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Twitter in 1949
We twitter, therefore we are. Public timeline is supposed to be the real form in which history is written. If there had been Twitter, "Let it be light" might have been the first tweet. But @jesus and @confucius could have been the biggest Twittering spammers. What could have been the most retweeted statements in 1949, if possible? Mao and Stalin would definitely have their share. Harry Truman tweeted via a wooden sign, while George Orwell expanded his tweet into a book titled 1984.
Twitter 符合我们的表达习惯,也在改变着这个世界信息流动的速度和方法。如果 Twitter 从开天辟地那一颗就存在的话,那历史上第一条推可能只有三个字:「要有光」。而 @耶稣 和 @孔丘 则成为不同时代的推神,拥有数以百亿计的关注者。几乎在人类历史上的任何一个年头,你都能找到一批 Twitter 风格的名言。而我们只摘取了风起云涌的 1949 年中的几句:这一年,中国建国,苏联成功发射原子弹,毛泽东和斯大林分别在 140 字内第一时间向推友们炫耀。而开始第二任期的美国总统杜鲁门证明,在前互联网时代,发推的成本有多高:你必须把一句话刻在木板上。哦,这一年,乔治·奥威尔还写出了《1984》:为了推一句,他写了整整一本书来烘托!