August 26, 2009

Sam Parker on Missing (Murdered) Woman 'Theresa's with a Mexican Elvis' | WDEF News 12

Sam Parker Trial: Theresa & Elvis in Mexico

    Did Theresa Parker end up in Mexico with a man named Elvis?

     During day 7 of the trial, the defense gets its chance to try and prove Sam Parker did not kill his wife.
     Theresa Parker disappeared in March of 2007.
     Her body has never been found.
     On Tuesday, Jurors saw an interview Parker conducted with an Atlanta t.v. station.
     In that interview Parker said thought he knew where his missing wife might be.
     G-B-I Special Agent James Harris then did his own interview Parker.
     That's when he Parker told him about a possible trip to Mexico.

David Dunn\Defense Attorney:

"We heard in the FOX report, that we heard he thought he knew where Theresa was. You followed up and asked him, well where is it? And he told you he thought she had gone to see this Elvis guy in Mexico, is that fair? Harris: that's what he said."

    During rebuttal, Parker's attorney's hammered Agent Harris on the deal cut with former officer Ben Chaffin for his testimony.