(Generally, for a Viral Vid like this, it just takes one guy like stained...OR
YouTube 101 (free lesson) If you want your vid to move, comment back, like mine: i huh? Try to social mirror. (Your intellect will complain, but ultimately your views will thank you).
Which means what? It means that all other videos which you post that aren't inflammatory and topical (e.g. I was the first person to post this story...just by accident), will receive a larger viewership, not to mention a higher pole position in YouTube/Google Analytics (yeah, the fact that Google owns YouTube kinda has something to do with this).
As for my other YouTube Posting, Titling, Tagging, Linking, Tweeting...Tips, wait for YouTube For Dummies...or (How to Appeal to Subnormals by the Millions)--I should know, on my last channel, now sadly taken down for being too HOT (NICHOPOULOUZA--BUT A BETTER NAME DID COME OUT), I LEARNED by experience when I posted one of the one thousand Michael Jackson Ghost Videos, but mine saw over a Million Views in a week...How? Wait for the book.)
YouTube - Woman Sets Self On Fire In Mall - Cecilia Casals (FIRST VIDEO - Miami)stained18 (1 day ago)shitNICHOPOULOUZO (1 day ago)i huh?4wang2chung0 (1 day ago)lol my friends mom just told me about this a while ago.
wtf man?
crazy ass lady...Habbibz91 (1 day ago)shes hot.that fucking crazy bitch should have been left to burn.jasonsadventure (23 hours ago)yo, that guy torres is like completely hot.ashleyboox (22 hours ago)totally agreed ;)any one got a light? Oh wait I just got one from that chicks headxxxIzekeIxxx (19 hours ago)sounds like she did it to prove something to her daughtertherealburpingcat (17 hours ago)must've been a heated argument.akl3g (16 hours ago)Why the fuck would you let lose a woman with mental problems AND a heavy criminal record alone in a mall?
You would think she would have a guardian, or something of that sort so she WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO LIGHT HERSELF ON FUCKING FIRE.akl3g (16 hours ago)Anyway, congrats to the guy who went to break for the fire extinguisher.sisisinonono (16 hours ago)well we are no one to judge...hope she survives
and john torres si so handsome..i feel bad to write this but he is a totall hotie and a kind soul for what we can seewunderfool1973 (10 hours ago)I think the people who were snapping pictures of her are sicker than she is. What the hell?!Daaaahaha thats classsic, I get it!All they had to do was kick her legs out from under her and quickly throw piles of the clothes in the store on her to smother the fire.
I do not think that they did not care. I think that they just did not know what to do. When I see stories like this I feel like I am stranded on planet Moron.they didnt know what to do so... they took pictures?????? pardon my incredulity, but that sort of behavior is completely indefensable. If you dont know what to do yourself shout for assistance or use your cellphone to call for help. Personally i think everyone who used thier phones to take a picture is waste of oxygen.crazy spic whore.
First eating baby brain now setting yourself on fire.
(seriously, what the fuck is wrong with people?)This shows you how truly pathetic and ridiculous society has become! And I am not talking about Cecilia Casals!!
I'm talking about the 10 or so people taking fuckin cell phone pictures to post on YouTube!
What the fuck has society become when a person is left to burn to death while people watch and do nothing but take pictures?
Thank God for people like John Torres! We need more people like him in our world! He himself just said NOBODY WAS DOING ANYTHING!!
PATHETIC SOCIETY!!Most people are mindless scum, as evidenced by the comments on this video. God help us all.I AGREE, Obi Wan Kenobi. And if I knew more about Star Wars, I'd make a really funny joke (insert here). I'll try:
Perhaps if Luke and R2D2 had been at the Mall of the Americas, the Crazy self-immolating lady could have been saved by (the gold robot thing)...BTW, I AM JOHN TORRES' FATHER, DARTH TORRESS...SORRY, I TRIED. (how do you guys flirt with women with screen names like that?)The thing that should be the shocking part of this story is the fact that only three people stopped to help!
In a mall filled with people only THREE people stop to help? And they where outside the mall! WTF is wrong with people today!!!!
Wow, it's no wonder our country is in the shape it crotch?Total Views: 12,543
Comments: 23 Favourites: 7 Ratings: 9 Average Rating: 4.11 Links
Date Link Views AAug 14, 2009 Other / Viral 22 BAug 14, 2009 First referral from YouTube search - cecilia casals 19 CAug 14, 2009 First referral from YouTube search - us woman walks around mall while on fire 16 DAug 14, 2009 First referral from YouTube search - woman sets herself on fire 12 EAug 14, 2009 First referral from YouTube search - woman on fire at mall 12 FAug 14, 2009 First referral from YouTube search - woman on fire in mall 11 GAug 14, 2009 First referral from YouTube search - woman sets self on fire 10 HAug 14, 2009 First referral from Google search - cecilia casals 9 IAug 14, 2009 First referral from YouTube search - woman sets herself on fire in mall 6 JAug 14, 2009 First referral from YouTube search - miami mall fire 6 This video is most popular in:
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August 14, 2009miami-dade, mall of americaHonors for this video