August 10, 2009

New Song speaks to all of US

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I was just speaking to a friend about  Prince a few days ago so I was surprised to find this:

Incredible cover. Notice that he is pointing upward (towards God). And the living water streams down from the center and living plants growing inside that space.  But it’s darkness all outside and around it. I believe it goes in synch with the lyrics to his new song called “Colonized Mind.”

I am putting the lyrics to his new song for your pleasure. I have also added in red what I have received from 2 friends who were so moved that they instantly responded with their personal interpretations to this incredible song with a powerful message! 

Be Blessed!!


Song Words by Artist / Band : Prince

Colonized Mind

Wanna talk about it

Colonized Mind

Upload, the evolution principle

You see a rock on the shore and say

“It’s always been there”  (denying Our Creator’s Purpose in our life)

Download, no responsibility

Do what you want, nobody cares

Upload, the master race idea

Genetically disposed to rule the world

Download, future full of isolated

Full of isolated, boys and girls

Upload, the 2 party system

The lesser of 2 dangers,

Illusion of choice (Democrat or Republican. It is like Wachovia or Wells Fargo, they are "different' but really both owned)

Download, their form of fascism

Nothing really ever changes

You never had a voice (So True. We don’t have control, the world system is ultimately controlling us)

Listen to me one time :

If you look, you’re sure gonna find

Throughout mankind’s history

A Colonized Mind

The one in power makes law

Under which the colonized fall

Without God, it’s just the blind leading the blind

Upload, a joint venture record deal

It’s just another way another man can still sleep

While he’s sticking you with the bill (against Greed and Entertainment industry)

Download, a temporary acquisition

of fleeting fame and fortune (Falling into Hollywood)

Nothing to leave in your will

Hey hey hey hey (against materialism)


Upload, a child with no father (teenage pregnancies)

Download, no respect for authority

Upload, a child with no mother

Download, a hard time showing love (wow!)

If you look, you’re sure gonna find

Throughout mankind’s history

A Colonized Mind

The one in power makes law

Under which the colonized fall

Without God : it’s just the blind leading the blind

New Song speaks to all of US