August 26, 2009

The Associated Press: Comments on the death of Sen. Edward Kennedy

Comments on the death of Sen. Edward Kennedy

Comments from family members, politicians on the death of Sen. Edward Kennedy from brain cancer Tuesday:

"Edward M. Kennedy — the husband, father, grandfather, brother and uncle we loved so deeply — died late Tuesday night at home in Hyannis Port. We've lost the irreplaceable center of our family and joyous light in our lives, but the inspiration of his faith, optimism and perseverance will live on in our hearts forever. We thank everyone who gave him care and support over this last year, and everyone who stood with him for so many years in his tireless march for progress toward justice, fairness and opportunity for all. He loved this country and devoted his life to serving it. He always believed that our best days were still ahead, but it's hard to imagine any of them without him." — Statement from the Kennedy family.


"Ted Kennedy's dream was the one for which the founding fathers fought and for which his brothers sought to realize. The liberal lion's mighty roar may now fall silent, but his dream shall never die." — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev.


"Teddy inspired our country through his dedication to health care reform, his commitment to social justice and his devotion to a life of public service. ... Teddy taught us all that public service isn't a hobby or even an occupation, but a way of life, and his legacy will live on." — California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who is married to Kennedy's niece, Maria Shriver.


"Ronnie and Ted could always find common ground, and they had great respect for one another. In recent years, Ted and I found our common ground in stem cell research, and I considered him an ally and a dear friend." — Nancy Reagan, widow of former President Ronald Reagan.


"The last son of Rose Fitzgerald and Joseph Kennedy was granted a much longer life than his brothers, and he filled those years with endeavor and achievement that would have made them proud." — Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney.


"Even facing illness and death he never stopped fighting for the causes which were his life's work. I am proud to have counted him as a friend and proud that the United Kingdom recognized his service earlier this year with the award of an honorary knighthood." — British Prime Minister Gordon Brown.


"Kennedy has been a friend for 30 years, a great American patriot, a great champion of a better world, a great friend of Israel. He will be sorely missed." — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.


"Ted Kennedy was a great American, a great Democrat and also a great friend of Australia. He has made an extraordinary contribution to American politics, an extraordinary contribution to America's role in the world." — Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd.

"The best tribute we could pay him is a renewed vigor in the fight to see his dreams realized. The world is going to miss Ted Kennedy. I already do." _ Rep. Jim McGovern, D-Mass.

The Associated Press: Comments on the death of Sen. Edward Kennedy