容词的文章出台的时候,herock同学还只是看到了我在apple4us上粘贴的一个召集帖以及且费了不少审美细胞制作的海报一张。 In this use of the "extreme" that the word out when an article, herock students only seen me on the paste in a apple4us convened with, as well as aesthetic and a lot of posters produced by a cell.
这怎么可以叫做“极致”? How can it called "extreme"? 真正的极致呢,就是能够把一个事实上确实“假high”的活动用视频搞得看起来真的很high。 The ultimate real, that is, in fact able to exact a "false high" activities of the video made to look really high. 如果我的这部《iWait》有朝一日发行DVD了,我一定要把herock同学今天在Twitter上的评语镌刻在背面:“不过飞猪同学确实没有辜负我对他的评价,每个作品都保持在相当水准。” If my film "iWait" one day the DVD issue, I must herock students on Twitter today reviews engraved in the back: "But the students did not live up to飞猪I told him of the evaluation, each work has maintained a fairly the standard. "
然后在这个评语的下方画上:★★★★★。 And then in the paint on the bottom of the reviews: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★. 就是YouTube上面那样的哦! YouTube is like the above, oh!