July 22, 2009

Russian 'Napoleon Dynamite' @mrjyn one of the funniest real things i've ever seen - for @awhitelodge

Pasha in the woods .
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for @awhitelodge

This Pasha Someone stole his video and put it on the Internet is now a lot of Russian.

It is with the Russian have watched him and he became a sort of viral.

Many people can not understand why they look Pasha, but say they can not stop some of the selected comments.

Why did he, he, like. What a beautiful place and scenery!

Pasha is great!

Is it a kind of shaman Summoning the rain Why did he look around all the time that it was "back in the wild on his movements are precise and accurate it looks like denim coat gives him more power for the homeless Van Damme He looks like a maniac It's funny, when he molested the trees if we get more of those from all the enemies of Russia would be scary ... and many other Russian tags.

This is a fun Russian

Most Bizarre and beards Mustaches

Homeless signs of the coolest USB Flash Drives Awesome Chalk Drawings unusual military Animals Bags of slides Become our friend See more English Russia Kill Sign Selling Her Coat plane at the House of Dior Pacman Goes Moscow Cruel Trick Where Buran Now Akkani Wild Images Constantine Lemeshev people in the underground river in the River Whale in Moscow City, Russian.

This is a Russian police are often UAZ Tracked Edition Soviet Cigarettes Collection driving Post Apocalyptic World deadly effects of global warming is amazing Cliff Those most extreme Wedding Proposals Server Cables Art Back to English Russia Main Page for more articles like this time of Answers to the Pasha in the forest New comments Eryk said May, an hour OMG ... it was so random! Miss India said on May pm OMG nerdy guy is nerdy

Maybe he does motion capture for the new Russian brand.

~ nichopoulouzo
Category: Comedy
Russian Napoleon Dynamite Jane Aldridge russia pasha @mrjyn nichopoulouzo visualguidanceltd englishrussia sea of shoes