Saint ElvisBride Of Elvis
Preparing For the Ceremony
Elvis Disciples Honor The Warrior
The Trinity
The Ghost
Elvis Disciple Before The Sermon
Elvis Disciple And True Believer
Now is the time to consider the characteristics of eventual divinity.Elvis Disciple Does Chair Dance
It would not surprise me if true believers would not accept the validity of a mortal death, especially if he was regularly turning up at gas stations and such.Maybe his image would manifest in unusual places such as dirty windows and potato chips.I would certainly pay attention if his flock adorned themselves in his fact simile of his vestment and engaged in a ritualized ceremony that that as time went on solidified into a gathering of the faithful.Skeptics repent.
Fri 14 Aug 2009 21:33:18 EDT
MRJYN makes this comment
Tue 18 Aug 2009 01:32:57 EDT