August 27, 2009

Sea of Shoes - Shoe Should I Love? Shoe is Mr. Right

RT @sea_of_shoes - - Sea of Shoes - Shoe Should I Love? Shoe is Mr. Right #youtube #video

Phone calls. oh, fuck, it's another fucking phone call. who is it Now? Kanye, Ronnie, George? Whose the one that i call large, if it's Maury, I'll go to sleep and he'll keep, and if it's kanye i'll kick rap some dope sleazy, yo, if it's Ronnie i'll get my gun suicide sure sounds like fun, it won't be George, love of my life, he ignores me like his ex wife. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, Hello? It's goddamn motherfucking pain in my ass, Marathon MO. god, Help me, Ronnie, help me get off the phone. LAMF. Vega Boy. He's smart and fun. Unlike some Tex No Mex Cold Wavers, i know. But the radio frequencies...We do it,a fucking parking lot. We do it, inalienably like the fucking constitution. We do it talking to the animals, doctor Doolittle. We do it, lifetime network. and last night, We do do do do do Heartbreaker, Stoned at a club in the Loo Wop Room. We do it rough like pumice We do two firs, Tuesdays, no commercial break. Rock block. Block Block. Is fun, ridiculous. we, if, should, i, could, do. would, Little 'ting'----just three days, seventy two hours, Indian say: "see moon ride wolf three times before make em smokey signals." . that's his fault too. Anne demmeemelmaonster, please send me magic Belgian shoes that make my ears fall off. or render me mute except for hot guys who are not twice plus 12 ears. who i won't love the same, but, oh, mew mew, oh, Ball Maine, Oh Ree D C, help me. Shoe me the way. Shoe me the light. Shoe should i love? Shoe is Mr. Right?