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I was listening to a local FM radio station recently and was rather amused by a story about some miraculous healing that baffled Doctors in Serbia. A woman, whose heart condition had worried so many Consultants for a while, got healed miraculously when she was struck by lightening.
The good news was that she came out unscathed from the lightening strike and instead got a lease of life. Scientists now believe, the rubber shoes she was wearing had a lot to do with her survival from the lightening shocks. But the diagnosis done on her heart soon after the lightening incident even created more surprises because, Doctors found her heart pumping perfectly. she was due for some kind of corrective by-pass surgery.
It was then concluded that there are certain heart conditions that get fixed to normal functions with some kind of mild shocks. The chances that a barrage of a lightening attack would fix the condition of this very lucky woman is estimated to be 1:10,000,000! But for this Serbian woman, it worked out miraculously and anybody who believes in God would find no further explanation to this rare incident other than concluding that it was the Hand of God at play here.
I hope this very blessed woman will have something to say to her God, and I would particularly be surprised if the words “thank you God” did not issue from her lucky mouth! May she live the rest of her life in peace.