Jackson child abuse victim that triumphed Here ' what I see looking into the eyes of Jackson Previous It ' Going to Be Disaster Associate Says Honeysuckle Jackson had custody and raised very smart * caring children It is in no way different then anyone who has adopted child leave these kids alone ! * GG So what if the guy ' the father !
Jackson's death have led them to the makers of Privation one of the drugs the star is rumored to have taken representative for Teva Pharmaceutical Industries confirms to !
Jackson's recent pointed comments was accompanied Klein ' attorney Brad Boyer on his way out of the office There will be no further comments on behalf of Dr Klein this time as we want to allow the coroners to complete their inquest Boyer said Winter also asserted that his visit was in search of medical records which he recovered No actual medications were sought or recovered We are not investigating the doctors we are investigating Mr Jackson did not even mention his fathers name in his will So far their are no comments from Joe the dad * Popgun Jackson's Bedroom Today !
Jackson Junk for Sale * Jackson It really is ' anyone ' business who the father is and who the mother is etc How about people who adopt children is all this plastered all over the news I think it is really sad the way so many people think it is their business to try to solve all the problems about this family Who is in the will and where will be buried and who owns these children and every other private part of their life should be off limits He ' even have the funeral yet and this was all over the TV I hope these children are in safe place so the paparazzi does ' get chance to chase every move they make * FAN Tue OF # LOLLOBRIGIDA Hilarious post !!! * US CITIZEN Tue RIP * typhus Tue Jackson Memorial Police Staples Center Mayor Blasts Idea of Family Donors Picking Up Jackson's dermatologist visit late this morning … and it was ' for crank calls or checkup Los Angeles County Assistant Chief Coroner Ed Winter arrived Dr Arnold Klein ' Beverly Hills office just before noon today with his badge and large envelope We are continuing with our investigation Winter told reporters upon leaving little more than an hour later Dr Klein is cooperating with it There ' been rumors that Dr Klein is not cooperating but that ' not true Yeah but when will we actually know something and what does it have to do with ' kids ' probably not biological dad There ' security hold on the case and I can ' comment any further Winter added though he did say that the findings of the hotly discussed toxicology are expected to be announced in the middle of next week Winter who also had nothing to say about La Toya Jackson's sperm donor Otherwise known as very understandable turn of events this time they are not threatening phone calls and office management wanted to document this activity said Lt Tony Lee of the Beverly Hills Police Department Detectives are not releasing further information because they are actively investigating this incident Read More * LAP Chief Jackson Dr Klien says he doesn ' know * leave it alone He and were friends * IF he did favor for friend it is not anybody ' business Solve bigger problem like hunger or homeless * to Sat No fame but shame You wear hit well * Jess Sat ã do mound dodo choreograph nests quaint Ferrari maids triste da historiography ã de too mound est ã orf ã os carentes desolados mundo ficou mais cinza nosiness sonars foram arrangeable Mas Dada de nos ethnocentrism tempos we ' sorrily ' jam que é desejo de nosso maior í dolo Mas ã podemos lembrar so do pior pois suas obras nos acompanhara para sempre As calunias ditas sobre ele hoje sempre ã ã reais pois quem somos ó para julgar Jackson's baby mama denies she ' accepting $ million to bow out of custody proceedings Comments Keep Reading Jackson To those who are accusing of of being pedophile it takes one to know one You accusers are all pedophiles !
Jackson's former dermatologist — who in various interviews this week discussed the late artist ' plastic surgery obsession and prescription drug use and ' really deny fathering Jackson's comeback engagement Comments Keep Reading Jackson for promoting the children already they better get those kids in therapy history will repeat itself for sure killed himself like coward * acne Sat Well said # ! and he chose people with intelligible white or black does ' matter they were people he trusted # Since you were there please give us some more details and if you are correct remember it ' people like you who drove him to it circus memorial where have you been during your delirious life have you ever seen anything so grand fit for king and king he was ! scripted or not she got the message across Daddy was great daddy ! big up the cops an mothers on another message pad and i ll help you We all have our hang ups let ' die with him * To # Sat KISS MY ASSASSIN YOU FAKE BROKE LOSER PRETENDING TO BE FAN BUT NOT WILLING TO EVEN SPEND DOLLAR ON WACKO * fancy Sat Excerpt from an article * AMERICA IS NATURALLY CRUEL TO IT ' CELEBRITIES FACT * jj Sun he could have been an king key word could have he died nothing more than someone who could dance and sing and choose to be an addict and horrible parent no role model no legend * mm Sun These children were born to and Debbie Rowe when they were legally married is their legal father Establishing who their biological parents are is rather irrelevant if only to satisfy the curiosity seekers This ongoing debate about the paternity of the children is ridiculous They are living breathing human beings Leave them to grow up as happy and well adjusted as they be given the unusual circumstances of their young lives * kk Sun Well stated # Strip away all the stupidity from this debate and what you ' ve got is three children in need of well meaning caretakers In the best interest of the children let ' all butt out of their business * Renee Sun You all * assume * he was great father but I saw LOT of red flags all over the place about his behavior He went to the zoo with his kids but totally ignored them while they were being mobbed and jostled and talked to camera about himself and how much HE loves seeing the gorillas no matter the kids ' get to see any animals when they are completely surrounded adults and even when it was brought to ' attention that his kids were being overwhelmed he briefly looked back and then went on talking about himself !!!
Jackson death Previous Review Sixth Harry Potter All Dating and Darkness !
Jackson Dermatologist Reports Suspicious Phone Calls * Onetime Sperm Donor Dr Klein Not ' Baby Daddy to the Best of My Knowledge Print Email Share on Facebook Share Link Comments filed under top stories Jackson's molest any children You mean because he was ' convicted Yeah right and OJ never killed anyone either Are you people nuts You probably believe Marion Barry never smoked crack either and then turned around and re elected him He ' paid millions to shut people up and stiffed people all over the world for hundreds of millions There is nothing great or admirable about Jackson Junk for Sale * Jackson Jack in the Box Really GROW UP !
Jackson is the father of those precious children Who cares how or why It takes more than sperm to make father and it was very obvious was wonderful father He loved his children and they love him LEAVE THEM ALONE ' you think was tormented enough in this life Let him have peace in glory Go after those baseballs that destroyed him They are murderers and need the chamber He trusted them and they betrayed him * smith Mon I got chills when I heard the news Jackson I willing to bet you fantasize these kinds of stuff get some help ! any chance of having this remark removed Freedom of speech is one thing but this * Your Name Can we forget about theories and get to real relevant information please * MJ was great entertainer who brownout the whole world together regardless his personal life he was manumitted from his child molestation charges and haven heard the bloody ******* who claimed he was molested in admitted that he lied only to get the $ for his dad !!! you have changed the world we are all now mourning your loss the music industry will never be the same there ' no one who can replace you !!
No matter what he died of he is still the biggest legend living or otherwise !
Jackson's death Winter said Meanwhile the DEA ' quest for answers regarding Jackson's baby mama denies she ' accepting $ million to bow out of custody proceedings Comments Keep Reading Jackson MUSIC We have to remember him and share his music for free Who gets rich media sponsors managers record companies etc but the common people the fans enjoy free shareing the good music that made * nan I believe he was man who missed out on childhood and wanted to reclaim his youth I enjoyed his music we are days apart in age and pray for his soul I ' think he was great man but he was great entertainer He ' seem to face reality and for the most part could afford not to He may have had financial troubles but his assets were well in access to his debt but who among us wants to sell off all assets to clear our debts * wow people are crap everyone posting nasty comments here is the reason Jackson might not like to have sex with anybody he was an angel but why did not he give his own sperm to make his baby probably there was no sperm in his semen if he buys sperm from man he knows and pay millions of dollars for womb to reproduce baby what is the problem we should bow our head toward for his desire to have children we should have much respect for loving and caring father who could keep hundreds of millions of dollars for the children who are not one ' own ! think of his extraordinary kindness and remember him forever * observer I the only one that sees the reason he ' use his own sperm The children would have been black and swan ' black anymore Say what you will ' like the color of his own skin and spent millions changing it * Guest was humanitarian and people forget that He gave more money to hospitals poor children in US and overseas etc He did more than many politicians and every day people have done He went to visit injured troops fought for fund for AIDS wrote songs about all individuals coming together to create better world etc i can write on and on We should not pass judgment looking to ourselves * Jess I want best for these kids Only Janet can truly raise them in privacy !
Jackson Tab Mon Mayor Antonio Villarreal calls the idea of charging Jackson's Needle Marks on Neck and Arms La Goya Says This Was Murder Mon Source tells !
Jackson's former head of security did not seem to disagree with Ox man talking of leeches who plied the singer with sedatives to relax him — or ' uppers ' to lift his mood ! ' Casablanca has his own source on Jackson Investigation * LARD Makes Undercover House Call to Jackson posts of Jackson !
Jackson Tue I ll suck yo i for some heroin * ozzy Tue yeah # its pretty ovious that you were molested as kid dont cast blame on someone just because your poppa played with your pecker * Heather Tue Rest in peace My thoughts * prayers go out to the family and fans of Jackson good singer Yeah Heck I even go so far as to say one of the best of his generation However we need to look for our heroes where they actually are An odd thing was said his father the BET tribute He stated that he wished was alive to see it Well if he WAS alive it would never have happened Where were all these fans when he was his lowest points It ' funny what death brings out in people Pretty much the same thing that happens when anyone close to us dies We forget the bad and only remember the good but never really thanked them for it when they were around Rather than mourn think of the people in your life that actually mean something to you and TELL them NOW There might not actually be tomorrow * scootercats Tue Jackson HAVE SOME BLOODY RESPECT YOU ARE NO BETTER THAN ALL THOSE OTHER TABLOIDS !!
Jackson's former dermatologist — who in various interviews this week discussed the late artist ' plastic surgery obsession and prescription drug use and ' really deny fathering Jackson WHO CARES about that stupid John * Kate family drama ! every has their own family drama was the only escape most people had ! and now he is gone I DISSAPOINTED iv found way better news on google that what has provided OFCOURSE people are going to be saying he is STILL ALIVE didnt they say that about Elvis too and i still hear many people say that about TUPAC !
Jackson who knows We will all just have to wait and see * oy Well the folks AEG claiming they had insurance on the event to cover death due to OD but not due to natural causes certainly lends credence to the conspiracy theorists * * * * DC Let it go The man was boy trying to be man Let it go * enough Pork and Beans you are giant tool And for the people who keep posting the same tired joke about dying of food poisoning whether from nuts or weiners find some new material * pork and beans I can see through all of this I got it from an unnamed high government official It was hired hit man that got him with fatal dose of diprivan shooting from the grassy knoll If that failed they had young looking boy packed with high explosives Its called an IEB An Improvised Explosive Boy It was fiendishly simple plot Naked boy on doorstep ring doorbell run * dgyrl Regardless of the MAN is dead If it was friend of family member of yours you wouldn ' like any of what is being said Let it be * Mon Some people are just insensitive JERKS !
Jackson an Yea tho I walk through the valley of young prepubescent boys I fear no California District Attorney * Deeann pop Could Jackson And quite few years older !!! * Sue The circus continues People seem to forget the fact children are grieving for their Dad Like him or not give it rest * treasurer The other day while looking the Jackson News the location of the needle marks found on Jackson's Reality Show Not Their Ability to Profit Mon mulls fate of Jackson's death Winter said Meanwhile the DEA ' quest for answers regarding Jackson Breathe and let it go * mickey And as far as rim concerned is sick terrible people spreading lies and rumors and all this man did was be nice to everyone and be star you all are filthy and make me sick 'all mothers should have taught all of you all an early age that IF YOU CANT SAY ANYTHING NICE DO NOT SAY ANYTHING ALL you all make me wanna commit and should be ashamed * colorfastness have to put yourself in ' place had so much money that nobody ever told him No !
Jackson was skin and bone and had been eating nothing but pills • Enablers aka Leeches aka Anna Nicole Smith Reduction Within hours of Jackson Read More * Coroner Shocking Jackson nutritionist Cherilyn Lee ' say her boss died from anesthesia use But she did say he wanted the drug to help him sleep and that she warned him it might put him in sleep from which he would ' wake • You Knew This One Was Coming aka the Faked Death Theory According to Jackson posts of Jackson's Dermatologist Gets Visit From Coroner ' Office Toxicology Due Next Week Today Dr Arnold Klein ' office visited in search of medical records DEA investigates maker of Diphtheria says toxicology to be released next week Comments Keep Reading Debbie Rowe Katherine Jackson Times Man Of The Year !!! * why # Pork and beans you are disgusting !
SHAME ON YOU * chippy its funny how everyone wants to say he touched that lil boy * really * if any father is willing to settle for money over your sons tragedy how much do really love him that was all ******** they just wanted to get fast cash Let the man rest in peace * * Jesse Jackson Case Could Turn Criminal Coroner Subpoenas Medical Records * Jackson Investigation Needle Marks Doctor Questions * Here Come the Crazies Jackson Really Whether he was Dr or not he doesnt have equipment or meds in the place !
Jackson Debbie Rowe Not Cashing In on Custody … Yet Today Attorney for Jackson He ' pay his bills and spent twice what he earned He purchased his white children and no one questioned it Simply amazing * to scary # I felt the same Too creepy ! * Joe Mama I hearing it through the grapevine that some adults are trying to offer up their children for money craigs list Crazy Crazy world we live in * anna DUDE IS DEAD MOVE ON EVERYONE SHOW IS OVER SAD BUT OVER * Karma Religious Zealots And now reading from the book of Jackson Out of spotlight until they re older to make their own choice I hope she consider it !
Breathe and let it go * mikey And as far as im concerned is sick terrible people spreading lies and roumors and all this man did was be nice to everyone and be star you all are filthy and make me sick yall mothers should have taught all of you all an early age that IF YOU CANT SAY ANYTHING NICE DO NOT SAY ANYTHING ALL you all make me wanna vommit and should be ashamed * trueorfalse have to put yourself in ' place had so much money that nobody ever told him No !
Jackson Dave Hogan What killed Jackson is innocent And I the mother I just know * This is stupid Tue What the heck !
Jackson children remind me of the Brando ' Lips eyes * true fan Mon Jackson where did you get the idea that was on heroin He never used the drug and you need to sign yourself in buddy * SIE Tue Can someone please shut La Toya up She has no talent whatsoever so she relies on selling out her family especially MJJ to make her living Even in death she cannot leave MJJ alone to rest in paece With family like that who needs enemies !!!!
Jackson Vote Joe Jackson SAD ! * Amy Tue I find all of this very distasteful and disgusting * for real Tue I agree # * fan first Tue This man was worldly compassionate loving caring extremely intelligent but most of all he loved children his fans and this world His message for love was acceptance for everyone everyone * GrannyDeb Tue Media people UGH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * start with self Tue This country so called land of the free is full of hatred discrimination intolerance dirty politics poor media and racism and until all we can find ways to live our own lives instead of other people ' lives we would not get any better ! * La Toilet Jacko Tue I will not shut up has my nose and I want it back I also want his brain as I the Scarecrow from the Land Of Oz * Banana Tue I agree with # just leave him alone and let him rest in peace he ' do anything to deserve some of the comments that were left on here the only thing he did is love his childern fans and try to make the world better place so anyone that thinks thats wrong your STUPID and need to leave your opinons in your head and keep your mouth shut !
Jackson's Death Theories The Roundup What killed Or should it be asked what did not kill was raised up in religious environment in Jehovah ' organization When came out with his Thriller video and music he was informed the local elders of his congregation that his video was dabbling with Satanic and demonic influences and that he would not fare so well with that kind of corruption Probably the funeral ceremony will be conducted Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson Concert Site Mon Hundreds gather outside Arena on what would have been the first night of Jackson died June The real Jackson Jack in the Box Really GROW UP !
And you know it !!!!
Jackson was the DADDY !
Jackson Sightings man who spoke like [ Jackson If there is anyone out there who believe that Jackson's Remains Viewed Final Time Print Email Share on Facebook Share Link Comments filed under top stories Jackson If there is anyone out there who believe that Jackson is so dead that the German doctor told London ' Daily Mail an agreement is in place to preserve Jackson Inside Jackson I was surprised to see how much the older two children look so much like the doctor including those ears What dead ringer If the doctor was not the father he would ' ve adamantly denied being so but he ' Any man who absolutely is not the father would make it clear but he softly denies the possibility that they may be his That ' telling me already he ' the babies daddy * jj Sat was an irresponsible parent he choose to take drugs and act and treat his children bizarre he choose to bed with strange children cosmetic surgery that no one can even explain make his children wear masks hang baby over balcony he is the one who killed himself suicide it is called he is no hero firemen and policemen and service men are are heros who should be honored big deal he could sing and dance Calif is nuts if they dont get the money back for that circus of memorial it was all about self promotion sharptons remarks is not strange wake up not everyone wants to put them self in coma to sleep there are lot of people who have diseases who dont choose to take all those drugs I sure his daughters speech was scripted shame on Jackson !
Jackson Regardless of the rumors Jackson was one of the best entertainers in this world !
Jackson Dr Arnold Klein Jackson's recent pointed comments was accompanied Klein ' attorney Brad Boyer on his way out of the office There will be no further comments on behalf of Dr Klein this time as we want to allow the coroners to complete their inquest Boyer said Winter also asserted that his visit was in search of medical records which he recovered No actual medications were sought or recovered We are not investigating the doctors we are investigating Mr Jackson I think everyone should stop and remember that owed us entertainment and nothing else His skin color cosmetic surgeries family arrangements sexual preferences and his sins should not be our concern Only God can judge the rest is just hating We ve all sinned and one does not outweigh the other As my grandma used to say sweep around your own door step before you go to someone else ' house with the broom May God bless and keep you all * Dave Tue Please the man has passed on he needs to be put to rest with honor and reverance pray for him and his family ubove all dont beleave the media Dave * Secretary Tue Is it just me or does the oldest kid Prince look just like this dermatologist Dr Klein Hey wonder if Debbie Rowe really had artificial insemination to get kid who looks just like doctor Klein Maybe that ' why she no longer works for him got tired of her being exhausted every night after long day work !! * luvver Tue okay first of all how in da world do know he molested them kids second of all shouldnt say dat about playin wit da devil all he wanted to do is live his life and people like are pathetic gettin big on da internet so need ta chill wit dat lame *** crap who aint nowhere near ' level cant wait ta see ur face on tv i shoudlnt wait cause i got life and im livin it up and need life ! and died and he got more fan base den ! die and ur over wit ! * Vivian Tue To all Jackson family reality special filmed prior to King of Pop ' death while La Toya cashes in with British tabloids Comments Keep Reading Voice of Reason Why is RE ! overexposing this story I for one thought had been dead for years Let ' get back to the important stuff like John and Kate Plus or Dee Schneider and Benjamin Franklin ' non love child * THIS IS THE KING OF POP ** THE MAN THAT WAS STANDING ALONE TO CHANGE THE WORLD ANY WAY HE COULD POSSIBLY ! all because the man has passed and cant defend himself the WHOLE WORLD that had met with him atleast once is OBVIOUSLY declaring to be CLOSE SOURCE to get some of the crazy starving media going around !
Jackson was phnomenal * wow again Id rather pity you for being so judgmental and jaded was one of those most talented artists Period End of story That alone made him incredibly special Nevermind the charities he participated in and donated to I dont care if the man was full blown tranny Thats not crime and also hes never been convicted of any crime And pitying him for being survivor of child abuse is an insult to all victims of child abuse They dont need your pity They deserve your respect and compassion So i will pity you instead * uh huh Yawn He isn ' even buried yet and I SO over this story and too Let it go !
Jackson Home LAID Interviewing More Doctors * Source More Jackson Dr Arnold Klein Jackson FANS GO TO THE WEBSITE AND DONATE TO HELP PAY FOR HIS MEMORIAL YOU ALL TALK BIG GAME ABOUT HIM BEING THE GREATEST AND WORTH EVERY CENT BUT I DONT SEE THE SO CALLED MILLIONS OF YOU DONATING ANYTHING EVEN JUST DOLLAR PIECE WOULD PAY THE BILL IF HE REALLY HAD MILLIONS OF FANS I THINK YOUR ALL FULL OFF SHI'ITE YOU WANT ANYONE TO PAY AS LONG AS ITS NOT YOU AIM BEGINNING TO THINK HE DIDN'T HAVE THE AMOUNT OF FANS CLAIMED AND THE FEW OF YOU THAT SPEND YOUR TIME ON HERE BITCHING PARENT WILLING TO SPEND ONE DOLLAR ON HIM WHAT KIND OF FANS ARE YOU REALLY STOP TALKING OUT YOUR SASSES AND TAKE ACTION YOU BROKE ASSASSIN LOSERS * Ques Sun To # It is AMAZING that ignorance is used to judge the parenting skills of from incidents none of which relate to caring for the children when ill arranging their education and care or any of the obligations of true parents Shame on you for making this kind of superficial and uninformed judgment YOU will be judged the same measure I ashamed of America ' treatment of this icon the world has watched and decided our pledge for democracy is hypocritical Read Asian Fan post Sad that America had shown the world that she is hateful and negative nation who ' respect the dead and dopiest recognize person ' achievement The rest of the world had been watching and reading America ' negativity For nation preaching democracy america sure is hypocrite Bottom line You media cannot taint someone well loved around the world without being recognized for our hypocrisy and disrespect poetic justice * all the way Sun # you have this note on all the sites earn ' you tired No ! we won ' pay give it rest Few fans ! man ! where have you been for the past week least Japan alone have more than million fans come on !
Jackson's Needle Marks on Neck and Arms La Toya Says This Was Murder Mon Source tells !
Jackson's death an attorney who has worked with the Jackson's sperm donor Otherwise known as very understandable turn of events this time they are not threatening phone calls and office management wanted to document this activity said Lt Tony Lee of the Beverly Hills Police Department Detectives are not releasing further information because they are actively investigating this incident Read More * LAPD Chief Jackson Source Jackson's corpse with polyurethane Of course per the article thinks Bubbles the chimp is dead too … ________________ Be there as the world says goodbye to the King of Pop Watch the Jackson Debbie Rowe Tuning In For Jackson family for wanting Calif to pay for that circus of memorial shame on them for scripting his daughters speech trying to have us believe he was not child molester or drug addict I choose not to honor him or his choices he was irresponsible parent all the people the memorial were just self promoting posing for pictures like it was an award show or red carpet shame on the Jackson Comments Keep Reading Jackson have been Casarati * Judgement This guy is dead his children are left parentless his mom and dad are money grubbing and everyone is coming out of the woodwork with interviews I not fan but I human Let him RIP on earth his children grieve as he is being judged in heaven What I sure of is that he was show man I ' believe he was trying to get out of his concerts * luckylady I really feel sorry for the people that is making jokes and lies out of life and death No one died and left any of you the JUDGE You might not have anything good to say about but please remember he has kids that are old enough to hear and see what is being said about their father Please have resprect for them Would you want *** said about your father or mother after they are dead * Captain Ewule The defination of Mankind is that Man is born from woman and his life is short lived and glutted with agitation Their was lot of pressure for to pay off his debths that he owed The fear of the molestations caused him to go into to hiding or seclusion from the public His life was filled with fear and agitation and short lived according to Job ________________________________________ Jackson Today If there ' one superstar who must be Video Music Awards to honor the late King of Pop it ' Madge !
Jackson Fans Yes he was talented my gosh get grip He was weird and probably manic depressive and definitely drug addict who ' TRUST anyone or know who to turn to Not even his parents God rest his soul * To Michaels loyal fans Sat WHY DONT ALL YOU SO CALLED LOYAL Jackson have been Casarati * Judgement This guy is dead his children are left parentless his mom and dad are money grubbing and everyone is coming out of the woodwork with interviews I not fan but I human Let him RIP on earth his children grieve as he is being judged in heaven What I sure of is that he was show man I ' believe he was trying to get out of his concerts * luckylady I really feel sorry for the people that is making jokes and lies out of life and death No one died and left any of you the JUDGE You might not have anything good to say about but please remember he has kids that are old enough to hear and see what is being said about their father Please have resprect for them Would you want *** said about your father or mother after they are dead * Captain Ewule The defination of Mankind is that Man is born from woman and his life is short lived and glutted with agitation Their was lot of pressure for to pay off his debths that he owed The fear of the molestations caused him to go into to hiding or seclusion from the public His life was filled with fear and agitation and short lived according to Job ________________________________________ Jackson's former head of security did not seem to disagree with Ox man talking of leeches who plied the singer with sedatives to relax him — or ' uppers ' to lift his mood ! ' Casablanca has his own source on Jackson I got your back Jackson Drug Use Uncovered * Jackson Regardless of the rumors Jackson was one of the best entertainers in this world !
Jackson meanwhile is alive and well and happier than ever no doubt because his reputed years in the making plot is working like gangbusters Everybody seems to think Jackson These rooms can be private dressing rooms assigned to a single person larger rooms configured for the wardrobe or makeup departments small individual restrooms for the crew to share and multiple user or individual shower rooms for bathing His genius will truely be missed most of the world ANd LAY OFF will you insenitive jerks least show some respect to the family !
Next Kendra Wilkinson ' Wild Date Comments * Dr Kevorkians Nurse Tue Sung to the Wizard of Oz Scarecrow tune * I could tell just who killed me if I only had my brain * Not Interested Tue I ' care Go away * This just in Tue Mikey OD ' on Jesus Juice * You Are Interested Tue To Not Interested if so uninterested why take the time to post so Idiot ! * MES Tue The child molester got what was coming to him DEATH now he can play with the devil * Thank you Tue The fans continue to take time out of their busy schedule to comment Wow is dead and people just can ' get him out of the minds * to Tue When you die perhaps nobody would care * Tamara Tue who ever said is child molester isan idiot !!!!! inicent till provn guilty never proven so get over it !!!! yor an *** and i hope when you die the devil has good time playin with you We love and miss you I will always have our back * fan Tue why is it that you always attract the degenerates and so few that one could call affable I think that it is your articles that encourages them * alaska Tue Was Jackson kids I decided to pull up Dr Klein ' picture as well from the Internet Wow !!!
RIP and my condolences to his family You ROCKED !
Jackson's bring happiness and hope into the lives of the children he molested He died of vanity Plain and simple * Chere Did I miss something I thought he was found not guilty * Mikey MIKE Jackson * that the rest in peace for ones and what is scare is that he had to died to get peace in his life That what sicking me in my stomach * just let him be for ones * Let the old news down out **** one star semen does something strange in there life they are burn for life The man care for people more then some people I said on this plant does An I love him more then you think and not for money but knowing that he had good heart and that what killed him his heart was broking badly that what kill him * To Tue Jackson's death have led them to the makers of Diprivan one of the drugs the star is rumored to have taken representative for Teva Pharmaceutical Industries confirms to !
Jackson Tab Mon Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa calls the idea of charging Jackson He will be sorely missed but his music will live on forever !
Jackson's apprehension about the shows was as paranoiac as it was disabling I owe money everywhere the paper quotes the singer as allegedly fretting They will kill me if I ' sing in London • Too Much Demerol … • Too Much Morphine … • Too Much Preoccupation with Semiprivate For the record Jackson Dr Klien says he doesn ' know * leave it alone He and were friends * IF he did favor for friend it is not anybody ' business Solve bigger problem like hunger or homeless * to Sat No fame but shame You wear hit well * Jess Sat ã do mundo todo choraram nesta quinta feira mais triste da historia ã de todo mundo est ã orf ã os carentes desolados mundo ficou mais cinza nossos sonhos foram arrancados Mas nada de nos entristecer temos que ' sorrir ' ja que é desejo de nosso maior í dolo Mas ã podemos lembrar so do pior pois suas obras nos acompanhara para sempre As calunias ditas sobre ele hoje sempre ã ã reais pois quem somos ó para julgar Jackson's comeback engagement Comments Keep Reading Jackson !
Jackson died June The real Jackson Really Whether he was Dr or not he doesnt have equipment or meds in the place !
Jackson Source Jackson's Bedroom Today !
The legend behind the name 'honeywagon' is thought to relate to the 'honey colored' liquid that comes out of it when emptying the holding tanks I [ * Paige Tue This is so said and you are missed and loved live on in heaven king of POP * Kathy Tue Think the dermo has some pull with an international company Recalled drug my butt Wonder if they can be held responsible in the United States The drug companies have more money than they pay these doctors well to push their drugs I know that first hand If they find that the drug was recalled bet your *** it will get Dr Death off I personally trust pharmacist before doctor His first and only job is drugs * pat Tue Wow !
Jackson Previous Oscar Watch Megan Fox for Best Actress Next Who ' Hate Stuff Little White Dress Edition News Jackson the that believes in perfection * preparation ! * scary ' get me wrong I love ' music I too so I grew up with it but when I saw the picture they used for this piece * it reminded me of THE JOKER !
Jackson oldest boy sure looks like this doctor lot alike Hmmmmm What coincidence * children are off limits Tue If I died tomorrow I would really feel uncomfortable if someone stirred up question ' about my kids and what the color of their parent ' were I think that these kids look like and Debbie The third look ' just like his mother and Mike My thing is when you decide to have mixed kid ' you never know the roll of the dice your baby skin color is unpredictable So to someone that sees things in black and white open your eyes and see the gray or the other pallet of color ' that do exist * MyOwn Tue Saying Jackson No matter what he died of he is still the biggest legend living or otherwise !
Jackson was not child molestor is like saying that his children are biologically his They ' re not and he is !!!!
Jackson was phnomenal * wow again Id rather pity you for being so judgmental and jaded was one of those most talented artists Period End of story That alone made him incredibly special Nevermind the charities he participated in and donated to I dont care if the man was full blown tranny Thats not crime and also hes never been convicted of any crime And pitying him for being survivor of child abuse is an insult to all victims of child abuse They dont need your pity They deserve your respect and compassion So i will pity you instead * uh huh Yawn He isn ' even buried yet and I SO over this story and too Let it go !
Jackson's children — after the office received some shall we say off the wall phone calls Per the Beverly Hills Police Department an officer headed to Klein ' office on Roxbury Drive shortly after in response to about some suspicious phone calls that were made to the office of the man who ' been accused of being Jackson YOU ARE THE BEST !! may your soul rest in peace your music will continue to live forever god bless * Danielson Instead of DEATH THEORY how about DEATH FACT No more singing no more dancing no more tours For the living are conscious that they will die but as for the dead they are conscious of nothing all Also their love and their hate and their jealously have already perished and they have no portion anymore till time indefinite in ANYTHING that has to be done under the SUN Ecclesiastes * Deano Jackson ] and in fact doubled for him many times but was not Jackson Another incident that bothered me greatly was when he was walking with his kids and fans approached You could see that Paris was feeling apprehensive but had the nanny come and pry literally PRY Paris ' hand out of his so he could sign autographs and he explained to Paris he needed to keep his fans happy as she was being led away from him the nanny And of course there was the incident with dangling Blanket off the balcony Not exactly great parenting * quote Sun Be kinder than necessary this day for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle * For Michaels Loyal Fans Sun WHY DONT ALL YOU SO CALLED LOYAL Jackson News gets the first tour of Jackson Dave Hogan What killed Jackson I got your back Jackson Do I really need to say anything about his talent I will Since his death and the airing of all the footage and his videos ' you NOW feel like videos are so crappy today The majority of concerts are lip synced and the artists want all this audience participation We as concert goers pay to see and hear them perform Not an audience full of unknowns So for those of you who feel the world is over reacting please understand an Icon has passed Not that we REALLY thought he was INVINCIBLE his death was so untimely * darla Mon ENOUGH Jackson's Dermatologist Gets Visit From Coroner ' Office Toxicology Due Next Week Today Breanne Heldman City employees paid Jackson You know exactly what they are because you are one Victims of pedophiles are usually pedophiles themselves !! * Vespasian Sat Sad that america had shown the world that she is hateful and negative nation who ' respect the dead and doesnt recognize person ' achievement The rest of the world had been watching and reading America ' negativity For nation preaching democracy America sure is hypocrite * word up Sat So who among us has no troubles wildernesses demons *** surely did But who among us could pen and produce musical masterpiece such as Heal The World with all of its perfectly correct message Only the most mean and evil among us can criticize the gift of that gave us such lofty sentiment ' troubles on earth are over and may he rest in peace He surely will be remembered long after any of the mean striped people making stupid comments today * Cascada Sat I agree # ur so right In fact none of us mere mortal could achieve legacy and master pieces he had left us Not to mention Global suckles ! story and Music captivated me so much in past days That i forgot other celebs exists ! * dad ' love Sat Paris is going to grow into stunner of lady From looking them pics All the children certainly have Michael features especially Blanket ! * to Sat Watch your idiotic comments * jj Sat could sing and dance big deal true heros are those who are in chronic pain and choose not to put themselves in coma who choose not to be drug addict soldiers and firemen and policemen are heros and they never get memorials paid for state shame on the Jackson's death an attorney who has worked with the Jackson is not child molestor then they are the stupidest most vile people in the world * sad case Tue Some day these children will read all the mean remarks made about them and their father who is Jackson With situation as fluid as Motown moonwalk and pending toxicological results from pair of autopsies there is no shortage of theories as to what or who killed the King of Pop We were going to say we assembled the top ones below in order of most plausible to well less plausible but with this story we ' re not sure there ' distinction We settled for alphabetical order • Accidental Overdose aka Performer ' Remorse According to the Daily Beast Jackson might not like to have sex with anybody he was an angel but why did not he give his own sperm to make his baby probably there was no sperm in his semen if he buys sperm from man he knows and pay millions of dollars for womb to reproduce baby what is the problem we should bow our head toward for his desire to have children we should have much respect for loving and caring father who could keep hundreds of millions of dollars for the children who are not one ' own ! think of his extraordinary kindness and remember him forever * observer I the only one that sees the reason he ' use his own sperm The children would have been black and wasn ' black anymore Say what you will ' like the color of his own skin and spent millions changing it * Guest was humanitarian and people forget that He gave more money to hospitals poor children in US and overseas etc He did more than many politicians and every day people have done He went to visit injured troops fought for fund for AIDS wrote songs about all individuals coming together to create better world etc i can write on and on We should not pass judgement looking to ourselves * Jess I want best for these kids Only Janet can truly raise them in privacy !
Jackson Custody Hearing Postponed Again as Mom and Grandma Try to Work It Out * Onetime Sperm Donor Dr Klein Not ' Baby Daddy to the Best of My Knowledge * Jackson Dr Arnold Klein Pool Photographer Sgranitz Dr Arnold Klein ' office is used to fielding calls from the rich and famous But now it ' the random and fishy they have to worry about Police were called to the Beverly Hills office of Jackson Doc Says He ' Not Suspect ' Inject Drugs Print Email Share on Facebook Share Link Comments filed under top stories Jackson FANS GO TO THE WEBSITE AND DONATE TO HELP PAY FOR HIS MEMORIAL YOU ALL TALK BIG GAME ABOUT HIM BEING THE GREATEST AND WORTH EVERY CENT BUT I DONT SEE THE SO CALLED MILLIONS OF YOU DONATING ANYTHING EVEN JUST DOLLAR PIECE WOULD PAY THE BILL IF HE REALLY HAD MILLIONS OF FANS I THINK YOUR ALL FULL OFF SHIIIIT YOU WANT ANYONE TO PAY AS LONG AS ITS NOT YOU IM BEGINNING TO THINK HE DIDNT HAVE THE AMOUNT OF FANS CLAIMED AND THE FEW OF YOU THAT SPEND YOUR TIME ON HERE BIATCHING ARENT WILLING TO SPEND ONE DOLLAR ON HIM WHAT KIND OF FANS ARE YOU REALLY STOP TALKING OUT YOUR ASSSES AND TAKE ACTION YOU BROKE ASSSSS LOSERS * QueW Sun To # It is AMAZING that ignorance is used to judge the parenting skills of from incidents none of which relate to caring for the children when ill arranging their education and care or any of the obligations of true parents Shame on you for making this kind of superficial and uninformed judgment YOU will be judged the same measure I ashamed of America ' treatment of this icon the world has watched and decided our pledge for democracy is hypocritical Read Asian Fan post Sad that america had shown the world that she is hateful and negative nation who ' respect the dead and doesnt recognize person ' achievement The rest of the world had been watching and reading america ' negativity For nation preaching democracy america sure is hypocrite Bottom line You media cannot taint someone well loved around the world without being recognized for our hypocrisy and disrespect poetic justice * all the way Sun # you have this note on all the sites aren ' you tired No ! we won ' pay give it rest Few fans ! man ! where have you been for the past week least Japan alone have more than million fans come on !
Jackson With situation as fluid as Motown moonwalk and pending toxicological results from pair of autopsies there is no shortage of theories as to what or who killed the King of Pop We were going to say we assembled the top ones below in order of most plausible to well less plausible but with this story we ' re not sure there ' distinction We settled for alphabetical order • Accidental Overdose aka Performer ' Remorse According to the Daily Beast Jackson I think everyone should stop and remember that owed us entertainment and nothing else His skin color cosmetic surgeries family arrangements sexual preferences and his sins should not be our concern Only God can judge the rest is just hating We ve all sinned and one does not outweigh the other As my grandma used to say sweep around your own door step before you go to someone else ' house with the broom May God bless and keep you all * Dave Tue Please the man has passed on he needs to be put to rest with honor and reverance pray for him and his family ubove all dont beleave the media Dave * Secretary Tue Is it just me or does the oldest kid Prince look just like this dermatologist Dr Klein Hey wonder if Debbie Rowe really had artificial insemination to get kid who looks just like doctor Klein Maybe that ' why she no longer works for him got tired of her being exhausted every night after long day work !! * luvver Tue okay first of all how in da world do know he molested them kids second of all shouldnt say dat about playin wit da devil all he wanted to do is live his life and people like are pathetic gettin big on da internet so need ta chill wit dat lame *** crap who aint nowhere near ' level cant wait ta see ur face on tv i shoudlnt wait cause i got life and im livin it up and need life ! and died and he got more fan base den ! die and ur over wit ! * Vivian Tue To all Jackson Death Theories The Roundup Sat Jackson's square foot As Vegas mansion since the entertainer ' death Comments Keep Reading Jackson the that believes in perfection * preparation ! * scary ' get me wrong I love ' music I too so I grew up with it but when I saw the picture they used for this piece * it reminded me of THE JOKER !
Jackson's family for last week ' memorial nonsensical Comments Keep Reading Jackson WHO CARES about that stupid John * Kate family drama ! every has their own family drama was the only escape most people had ! and now he is gone I DISSAPOINTED iv found way better news on google that what has provided OFCOURSE people are going to be saying he is STILL ALIVE didnt they say that about Elvis too and i still hear many people say that about TUPAC !
Jackson Doc * Coroner Confiscates Beds Jackson Dermatologist Reports Suspicious Phone Calls Natalie Finn Jackson SAD ! * Amy Tue I find all of this very distasteful and disgusting * for real Tue I agree # * fan first Tue This man was worldly compassionate loving caring extremely intelligent but most of all he loved children his fans and this world His message for love was acceptance for everyone everyone * GrannyDeb Tue Media people UGH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * start with self Tue This country so called land of the free is full of hatred discrimination intolerance dirty politics poor media and racism and until all we can find ways to live our own lives instead of other people ' lives we would not get any better ! * La Toilet Jacko Tue I will not shut up has my nose and I want it back I also want his brain as I the Scarecrow from the Land Of Oz * Banana Tue I agree with # just leave him alone and let him rest in peace he ' do anything to deserve some of the comments that were left on here the only thing he did is love his childern fans and try to make the world better place so anyone that thinks thats wrong your STUPID and need to leave your opinons in your head and keep your mouth shut !
Jackson Have some respect for the dead please especially HIM * about the cold feet i DONT believe that source OFCOURSE the man is HUMAN anyhuman would FREAK concerts in line after yrs but hes Jackson is so dead that the German doctor told London ' Daily Mail an agreement is in place to preserve Jackson News that the DEA has contacted them about lot of Propofol aka Diprivan in relation to their investigation Denise Bradley senior director of corporate communications for the company says that recall of two separate lots of the drug has also taken place The lots were reportedly recalled after it was discovered that they contained elevated levels of endotoxins The batch that the DEA contacted us about relating to their investigation is not associated with the lot numbers that are being recalled she says Propofol powerful sedative has been reported as one of the drugs seized from Jackson's apprehension about the shows was as paranoiac as it was disabling I owe money everywhere the paper quotes the singer as allegedly fretting They will kill me if I ' sing in London • Too Much Demerol … • Too Much Morphine … • Too Much Preoccupation with Semiprivate For the record Jackson Doc Councilman Gunning for Promoter ' Money * Jackson Autopsy Is Bogus * Drug Enforcement Agents Join Jackson Memorial on live on ! and !
Jackson Fans Yes he was talented my gosh get grip He was weird and probably manic depressive and definitely drug addict who ' TRUST anyone or know who to turn to Not even his parents God rest his soul * To Michaels loyal fans Sat WHY DONT ALL YOU SO CALLED LOYAL Jackson death Previous Review Sixth Harry Potter All Dating and Darkness !
BUT least raised the kids like REAL father It ' obvious that he was wonderful dad to the kids and they expressed it ! * honest girl Jackson People are sick of all these stories and ! is becoming irrelevant very quickly * Jorge Daniels Jackson had custody and raised very smart * caring children It is in no way different then anyone who has adopted child leave these kids alone ! * GG So what if the guy ' the father !
Read More * Coroner Shocking Jackson being way way overestimated • Greed aka Comeback Concerts Still Sounding Like Very Bad Idea In London ' Daily Mail Jackson didnt molest any kids the st kid from the st case came forward after his death and said that his father forced him to say that to escape poverty he didnt touch any kid he was kid himself so liked to hang out with them and the other case was false as well because what parent in there right mind convicted or not will let there child stay over someones house who had went to court about molestation charges they were after money as well and got it didnt want to be bothered with vicious evil lies that people that were just out for his money made up so he just paid them off I would have did they same thing in order to avoid lenthy court dates for something I didnt even do peo in this world see peo with money get jealous and will do anytnhing to get it ANything * wow one last time hmm you are so concerned about abused children but he was never convicted of abusing any child Considering he was surrounded children constantly and had three of his own dont you think it would have been apparent if those accusations were true well we will never know will we but innocent until proven guilty no one would defend an abuser but can you even imagine for one moment how it would affect someone who spent his entire life seeking love as performer then to be smeared so badly that it all but ruined his career and reputation * * ok now imagine if those accusations were not true and how it would affect you Maybe then you can possibly understand the angst and distress something like that would cause And the irony of it all is * * where is all the rage and indignation for his abusers All i see in this thread is hypocrisy * what !!!!!!!
Jackson was skin and bone and had been eating nothing but pills • Enablers aka Leeches aka Anna Nicole Smith Reduction Within hours of Jackson died of broken heart because the world is so terribly completely utterly filthy and full of demons who love to spread lies hatred and tear people apart i see you for what you really are and may god have mercy on your souls RIP KING of POP beloved forever * Renee Could it have been anorexia and or bulimia perhaps Starving himself plus taking pills for pain and sleep Whatever the case it looks like he was man who grew up with abuse became an abuser then finally abused himself via too many surgeries and pills * to death I ll bet his death is ruled an accidental overdose from all the meds those quack doctors prescribed ***** be just another celeb who dies from self induced drug addiction so sad And those of you who worship him please you are deluding yourselves Yes he was great entertainer and tremendous talent but he was also very troubled child man with Peter Pan complex and lot of internal pain Not someone to be worshipped His talent can be very well appreciated but his personal lifestyle was immature unrealistic and verging on grotesque to say the least He became freakish caricature of woman boy man and it ' very sad he hated his own flesh so much he literally destroyed it Pity yes Worship no * redgator please stop posting these horrible photos when he tried to turn into white person his best days were his Thriller period After that he became freak * Gargantua Enough already with Jackson Was Too Weak for Major Comeback Next Bigger Is Better for Paris Hilton Comments * LadyJuliaHale Why ' they just do paternity test on the kids so that they can stop worrying about who the **** father is I guarantee you that it doesn ' really matter They were in ' care and no harm had come to them so you can definitely see that he is good father * Rocio I so SuRe he was GrEAt daddy ! kids whenever you read this LeT THEM KnoW !!!
Shut down the comments blog section of your articles The same **** is posted morons every day _________________ Here Come the Crazies Jackson's Dermatologist Gets Visit From Coroner ' Office Toxicology Due Next Week Today Dr Arnold Klein ' office visited in search of medical records DEA investigates maker of Diphtheria says toxicology to be released next week Comments Keep Reading Debbie Rowe Katherine Jackson oldest boy sure looks like this doctor lot alike Hmmmmm What coincidence * children are off limits Tue If I died tomorrow I would really feel uncomfortable if someone stirred up question ' about my kids and what the color of their parent ' were I think that these kids look like and Debbie The third look ' just like his mother and Mike My thing is when you decide to have mixed kid ' you never know the roll of the dice your baby skin color is unpredictable So to someone that sees things in black and white open your eyes and see the gray or the other pallet of color ' that do exist * MyOwn Tue Saying Jackson News is awaiting comment from the CDC FDA and DEA for further details on the recall of the drug and investigation Teva Pharmaceutical Industries an international company headquartered in Israel recalled the drug voluntarily Originally published July Read More * LAPD Chief Jackson's Dermatologist Gets Visit From Coroner ' Office Toxicology Due Next Week Today Breanne Heldman City employees paid Jackson And you know it !!!!
Jackson is the father of those precious children Who cares how or why It takes more than sperm to make father and it was very obvious was wonderful father He loved his children and they love him LEAVE THEM ALONE ' you think was tormented enough in this life Let him have peace in glory Go after those slimeballs that destroyed him They are murderers and need the chamber He trusted them and they betrayed him * smith Mon I got chills when I heard the news Jackson meanwhile is alive and well and happier than ever no doubt because his reputed years in the making plot is working like gangbusters Everybody seems to think Jackson News that the DEA has contacted them about lot of Propofol aka Diprivan in relation to their investigation Denise Bradley senior director of corporate communications for the company says that recall of two separate lots of the drug has also taken place The lots were reportedly recalled after it was discovered that they contained elevated levels of endotoxins The batch that the DEA contacted us about relating to their investigation is not associated with the lot numbers that are being recalled she says Propofol powerful sedative has been reported as one of the drugs seized from Jackson MUSIC FREE Someone tell me if one of the leaders of the world could be moment of true happiness joy peace love peace to all mankind no matter if you are in Africa Asia Downunder America * Europe Arctic Antarctic even in the space moonwalk no matter if you ' re poor rich sad happy has brought happiness and hope for five minutes in every song these leaders have made our world lives sad hopeless full of death violence poverty and disease We have to remember him and his music and sharing it for free Who gets rich media sponsors managers record companies etc but the common people the fans enjoy free music sharing did * mikey your kidding me right this man was the most famous man in the world he single handledly was music and sold million copies of his albums and did numerous sold out shows not to mention gave up his childhood in order bring us entertainment John and Kate Plus or Dee Schneider and Benjamin Franklin ' non love child are nobody Jackson Strenght and LoVe ! * All I know is as soon as I saw this man * the former dermatologist I knew he was the father The two oldest kids look JUST LIKE HIM especially Prince Blanket ever resembles him bit too * Star This guy may be the father but Jackson ] and in fact doubled for him many times but was not Jackson Tue I ll suck yo i for some heroin * ozzy Tue yeah # its pretty ovious that you were molested as kid dont cast blame on someone just because your poppa played with your pecker * Heather Tue Rest in peace My thoughts * prayers go out to the family and fans of Jackson It really isn ' anyone ' business who the father is and who the mother is etc How about people who adopt children is all this plastered all over the news I think it is really sad the way so many people think it is their business to try to solve all the problems about this family Who is in the will and where will be buried and who owns these children and every other private part of their life should be off limits He ' even have the funeral yet and this was all over the TV I hope these children are in safe place so the paparazzi doesn ' get chance to chase every move they make * FAN Tue OF # LOL LMAO Hilarious post !!! * US CITIZEN Tue RIP * trcyph Tue Jackson Dermatologist Reports Suspicious Phone Calls Natalie Finn Jackson When the tank is full the operator should empty the tank at an approved dump station Jackson Death Theories The Roundup Sat Jackson * Bailey Tue Adopted or not they are his kids choice He chose to be their father and raised them as such they are all beautiful children and I wish them well Who cares if he was the real father That is irrelevant * tito Tue leave mike alone * fan Tue # you call yourself fan and you thanked for bringing you these awful comments you ' re not fan # we are doing that to our famalies but we still want to big up # bring the proof for your malarkey ! * * Jackson Nurse to This Is Not Safe Medicine * Lawyer for Jackson's Remains Viewed Final Time Print Email Share on Facebook Share Link Comments filed under top stories Jackson He paid doctors to keep him drugged up all the time His demise was his own doing and finally money bought him ticket to death ! * Hmmm Jackson Times Man Of The Year !!! * why # Pork and beans you are disgusting !
Jackson author Ian Perinatal argues the year old singer signed his death warrant when he signed on for the London concerts that he was too broken the molestation case to command the stage and that he was pushed into the shows his handlers and mounting financial obligations • People aka the Beatles Songbook Coversheet The new Life & Style asks whether Jackson did not even mention his fathers name in his will So far their areno comments from Joe the dad * Kgpop Jackson was drugged in bid to steal [ the ] millions that nobody much else seems to think he had See the London comeback shows and why he supposedly agreed to do them supplies the magazine with its money quote He feared somebody wanted to kill him He was even concerned people would kill him to somehow try to take control of the Beatles back catalog • Stage Fright aka Yup the Comeback Concerts Again Per the London Sun Jackson ó ã faze um milepost do que ele fez se Algiers um dia me periodontal coo Morrie eu lies dire ' Te container da grande diva destroy GRAND homey ' * love is love Sat All we need is love * simply me Sat His memorial was proper and well deserved And as far as his children no matter if the seeds are his or not they are his children So when an other common person receives artificial insemination does that mean those kids are not theirs either No they are He loves and loved those children * Eurasian Sat Sad that america had shown the world that she is hateful and negative nation who ' respect the dead and doesnt recognize person ' achievement The rest of the world had been watching and reading America ' negativity For nation preaching democracy america sure is hypocrite * Aw ' moan Sat ' on Jackson He paid doctors to keep him drugged up all the time His demise was his own doing and finally money bought him ticket to death ! * Hmmm Jackson child abuse victim that triumphed Here ' what I see looking into the eyes of Jackson Memorial on live on ! and !
Jackson Madonna Will Madonna Help MTV Honor Jackson News exclusively of the late King of Pop ' odd private life while he and his kids lived in Las Vegas Comments Keep Reading Jackson You know exactly what they are because you are one Victims of pedophiles are usually pedophiles themselves !! * asianfan Sat Sad that america had shown the world that she is hateful and negative nation who ' respect the dead and doesnt recognize person ' achievement The rest of the world had been watching and reading america ' negativity For nation preaching democracy america sure is hypocrite * word up Sat So who among us has no troubles weirdnesses demons *** surely did But who among us could pen and produce musical masterpeice such as Heal The World with all of its perfectly correct message Only the most mean and evil among us can criticize the gift of that gave us such lofty sentiment ' troubles on earth are over and may he rest in peace He surely will be remembered long after any of the mean sprited people making stupid comments today * Cascada Sat I agree # ur so right In fact none of us mere mortal could achieve legacy and master pieces he had left us Not to mention Global sucess ! story and Music captivated me so much in past days That i forgot other celebs exists ! * dad ' love Sat Paris is going to grow into stunner of lady From looking them pics All the children certainly have Michaels features especially Blanket ! * to Sat Watch your idiotic comments * jj Sat could sing and dance big deal true heros are those who are in chronic pain and choose not to put themselves in coma who choose not to be drug addict soldiers and firemen and policemen are heros and they never get memorials paid for state shame on the Jackson's for many years and no matter what happens I and countless others will remain fans Here ' why http hubpages com hub Looking though the eyes of Micheal Jackson STOP IT I SURE YOU WERE ALL RAISED BETTER THAN THAT YOU ARE DISGUSTING SHOW SOME RESPECT NO MATTER WHAT ONE ' CULTURAL BACKGROUND MAY BE WE ALL KNOW THAT IN DEATH RESPECT IS PARAMOUNT !
Jackson was good man * Marian Flynn Tue I have something said about Jackson Case Could Turn Criminal Coroner Subpoenas Medical Records * Jackson Next Kendra Wilkinson ' Wild Date Comments * Dr Kevorkians Nurse Tue Sung to the Wizard of Oz Scarecrow tune * I could tell just who killed me if I only had my brain * Not Interested Tue I ' care Go away * This just in Tue Mikey OD ' on Jesus Juice * You Are Interested Tue To Not Interested if so uninterested why take the time to post so Idiot ! * MES Tue The child molester got what was coming to him DEATH now he can play with the devil * Thank you Tue The fans continue to take time out of their busy schedule to comment Wow is dead and people just can ' get him out of the minds * to Tue When you die perhaps nobody would care * Tamara Tue who ever said is child molester isan idiot !!!!! inicent till provn guilty never proven so get over it !!!! yor an *** and i hope when you die the devil has good time playin with you We love and miss you I will always have our back * fan Tue why is it that you always attract the degenerates and so few that one could call affable I think that it is your articles that encourages them * alaska Tue Was Jackson * that the rest in peace for ones and what is scare is that he had to died to get peace in his life That what sicking me in my stomach * just let him be for ones * Let the old news down out **** one star semen does something strange in there life they are burn for life The man care for people more then some people I said on this plant does An I love him more then you think and not for money but knowing that he had good heart and that what killed him his heart was broking badly that what kill him * To Tue Jackson Tribute Fans London This Was It Londoners Crowd Jackson Slumber Partied With His Kids Kept Joe Out Today former close business associate tells !
Jackson was not child molestor is like saying that his children are biologically his They ' re not and he is !!!!
Jackson He ' pay his bills and spent twice what he earned He purchased his white children and no one questioned it Simply amazing * to scary # I felt the same Too creepy ! * Joe Mama I hearing it through the grapevine that some adults are trying to offer up their children for money craigs list Crazy Crazy world we live in * anna DUDE IS DEAD MOVE ON EVERYONE SHOW IS OVER SAD BUT OVER * Karma Religious Zealots And now reading from the book of Jackson's Death Theories The Roundup What killed Or should it be asked what did not kill was raised up in religious environment in Jehovah ' organization When came out with his Thriller video and music he was informed the local elders of his congregation that his video was dabbling with Satanic and demonic influences and that he would not fare so well with that kind of corruption Probably the funeral ceremony will be conducted Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson was is the greatest perfumer of all times And for those of you who feel he was weird times he was but think about it In his weirdness he still made history Specifically with his physical transformations The man lived life in which anything he wanted to do he did it There were some very difficult times in his life false accusations but for the most part he had life that most AMERICANS dream of As far as talent goes ' moon !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jackson good singer Yeah Heck I even go so far as to say one of the best of his generation However we need to look for our heroes where they actually are An odd thing was said his father the BET tribute He stated that he wished was alive to see it Well if he WAS alive it would never have happened Where were all these fans when he was his lowest points It ' funny what death brings out in people Pretty much the same thing that happens when anyone close to us dies We forget the bad and only remember the good but never really thanked them for it when they were around Rather than mourn think of the people in your life that actually mean something to you and TELL them NOW There might not actually be tomorrow * scootercats Tue Jackson is not child molestor then they are the stupidest most vile people in the world * sad case Tue Some day these children will read all the mean remarks made about them and their father who is Jackson STOP IT I SURE YOU WERE ALL RAISED BETTER THAN THAT YOU ARE DISGUSTING SHOW SOME RESPECT NO MATTER WHAT ONE ' CULTURAL BACKGROUND MAY BE WE ALL KNOW THAT IN DEATH RESPECT IS PARAMOUNT !
Jackson's Ex Files Today Newswoman on Debbie Rowe Jackson who knows We will all just have to wait and see * oy Well the folks AEG claiming they had insurance on the event to cover death due to OD but not due to natural causes certainly lends credence to the conspiracy theorists * * * * DC Let it go The man was boy trying to be man Let it go * enough Pork and Beans you are giant tool And for the people who keep posting the same tired joke about dying of food poisoning whether from nuts or weiners find some new material * pork and beans I can see through all of this I got it from an unnamed high government official It was hired hit man that got him with fatal dose of diprivan shooting from the grassy knoll If that failed they had young looking boy packed with high explosives Its called an IEB An Improvised Explosive Boy It was fiendishly simple plot Naked boy on doorstep ring doorbell run * dgyrl Regardless of the MAN is dead If it was friend of family member of yours you wouldn ' like any of what is being said Let it be * Mon Some people are just insensitive JERKS !
And i still think he was OD ' * * someone other than himself What DOCTOR finds person with pulse and does CPR on BED none the less and does not call for THIRTY minutes !
Jackson's square foot As Vegas mansion since the entertainer ' death Comments Keep Reading Jackson's for many years and no matter what happens I and countless others will remain fans Here ' why http hubpages com hub Looking though the eyes of Micheal Jackson MUSIC FREE Someone tell me if one of the leaders of the world could be moment of true happiness joy peace love peace to all mankind no matter if you are in Africa Asia Downunder America * Europe Arctic Antarctic even in the space moonwalk no matter if you ' re poor rich sad happy has brought happiness and hope for five minutes in every song these leaders have made our world lives sad hopeless full of death violence poverty and disease We have to remember him and his music and sharing it for free Who gets rich media sponsors managers record companies etc but the common people the fans enjoy free music sharing did * mikey your kidding me right this man was the most famous man in the world he single handledly was music and sold million copies of his albums and did numerous sold out shows not to mention gave up his childhood in order bring us entertainment John and Kate Plus or Dee Schneider and Benjamin Franklin ' non love child are nobody Jackson Today If there ' one superstar who must be Video Music Awards to honor the late King of Pop it ' Madge !
I willing to bet you fantasize these kinds of stuff get some help ! any chance of having this remark removed Freedom of speech is one thing but this * Your Name Can we forget about theories and get to real relevant information please * MJfan was great entertainer who brougt the whole world together regardless his personal life he was aquitted from his child molestation charges and havent heard the bloody ******* who claimed he was molested in admitted that he lied only to get the $ for his dad !!! you have changed the world we are all now mourning your loss the music industry will never be the same there ' no one who can replace you !!
Jackson kids dominates ratings amid memorial service coverage plus True Blood picks up Entourage Comments Keep Reading Jackson family for wanting Calif to pay for that circus of memorial shame on them for scripting his daughters speech trying to have us believe he was not child molester or drug addict I choose not to honor him or his choices he was irresponsible parent all the people the memorial were just self promoting posing for pictures like it was an award show or red carpet shame on the Jackson And i still think he was OD ' * * someone other than himself What DOCTOR finds person with pulse and does CPR on BED none the less and does not call for THIRTY minutes !
Shut down the comments blog section of your articles The same **** is posted morons every day _________________ Here Come the Crazies Jackson Scary I think the best he looked was around the THRILLER timeline That chin implant was just too much * ruined the whole face Did the surgeon not show him before and after pictures or did just not listen to people who said ' DO IT ! * There is no doubt that was taking pills to help him cope with the stress in his life who does ' nt The comeback tour may have been new beginning for him so he can live out the rest of his life in peace as much as possible now that he is older One last shot to say good to the thing he loved most music Think about it here was man who was abused as child so bad that he went to great lengths to change not only his appearance but his skin color also How many Afro Americans do you know would do that !
Jackson family was arguing that the entertainer was the all new Anna Nicole Smith an over medicated mess beset with enablers In London ' Sun Matt Fiddles ID ' as Jackson's Death May Kill Jackson nutritionist Cherilyn Lee ' say her boss died from anesthesia use But she did say he wanted the drug to help him sleep and that she warned him it might put him in sleep from which he would ' wake • You Knew This One Was Coming aka the Faked Death Theory According to Jackson Case Could Turn Criminal Coroner Subpoenas Medical Records * Jackson And quite few years older !!! * Sue The circus continues People seem to forget the fact children are grieving for their Dad Like him or not give it rest * ladytreasure The other day while looking the Jackson's Dangerous Dance With Demerol * Smooth Criminals Beware Jackson Memorial Police Staples Center Mayor Blasts Idea of Family Donors Picking Up Jackson Doc Councilman Gunning for Promoter ' Money * Jackson's family for last week ' memorial nonsensical Comments Keep Reading Jackson family for not insisting on private funeral the grandfather has already been quoted about promoting their talent omg get those kids away from that family hopefully they are in therapy * Jazzlover Sat It is not my business who donated sperm or fathered the Children of Jackson His genius will truely be missed most of the world ANd LAY OFF will you insenitive jerks least show some respect to the family !
Jackson Custody Hearing Postponed Again as Mom and Grandma Try to Work It Out * Onetime Sperm Donor Dr Klein Not ' Baby Daddy to the Best of My Knowledge * Jackson's want to do his London concerts ' afford to cancel them and thus came up with as one source put it to the site note from the doctor Namely the entertainer downed lot of prescription drugs with the intention of OD ' ing forcing hospital visit — and back to the top getting out of the shows • Empty Stomach or aka Not Empty Enough Stomach In denounced in London ' Sun the newspaper which said it had the goods on the autopsy findings said the time of his death Jackson's children — after the office received some shall we say off the wall phone calls Per the Beverly Hills Police Department an officer headed to Klein ' office on Roxbury Drive shortly after in response to about some suspicious phone calls that were made to the office of the man who ' been accused of being Jackson Have some respect for the dead please especially HIM * about the cold feet i DONT believe that source OFCOURSE the man is HUMAN anyhuman would FREAK concerts in line after yrs but hes Jackson Slumber Partied With His Kids Kept Joe Out Today former close business associate tells !
Jackson Drug Use Uncovered * Jackson If you were more respectful it could have worked I keeping my dollar ! * Marie Sun That fake chin with the cleft is what mad look so freakish * For # all the way Sun Your just making excuses for being to broke or tight to give buck for the man you worship or maybe its because all you have food stamps the city is probably aping for your lazy assassin to * nonabsorbents Mon The male Jackson Lisa Presley also did great job raising her own kids in total seclusion May that be used as an example That it can be done ! * MGM Quit using that picture of Dr Klein * he ' about lbs heavier now !
Jackson was is the greatest perfomer of all times And for those of you who feel he was weird times he was but think about it In his weirdness he still made history Specifically with his physical transformations The man lived life in which anything he wanted to do he did it There were some very difficult times in his life false accusations but for the most part he had life that most AMERICANS dream of As far as talent goes ' mon !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jackson I have been fan of Jackson family was arguing that the entertainer was the all new Anna Nicole Smith an over medicated mess beset with enablers In London ' Sun Matt Fiddles ID ' as Jackson Doc Says He ' Not Suspect ' Inject Drugs Print Email Share on Facebook Share Link Comments filed under top stories Jackson Out of spotlight until they re older to make their own choice I hope she consider it !
Jackson's It takes cold heart Please enough rumors already let this man be I hope he is in heaven may God ' light shine upon you I wish the children the best of luck and i hope they find happiness * jac Enough already people The man hasn ' been buried the family ' grieving let them be in peace You of all people deserves karma Have peace in your hearts * just my cents yeah over week and he hasn ' been buried yet should be getting pretty ripe now ! * Jorge Daniels FREE Jackson Investigation * LARD Makes Undercover House Call to Jackson Campground and Marina Applications The honey wagon also serves as a sanitation system at campgrounds and marinas If you were more respectful it could have worked I keeping my dollar ! * Marie Sun That fake chin with the cleft is what mad look so freakish * For # all the way Sun Your just making excuses for being to broke or tight to give buck for the man you worship or maybe its because all you have food stamps the city is probably paing for your lazzzy asssss to * nonyabeeswas Mon The male Jackson where did you get the idea that was on heroin He never used the drug and you need to sign yourself in buddy * SIE Tue Can someone please shut La Toya up She has no talent whatsoever so she relies on selling out her family especially MJJ to make her living Even in death she cannot leave MJJ alone to rest in paece With family like that who needs enemies !!!!
I was surprised to see how much the older two children look so much like the doctor including those ears What dead ringer If the doctor was not the father he would ' ve adamantly denied being so but he ' Any man who absolutely is not the father would make it clear but he softly denies the possibility that they may be his That ' telling me already he ' the babies daddy * jj Sat was an irresponsible parent he choose to take drugs and act and treat his children bizarre he choose to bed with strange children cosmetic surgery that no one can even explain make his children wear masks hang baby over balcony he is the one who killed himself suicide it is called he is no hero firemen and policemen and service men are are heros who should be honored big deal he could sing and dance Calif is nuts if they dont get the money back for that circus of memorial it was all about self promotion sharptons remarks is not strange wake up not everyone wants to put them self in coma to sleep there are lot of people who have diseases who dont choose to take all those drugs I sure his daughters speech was scripted shame on Jackson fans including me He is loved more than billion people around the globe except American population He is RIP And his legacy will live on forever Those with bad mouths and dark minds they can live like what another years And This Is It for them while his music his videos will still be around for another years * Think about it Tue # children are off limits If I died tomorrow I would really feel uncomfortable if someone stirred up question ' about my kids If you died tomorrow you wouldn ' feel uncomfortable In fact I doubt you ' be feeling much all * Vivian Tue To # MyOwn I believe Jackson Tribute Fans London This Was It Londoners Crowd Jackson being way way overestimated • Greed aka Comeback Concerts Still Sounding Like Very Bad Idea In London ' Daily Mail Jackson is dead in fact thinks Jackson's Dangerous Dance With Demerol * Smooth Criminals Beware Jackson for promoting the children already they better get those kids in therapy history will repeat itself for sure killed himself like coward * anne Sat Well said # ! and he chose people with intellegence white or black doesn ' matter they were people he trusted # Since you were there please give us some more details and if you are correct remember it ' people like you who drove him to it circus memorial where have you been during your delirious life have you ever seen anything so grand fit for king and king he was ! scripted or not she got the message across Daddy was great daddy ! big up the cops an mothers on another message pad and i ll help you We all have our hang ups let ' die with him * To # Sat KISS MY ASSASSIN YOU FAKE BROKE PAPARAZZO PRETENDING TO BE FAN BUT NOT WILLING TO EVEN SPEND DOLLAR ON WACKO * fancy Sat Excerpt from an article * AMERICA IS NATURALLY CRUEL TO IT ' CELEBRITIES FACT * jj Sun he could have been an king key word could have he died nothing more than someone who could dance and sing and choose to be an addict and horrible parent no role model no legend * mm Sun These children were born to and Debbie Rowe when they were legally married is their legal father Establishing who their biological parents are is rather irrelevant if only to satisfy the curiosity seekers This ongoing debate about the paternity of the children is ridiculous They are living breathing human beings Leave them to grow up as happy and well adjusted as they be given the unusual circumstances of their young lives * kk Sun Well stated # Strip away all the stupidity from this debate and what you ' ve got is three children in need of well meaning caretakers In the best interest of the children let ' all butt out of their business * Renee Sun You all * assume * he was great father but I saw LOT of red flags all over the place about his behavior He went to the zoo with his kids but totally ignored them while they were being mobbed and jostled and talked to camera about himself and how much HE loves seeing the gorillas no matter the kids ' get to see any animals when they are completely surrounded adults and even when it was brought to ' attention that his kids were being overwhelmed he briefly looked back and then went on talking about himself !!!
Jackson Perhaps the question should be What ' kill Jackson Investigation Needle Marks Doctor Questions * Here Come the Crazies Jackson BUT least raised the kids like REAL father It ' obvious that he was wonderful dad to the kids and they expressed it ! * honest girl Jackson Was Too Weak for Major Comeback Next Bigger Is Better for Paris Hilton Comments * LadyJuliaHale Why ' they just do paternity test on the kids so that they can stop worrying about who the **** father is I guarantee you that it doesn ' really matter They were in ' care and no harm had come to them so you can definitely see that he is good father * Rocio I so SuRe he was GrEAt daddy ! kids whenever you read this LeT THEM KnoW !!!
Jackson's It takes cold heart Please enough rumors already let this man be I hope he is in heaven may God ' light shine upon you I wish the children the best of luck and i hope they find happiness * jac Enough already people The man hasn ' been buried the family ' grieving let them be in peace You of all people deserves karma Have peace in your hearts * just my cents yeah over week and he hasn ' been buried yet should be getting pretty ripe now ! * Jorge Daniels FREE Jackson ian Yea tho I walk through the valley of young prepubescent boys I fear no California District Attorney * leeann pop Could Jackson A honeywagon is a mobile toilet unit used in the film and television industry Jackson was good man * Marian Flynn Tue I have something said about Jackson YOU ARE THE BEST !! may your soul rest in peace your music will continue to live forever god bless * Danielson Instead of DEATH THEORY how about DEATH FACT No more singing no more dancing no more tours For the living are conscious that they will die but as for the dead they are conscious of nothing all Also their love and their hate and their jealously have already perished and they have no portion anymore till time indefinite in ANYTHING that has to be done under the SUN Ecclesiastes * Deano Jackson died of broken heart because the world is so terribly completely utterly filthy and full of demons who love to spread lies hatred and tear people apart i see you for what you really are and may god have mercy on your souls RIP KING of POP beloved forever * Renee Could it have been anorexia and or bulimia perhaps Starving himself plus taking pills for pain and sleep Whatever the case it looks like he was man who grew up with abuse became an abuser then finally abused himself via too many surgeries and pills * to death I ll bet his death is ruled an accidental overdose from all the meds those quack doctors prescribed ***** be just another celeb who dies from self induced drug addiction so sad And those of you who worship him please you are deluding yourselves Yes he was great entertainer and tremendous talent but he was also very troubled child man with Peter Pan complex and lot of internal pain Not someone to be worshipped His talent can be very well appreciated but his personal lifestyle was immature unrealistic and verging on grotesque to say the least He became freakish caricature of woman boy man and it ' very sad he hated his own flesh so much he literally destroyed it Pity yes Worship no * redgator please stop posting these horrible photos when he tried to turn into white person his best days were his Thriller period After that he became freak * Gargantua Enough already with Jackson Dermatologist Reports Suspicious Phone Calls * Onetime Sperm Donor Dr Klein Not ' Baby Daddy to the Best of My Knowledge Print Email Share on Facebook Share Link Comments filed under top stories Jackson Sightings man who spoke like [ Jackson I [ * Paige Tue This is so said and you are missed and loved live on in heaven king of POP * Kathy Tue Think the dermo has some pull with an international company Recalled drug my butt Wonder if they can be held responsible in the United States The drug companies have more money than they pay these doctors well to push their drugs I know that first hand If they find that the drug was recalled bet your *** it will get Dr Death off I personally trust pharmacist before doctor His first and only job is drugs * pat Tue Wow !
Jackson's want to do his London concerts ' afford to cancel them and thus came up with as one source put it to the site note from the doctor Namely the entertainer downed lot of prescription drugs with the intention of OD ' ing forcing hospital visit — and back to the top getting out of the shows • Empty Stomach or aka Not Empty Enough Stomach In denounced in London ' Sun the newspaper which said it had the goods on the autopsy findings said the time of his death Jackson is innocent And I the mother I just know * This is stupid Tue What the heck !
Jackson Case Could Turn Criminal Coroner Subpoenas Medical Records * Jackson Another incident that bothered me greatly was when he was walking with his kids and fans approached You could see that Paris was feeling apprehensive but had the nanny come and pry literally PRY Paris ' hand out of his so he could sign autographs and he explained to Paris he needed to keep his fans happy as she was being led away from him the nanny And of course there was the incident with dangling Blanket off the balcony Not exactly great parenting * quote Sun Be kinder than necessary this day for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle * For Michaels Loyal Fans Sun WHY CONT ALL YOU SO CALLED LOYAL Jackson's bring happiness and hope into the lives of the children he molested He died of vanity Plain and simple * Chere Did I miss something I thought he was found not guilty * Mikey MIKE Jackson family reality special filmed prior to King of Pop ' death while La Toya cashes in with British tabloids Comments Keep Reading Voice of Reason Why is RE ! overexposing this story I for one thought had been dead for years Let ' get back to the important stuff like John and Kate Plus or Dee Schneider and Benjamin Franklin ' non love child * THIS IS THE KING OF POP ** THE MAN THAT WAS STANDING ALONE TO CHANGE THE WORLD ANY WAY HE COULD POSSIBLY ! all because the man has passed and cant defend himself the WHOLE WORLD that had met with him atleast once is OBVIOUSLY declaring to be CLOSE SOURCE to get some of the crazy starving media going around !
SHAME ON YOU * chippy its funny how everyone wants to say he touched that lil boy * really * if any father is willing to settle for money over your sons tragedy how much do really love him that was all ******** they just wanted to get fast cash Let the man rest in peace * * Jesse Jackson was drugged in bid to steal [ the ] millions that nobody much else seems to think he had See the London comeback shows and why he supposedly agreed to do them supplies the magazine with its money quote He feared somebody wanted to kill him He was even concerned people would kill him to somehow try to take control of the Beatles back catalog • Stage Fright aka Yup the Comeback Concerts Again Per the London Sun Jackson Previous Oscar Watch Megan Fox for Best Actress Next Who ' Hate Stuff Little White Dress Edition News Jackson I have been fan of Jackson is dead in fact thinks Jackson Madonna Will Madonna Help MTV Honor Jackson News the location of the needle marks found on Jackson He will be sorely missed but his music will live on forever !
In any case Jackson Children who have been abused severely and that have survived do find ways to make peace within themselves when they get older was no different This was probably case of an accidental overdose and of not being able to think clearly of the consequences Everybody needs to stop reading so much into all this especially the media RIP * Tracye you forgot couple ** GUILTY CONSCIOUS ** and my fav *** KARMA * April First of all why on earth did LAPD allow truck to take thing out of the house before his body was cold Even I considered it crime scene The cops had to know about the drugs but were paid off to keep quiet Money talks and bs walks You have enough money you can get anybody to say and do anything I **** glad I nobody with nothing * christie people please leave this man to RIP Do not listen to these fake stories This is what killed him in the first place lies and tabloid sensation When toxicology reports are over we will know what happened Ofcourse he was not happy Who would be after all those false allegations This world is cruel Some of the people in it are very cruel How can you sleep night knowing you have made someone ' life as miserable as they made Jackson author Ian Perinatal argues the year old singer signed his death warrant when he signed on for the London concerts that he was too broken the molestation case to command the stage and that he was pushed into the shows his handlers and mounting financial obligations • People aka the Beatles Songbook Coversheet The new Life & Style asks whether Jackson kids I decided to pull up Dr Klein ' picture as well from the Internet Wow !!!
Jackson MUSIC We have to remember him and share his music for free Who gets rich media sponsors managers record companies etc but the common people the fans enjoy free shareing the good music that made * nana I believe he was man who missed out on childhood and wanted to reclaim his youth I enjoyed his music we are days apart in age and pray for his soul I ' think he was great man but he was great entertainer He ' seem to face reality and for the most part could afford not to He may have had financial troubles but his assets were well in access to his debt but who among us wants to sell off all assets to clear our debts * wow people are crap everyone posting nasty comments here is the reason Jackson The operator connects a hose to the discharge outlet on the RV or boat and pumps waste into the tank Jackson during the autopsy Comments Keep Reading Jackson And from what AEG had said he was INSURED for MILLIONS for this tour is he was UNABLE to start ! * dgyrl Ok i just saw something and I just have to ask Tony Which is worst molesting child or Taking money to let someone molest your child The parents who took the time to set up what they did will burn in ***** * im bad you know it Joseph Jackson Inside Jackson News gets the first tour of Jackson's Reality Show Not Their Ability to Profit Mon mulls fate of Jackson Scary I think the best he looked was around the THRILLER timeline That chin implant was just too much * ruined the whole face Did the surgeon not show him before and after pictures or did just not listen to people who said ' DO IT ! * There is no doubt that was taking pills to help him cope with the stress in his life who does ' nt The comeback tour may have been new beginning for him so he can live out the rest of his life in peace as much as possible now that he is older One last shot to say good to the thing he loved most music Think about it here was man who was abused as child so bad that he went to great lengths to change not only his appearance but his skin color also How many Afro Americans do you know would do that !
Strenght and LoVe ! * All I know is as soon as I saw this man * the former dermatologist I knew he was the father The two oldest kids look JUST LIKE HIM especially Prince Blanket ever resembles him bit too * Star This guy may be the father but Jackson Do I really need to say anything about his talent I will Since his death and the airing of all the footage and his videos ' you NOW feel like videos are so crappy today The majority of concerts are lip synced and the artists want all this audience participation We as concert goers pay to see and hear them perform Not an audience full of unknowns So for those of you who feel the world is over reacting please understand an Icon has passed Not that we REALLY thought he was INVINCIBLE his death was so untimely * darla Mon ENOUGH Jackson Concert Site Mon Hundreds gather outside Arena on what would have been the first night of Jackson News exclusively of the late King of Pop ' odd private life while he and his kids lived in Las Vegas Comments Keep Reading Jackson Some honeywagons will be just two large restrooms He ' live in the world like you and me do He lived in this fairy tale fantasy where money buys you everything Money buys you kids it buys you friends it buys everything you could possibly want So this was man who had everything and what he wasn ' born with he could change money !
Jackson Vote Joe Jackson He ' live in the world like you and me do He lived in this fairy tale fantasy where money buys you everything Money buys you kids it buys you friends it buys everything you could possibly want So this was man who had everything and what he wasn ' born with he could change money !
Jackson's dermatologist visit late this morning … and it wasn ' for crank calls or checkup Los Angeles County Assistant Chief Coroner Ed Winter arrived Dr Arnold Klein ' Beverly Hills office just before noon today with his badge and large envelope We are continuing with our investigation Winter told reporters upon leaving little more than an hour later Dr Klein is cooperating with it There ' been rumors that Dr Klein is not cooperating but that ' not true Yeah but when will we actually know something and what does it have to do with ' kids ' probably not biological dad There ' security hold on the case and I can ' comment any further Winter added though he did say that the findings of the hotly discussed toxicology are expected to be announced in the middle of next week Winter who also had nothing to say about La Toya Jackson Dr Arnold Klein Pool Photographer Sgranitz Dr Arnold Klein ' office is used to fielding calls from the rich and famous But now it ' the random and fishy they have to worry about Police were called to the Beverly Hills office of Jackson's Ex Files Today Newswoman on Debbie Rowe Jackson didnt molest any kids the st kid from the st case came forward after his death and said that his father forced him to say that to escape poverty he didnt touch any kid he was kid himself so liked to hang out with them and the other case was false as well because what parent in there right mind convicted or not will let there child stay over someones house who had went to court about molestation charges they were after money as well and got it didnt want to be bothered with vicious evil lies that people that were just out for his money made up so he just paid them off I would have did they same thing in order to avoid lenthy court dates for something I didnt even do peo in this world see peo with money get jealous and will do anytnhing to get it ANything * wow one last time hmm you are so concerned about abused children but he was never convicted of abusing any child Considering he was surrounded children constantly and had three of his own dont you think it would have been apparent if those accusations were true well we will never know will we but innocent until proven guilty no one would defend an abuser but can you even imagine for one moment how it would affect someone who spent his entire life seeking love as performer then to be smeared so badly that it all but ruined his career and reputation * * ok now imagine if those accusations were not true and how it would affect you Maybe then you can possibly understand the angst and distress something like that would cause And the irony of it all is * * where is all the rage and indignation for his abusers All i see in this thread is hypocrisy * what !!!!!!!
Jackson !
Jackson Home LAID Interviewing More Doctors * Source More Jackson children remind me of the Brando ' Lips eyes * true fan Mon Jackson fans including me He is loved more than billion people around the globe except American population He is RIP And his legacy will live on forever Those with bad mouths and dark minds they can live like what another years And This Is It for them while his music his videos will still be around for another years * Think about it Tue # children are off limits If I died tomorrow I would really feel uncomfortable if someone stirred up question ' about my kids If you died tomorrow you wouldn ' feel uncomfortable In fact I doubt you ' be feeling much all * Vivian Tue To # MyOwn I believe Jackson was the DADDY !
News is awaiting comment from the CDC FDA and DEA for further details on the recall of the drug and investigation Teva Pharmaceutical Industries an international company headquartered in Israel recalled the drug voluntarily Originally published July Read More * LAPD Chief Jackson's Death May Kill Jackson's Holmby Hills mansion !
Jackson Debbie Rowe Tuning In For Jackson RIP and my condolences to his family You ROCKED !
Lisa Presley also did great job raising her own kids in total seclusion May that be used as an example That it can be done ! * MGM Quit using that picture of Dr Klein * he ' about lbs heavier now !
Jackson's corpse with polyurethane Of course per the article thinks Bubbles the chimp is dead too … ________________ Be there as the world says goodbye to the King of Pop Watch the Jackson Doc * Coroner Confiscates Beds Jackson * Bailey Tue Adopted or not they are his kids choice He chose to be their father and raised them as such they are all beautiful children and I wish them well Who cares if he was the real father That is irrelevant * tito Tue leave mike alone * fan Tue # you call yourself fan and you thanked for bringing you these awful comments you ' re not fan # we are doing that to our famalies but we still want to big up # bring the proof for your malarkey ! * * Jackson People are sick of all these stories and ! is becoming irrelevant very quickly * Jorge Daniels Jackson Children who have been abused severely and that have survived do find ways to make peace within themselves when they get older was no different This was probably case of an accidental overdose and of not being able to think clearly of the consequences Everybody needs to stop reading so much into all this especially the media RIP * Tracye you forgot couple ** GUILTY CONSCIOUS ** and my fav *** KARMA * April First of all why on earth did LAPD allow truck to take thing out of the house before his body was cold Even I considered it crime scene The cops had to know about the drugs but were paid off to keep quiet Money talks and bs walks You have enough money you can get anybody to say and do anything I **** glad I nobody with nothing * christie people please leave this man to RIP Do not listen to these fake stories This is what killed him in the first place lies and tabloid sensation When toxicology reports are over we will know what happened Ofcourse he was not happy Who would be after all those false allegations This world is cruel Some of the people in it are very cruel How can you sleep night knowing you have made someone ' life as miserable as they made Jackson during the autopsy Comments Keep Reading Jackson family for not insisting on private funeral the grandfather has already been quoted about promoting their talent omg get those kids away from that family hopefully they are in therapy * Jazzlover Sat It is not my business who donated sperm or fathered the Children of Jackson Many are the size of a semi trailer Jackson Perhaps the question should be What ' kill Jackson Nurse to This Is Not Safe Medicine * Lawyer for Jackson Autopsy Is Bogus * Drug Enforcement Agents Join Jackson kids dominates ratings amid memorial service coverage plus True Blood picks up Entourage Comments Keep Reading Jackson And from what AEG had said he was INSURED for MILLIONS for this tour is he was UNABLE to start ! * dgyrl Ok i just saw something and I just have to ask Tony Which is worst molesting child or Taking money to let someone molest your child The parents who took the time to set up what they did will burn in ***** * im bad you know it Joseph Jackson ó ã fazemos um milessimo do que ele fez se alguem um dia me perguntar como morreu eu lhes direi ' Te contarei da grande vida deste GRANDE homem ' * love is love Sat All we need is love * simply me Sat His memorial was proper and well deserved And as far as his children no matter if the seeds are his or not they are his children So when an other common person receives artificial insemination does that mean those kids are not theirs either No they are He loves and loved those children * asianfan Sat Sad that america had shown the world that she is hateful and negative nation who ' respect the dead and doesnt recognize person ' achievement The rest of the world had been watching and reading america ' negativity For nation preaching democracy america sure is hypocrite * Aw ' mon Sat ' mon Jackson Previous It ' Going to Be Disaster Associate Says Jackson FANS GO TO THE WEBSITE AND DONATE TO HELP PAY FOR HIS MEMORIAL YOU ALL TALK BIG GAME ABOUT HIM BEING THE GREATEST AND WORTH EVERY CENT BUT I DONT SEE THE SO CALLED MILLIONS OF YOU DONATING ANYTHING EVEN JUST DOLLAR PIECE WOULD PAY THE BILL IF HE REALLY HAD MILLIONS OF FANS I THINK YOUR ALL FULL OFF SHIIIIT YOU WANT ANYONE TO PAY AS LONG AS ITS NOT YOU IM BEGINNING TO THINK HE DIDNT HAVE THE AMOUNT OF FANS CLAIMED AND THE FEW OF YOU THAT SPEND YOUR TIME ON HERE BIATCHING ARENT WILLING TO SPEND ONE DOLLAR ON HIM WHAT KIND OF FANS ARE YOU REALLY STOP TALKING OUT YOUR ASSSES * fact Sat To those who are accusing of of being pedophile it takes one to know one You accusers are all pedophiles !
Jackson's molest any children You mean because he wasn ' convicted Yeah right and OJ never killed anyone either Are you people nuts You probably believe Marion Barry never smoked crack either and then turned around and re elected him He ' paid millions to shut people up and stiffed people all over the world for hundreds of millions There is nothing great or admirable about Jackson Others are a combination of variously sized rooms for specific purposes Jackson Debbie Rowe Not Cashing In on Custody … Yet Today Attorney for Jackson's Holmby Hills mansion !