July 20, 2009
Michael Jackson's Private Side Revealed In British Documentary
Uri Geller provided footage for 'My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story.'
While Michael Jackson's concert promoter negotiates with Hollywood studios to bring a documentary about the pop singer's last days to movie theaters in the U.S., a British television network is set to air previously unreleased footage of Jackson from a friend's private collection.
ITV, a public network in the United Kingdom, will present an hour-long documentary based on footage from Uri Geller, the performer and self-described "mystifier" who became Jackson's close friend. The documentary is said to contain footage of MJ going on a late-night shopping spree at a London department store, visiting the grounds of the professional soccer team Exeter City Football Club and acting as best man in Geller's wedding.
The documentary, called "My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story," will air on ITV Sunday. It will also be distributed globally, but there is no word if or when the program will debut in the States.
A trailer for the doc posted on Geller's Web site shows Geller fighting off tears as he describes his struggle to deal with Jackson's death. In the documentary, Geller provides personal reflections on MJ and his often controversial life.
"This is the real Michael Jackson the way that just a handful of friends were privileged to see him," Geller said, according to Britain's Guardian newspaper. "Relaxed, witty, loving, smart, sincere and genuine. This film gives audiences around the world the opportunity to experience the reality of life with Michael.
"I'm thrilled that we were able to record this footage," Geller added. "It breaks my heart that the world has lost such a beautiful human being, a brother to everyone and a friend whom I was proud to call my brother — thankfully he is not completely lost, because we have his music and our memories. And my clearest memories of all are captured on this videotape."
Comments on this Article89
AllI can say is that I will be contacting all my relatives to get back all photos and videos on me. It is very unlikely that MJ wanted this aired in a public forum. Shame on you, Uri.
Lilplayboii posted on 07.20.09 at 12:57pm
who cares
luvmichael posted on 07.20.09 at 12:47pm
well,i have my doubts about uri gellar, he's the one who convinced michael to do that horrible bashir documentary. i think some british press called uri out on that, by being a psychic and also mike's friend, why he would advise on doing a disastrous documentary. but i'll give uri the benefit of the doubt that this is a positive piece of work...
~ nichopoulouzo
Uri is on QVC UK
Michael Jackson Uri Geller uri-geller uri-geller.com mtv mtv.com my_friend_mj nichopoulouzo Harrods FC wedding best man QVC UK promo @mrjyn MJ elvis spoonbender psychic hairdresser spoon dr. conrad murray dr. arnold klein diprivan demerol od ITV Sunday Exeter Football Club mystifier twitter.com/mrjyn
luvmichael posted on 07.20.09 at 01:55pm