July 23, 2009

Michael Jackson Update | Newsflavor

Image via Wikipedia

Rumors about Michael’s children are spreading like wildfire.  The rumors are anywhere from his father Joe Jackson trying to sell them as an act called the “Jackson 3″.  Scary thought right?  Their have also been rumors of Janet offering to take the children and raise them.  Better.  Oh! and the mother of the children is supposedly taking 7 million dollars from Kathrine Jackson to give up all rights to the children and “go away quietly”.  How terrible is she?

Poor kids hopefully Joe Jackson doesn’t get his hands on them, theirs a psycho that needs another kid like he needs a whole in the head, after hearing what Michael and his brothers had to say about their childhood!    

Now they are trying to figure out if Michael’s death was an accident or was murder.  Regardless of what the toxicology report says, how about we all just pray for the Jackson’s instead of us watching it all unfold like a psychodrama.  They need our prayers more than ever right now.  Remember when it comes right down to it they are human beings too.  They aren’t characters in a movie.  They have feelings and are mourning the loss of a father, brother, uncle, son and that is how we can do our part!

Michael Jackson Update | Newsflavor