July 21, 2009

What has become of Baptist fundamentalism? Below are shameful examples of the liberalism and compromise that unfortunately characterize most independent fundamental Baptist churches of our time If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!

#1 - Dr. Jack Schaap

A Letter from Dr. Russell Anderson


(A.) Listen to this 14 minute clip of a sermon preached by Dr. Jack Schaap, pastor of First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana, in which he sympathizes with child molesters and calls Pope John Paul II "a godly man." You ought to be disgusted as you listen to him compare a pedophile to a Christian who smokes cigarettes.

Or...listen to the whole psycho-babble "sermon" in its entirety. The title is "Healing for the Inner Hurts" and was preached on Sunday night, April 3, 2005.




(B.) The following several clips are all from the same sermon, "Half-baked Christianity," preached at Hyles-Anderson College on Friday, September 30, 2005.

Listen to these 2 short clips to hear Dr. Schaap saying that abortion is not a big enough issue for him to be for or against a particular candidate because "it probably will  never affect him since he wasn't aborted."

Clip #1 
Clip #2

Here is a montage of perverted statements from the same sermon where Dr. Schaap makes a mockery of sin:

Clip #3

Unbelievably, all of the above clips are just from one sermon!




(C.) Read these excerpts from Dr. Schaap's perverted book, "The Divine Intimacy." This is blasphemous smut!

*NEW* Mark Bachman, missionary to Germany, promotes "The Divine Intimacy" in the most recent issue of his "Stirring You Up" newsletter (Volume III, Issue 11).




(D.) Dr. Jack Schaap has a new friend! It's Reverend James Meeks, pastor of Salem Baptist Church in South Chicago. Listen to the following audio to hear Dr. Schaap announce his new friend, then listen to Reverend Meeks scream racial slurs at whites and blacks!

3 Minute Clip

Whatever happened to doctrinal separation?



Click here to read a transcription of the latter half of the 14 minute clip listed under exhibit (A). The first half was too vile and graphic to transcribe.



Dr. Jack $chaap announces that the Bible talks more about money than about salvation or the blood of Jesus Christ!!! Nice emphasis!!! 




#2 - Clint Caviness

Click here to see the promo page for this Oregon independent fundamental Baptist preacher's new pornographic manual for the bedroom, "When Risque is Okay."

Click here to meet all of Clint Caviness's friends! What is their deal...?

Clint Caviness preaching where?!

*NEW* Mark Bachman, missionary to Germany, promotes Clint Caviness' book in the most recent issue of his "Stirring You Up" newsletter (Volume III, Issue 11).

It is shocking that this this kind of filth is being published and embraced by independent fundamental Baptists! The man who wrote this book is doubtless sick and perverted and is destroying our morality by telling us about what he does with his wife in the bedroom!

Be a pervert for only $19.95!

God help you if you think this kind of explicit material is acceptable!


Definitions from Merriam-Webster Dictionary: 

Main Entry: por·nog·ra·phy Listen to the pronunciation of pornography

Pronunciation: \-fe\
Function: noun
Date: 1858

1 : the depiction of erotic behavior (as in pictures or writing) intended to cause sexual excitement 2 : material (as books or a photograph) that depicts erotic behavior and is intended to cause sexual excitement

— por·no·graph·ic Listen to the pronunciation of pornographic \por-n-'gra-fik\ adjective
— por·no·graph·i·cal·ly Listen to the pronunciation of pornographically \-fi-k(-)le\ adverb



Main Entry: ris·que

Pronunciation: \ri-ˆskā\

Function: adjective

Date: 1867

: verging on impropriety or indecency : off-color <a risqué joke>



Main Entry: ex·plic·it

Pronunciation: \ik-ˆspli-sÉt\

Function: adjective

Date: 1607

1 a: fully revealed or expressed without vagueness, implication, or ambiguity : leaving no question as to meaning or intent <explicit instructions> b: open in the depiction of nudity or sexuality <explicit books and films>


Maybe he should go back to reviewing vacuums.

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