July 19, 2009

Cheating is still under investigation but no ban (these kids are gonna be grounded)

Cheating is still under investigation

but no ban

本报记者王俊秀张国 Wang Kuo-reporter

中青在线-中国青年报2009-06-10    [ 打印 ] [ 关闭 ] Zhongqing online - China Youth Daily 2009-06-10 [Print] [Close]

全国统一高考吉林省松原市扶余县第四中学考点门外,陪考的家长们坐在一起交谈。 Unified national college entrance examination Songyuan City, Jilin Province, the fourth secondary扶余县test sites outside the paternity test to sit together and talk to parents. 虽然当地“坚决打击各种高考舞弊行为”,很多家长们讨论的话题离不开如何作弊。 Although the local "college entrance examination and resolutely crack down on fraud", many parents can not be separated from how the topic of cheating.

本报记者 张国摄 张国摄reporter

6月8日中午,全国统一高考吉林省松原市扶余县第三中学考点门外,一名考生(左二)在与场外发送答案的青年男子(右二)交流。 June 8 at noon, a unified national college entrance examination Songyuan City, Jilin Province扶余县third test sites outside the school, a candidate (second from left) with the off-site to send the answer to the young men (second from right) exchanges. 这位女生抱怨自己收到的选择题答案不完整,对男子说:“你是从17题给我发进来的。” The girls complained that their multiple-choice answers received incomplete, the man said: "You are the 17 questions from coming to me."

本报记者 张国摄 张国摄reporter

6月9日一大早,李明全(化名)夫妇气冲冲地到吉林省松原市招生办为儿子讨说法。 The early morning of June 9, Mingquan (a pseudonym) and his wife stormed into Jilin Songyuan市招生办for his son to discuss that. 他们的儿子李爽(化名)在昨天上午的高考中,考卷被后面一名考生抢走抄袭,以至于最后未能答完题,而且答题卡也被撕坏,这一科成绩受到严重影响。 Their son, Li Shuang (a pseudonym) in the college entrance examination yesterday morning, the papers were taken away after a plagiarism candidates that answered the questions fail, and the answer sheet has been torn, the subjects have been seriously affected .

李明全给中国青年报记者看了一张成绩单,李爽在高考前摸底成绩是全班第二名。 Mingquan to the China Youth Daily reporter read a transcript, Li Shuang in the diagnostic test results before the second class. “我儿子学习好啊,本来是要考清华的,十年寒窗苦读,就是为了这两天,没想到出了这事儿,连一般大学都上不了了,孩子哪能受得了啊!谁能给个说法?谁能为这件事负责?”李明全在招生办大声嚷道。 "My son to learn good, Tsinghua University was supposed to test, and a decade studying寒窗, that is, to this day I never expected that out of this thing, and even the university can not in general, and children How could withstand ah! Who give a statement? Who is responsible for this matter? "in the Admissions Office Mingquan cried loudly. 他无法保持冷静,他爱人则眼圈通红说不出话来,而他们的儿子此时正在家里蒙头哭泣。 He could not remain calm, his eyes red with love is speechless, but this time their son was home crying hooded.

教师卖作弊器材获利80万 Teacher cheating sell equipment 800,000 profit

吉林松原,一个古老的东北小城,却因为高考,以一种非常规的状态进入了大众的视野。 Jilin Songyuan, an ancient town north-east, but because the college entrance examination in a state of non-conventional perspective into the public.

因为此前有几家媒体披露了松原高考舞弊的情况,今年高考,松原非常重视,成立了由教育、公安、电信等18个部门组成的高考委员会,主任是主管副市长,严抓高考舞弊。 Because after the media disclosed several Songyuan situation cheating, college entrance examination this year, Songyuan attaches great importance to set up an education, public security, telecommunications and other 18 departments of the College Entrance Examination Board composition, director of vice mayor in charge of, cheating严抓. 但中国青年报记者的实地采访发现,严查之下,高考舞弊仍禁而未绝。 However, China Youth Daily reporter interviewed found the site, under investigation, cheating is still not absolutely forbidden.

6月7日、8日,松原市扶余县,记者看到,开考之后,一些家长就在“坚决打击高考舞弊行为”一类的横幅下席地而坐,吐着瓜子皮儿,高谈阔论中冒出的往往是“抄”、“仪器”、“买场”等字眼。 June 7, 8, Songyuan City扶余县, the reporters saw the opening test, some parents in the "act resolutely crack down on cheating," a class sat on the floor under the banner, cover seeds吐着, talk out of the often a "copycat", "apparatus", "buy the market" and other words. 每场考试过后,都能听到有学生或喜悦或懊丧地谈论,刚才抄了多少或哪个没有抄上。 After each test, students can be heard talking about the joy or depressed, or just copy the number on which there is no copy.

一位父亲概括:“现在这学生,啥招都使,只要能考上就光荣。” One father summed up: "Now the students, what bills have to make, as long as they can enter on the honor."

高考前后,一则不大不小的丑闻在扶余传开:扶余县第一中学两名教师因出售作弊器材而被抓捕。 Test before and after the scandal of a sort of a small spread in Buyeo:扶余县first two teachers in secondary schools by the sale of equipment were captured cheating.

扶余仅有一中和三中两所高中,一中为省重点中学,规模较大。 Buyeo only one China, two and three in high school, a secondary focus for the province, large-scale.

6月6日晚是高考前夜,扶余一中一位工作人员站在校门口的石狮旁说,本校两名老师刚被抓了。 The evening of June 6 is the eve of college entrance examination, Buyeo a staff of a school in front of stone lions standing next to that school had just been arrested two teachers. 他说:“高三的老师,组织学生买仪器,收人家钱。好好地教学,不少挣!那俩钱儿那么好花呢?” He said: "The three teachers and students to buy instruments, they received the money. Good teaching, a lot of earning!俩钱that children spend so good?"

为了第二天的大考,这位工作人员忙着清理门上贴的小广告,内容多数是附近的住户或旅店招揽考生、家长,其中也有作弊团伙的广告。 To the second day of final exams, the staff was busy cleaning up the door of the small ads posted, the content of the majority of nearby residents or the hotel to attract students, parents, groups of which there are cheating ads. 他说,相同位置出现过不少卖仪器的广告。 He said there were a lot of the same location of the ad to sell equipment.

“仪器”就是高考作弊器材。 "Apparatus" is cheating test equipment. 有的像块橡皮,有的看起来是手表,都能显示场外通过无线电波传送的答案。 Some, like pieces of rubber, and some appeared to be a watch able to show that off-site transmission of radio waves through the answer. 有的无线耳机则像个小红豆粒。 Some wireless headset is like a little red beans. 用扶余一中几名高二学生的话来说:“现在啥时代了,全是高科技!” Buyeo in with a few words of High students: "Now what times, and all high-tech!"

在一个考点,记者见到一道横幅,警示考生,只允许佩戴指针式的手表入场。 In a test, press together to see the banner, warning candidates, only allowed to wear watches Pointer admission.

松原市公安局的李警官向中国青年报记者展示了警方收缴的微型耳机和发射装置。 Lee Songyuan Municipal Public Security Bureau officers to the China Youth Daily, the police showed reporters the collection of micro-headphones and launchers. 微型耳机直径只有几毫米。 Micro-headset is only a few millimeters in diameter. 有一种微型口腔骨传导耳机,不用耳朵,直接放入口腔即可感知声音。 There is a mini-oral bone conduction headphones, do not have ears, the mouth can be perceived directly into the sound. 接收器收到对讲机或车载电台发射的无线电语音信号,骨传导耳机收到后,使用者通过口腔中骨骼感知声音,不会被人察觉。 Received by the receiver or car radio to launch walkie-talkie radio voice signals received by bone conduction headset, the user perceived through the voice of the mouth bones, will not be aware of.

这些作弊器材的电波能传到二三百米左右,发射装置与考场之间不能超过这个距离,在此范围内的旅店、居民楼都可能成为作弊团伙的藏身之所。 These cheating radio equipment can be spread to two to three hundred meters, between the launcher and the test can not exceed this distance, in this context of hotels, residential buildings are likely to be cheated by the gang hideout.

本报记者从不同渠道获悉,通过出售作弊器材,涉案的扶余一中教师几天内就获利80万元左右。 Our reporter learned from the different channels, through the sale of cheating devices, Buyeo involved a teacher a few days to about 800,000 yuan on the profit.

有人形容涉案教师“像办辅导班一样”组织销售。 Teachers involved in the case has been described as "remedial classes to do the same as" sales organization. 一位家长说:“她本身是一中的老师,你是一中学生,你买外人的还是买她的?当然得相信她呀!所以,她卖的价高,但是买的人还多。” One parent said: "She is one of the teachers, you are a secondary school, or you buy an outsider to buy her? Of course you have to believe her! So, she sold the highest, but those who buy more."

该校高三10班一位学生透露,两名老师中的主谋是这个班级的女英语教师。 Grade school students revealed that 10 classes, two teachers in this class is the mastermind of the female English teachers. 6月3日考生分完考场,她就组织“顾客”测试效果,模拟实验他们能否正常接收信号,恰被省里派来的电信专家探测出来。 June 3 End of the candidates at the examination room, she organized the "clients" of the test results, simulation experiments and whether they will receive normal signals, just to be sent to the province's telecommunications expert detection.

6月8日下午,中国青年报记者在松原市公安局一名大队长的办公桌上看到,一份情况汇报里就提到,扶余县两名教师因出售作弊器材被抓。 The afternoon of June 8, China Youth Daily reporter Songyuan Municipal Public Security Bureau in a large captain's desk to see a situation where on the report mentioned by the sale of two teachers扶余县equipment caught cheating. 在松原督查的吉林省公安厅经文保支队张队长告诉记者,其中一人叫刘艳华,另一人姓何。 Songyuan supervision in the Public Security Bureau of Jilin Province, Zhang scriptures security detachment team leader told reporters that one of them is called Liu Yanhua, another person named Ho.

但只买设备没用,还得另买答案。 Buy useless equipment but only have to buy another answer. 每场开考后,场内的人会把试卷拍照传给作弊团伙,场外的人组织高手团队解题,再把答案发给考生,整个过程大约耗时1个小时。 Open each test, the test site to take photographs of people will cheat to groups, organizations outside the master problem-solving team, and then distributed to the candidates answer, the whole process took about 1 hours.

有人告诉记者,一台5000元的设备,连同答案就要价20000元。 Some people told reporters that a 5,000 of equipment, together with the price of the answer should be 20,000. 但行情因答案的“质量”而定。 But the market because of the answer to the "quality" may be. 有出售者打包票,使用设备后,包进本科院校或包进重点大学,考试成绩不到本科线不收答案的费用,过了本科线收16000元,超过重点线收40000元。 There are sellers打包票, the use of equipment, bag or package into the undergraduate colleges into universities, undergraduate-ray examinations do not charge less than the cost of the answer, our line had received 16,000 yuan, more than 40,000 land-line focus.

扶余三中高三教师刘芬(化名)气愤地对记者说:“一中这个老师太过分了,整那玩意儿违反职业道德,为了赚钱不择手段了,坑学生,坑家长!” Fuyu Liu Fen third grade teacher (a pseudonym), angrily told reporters: "One of the teachers too much, the whole thing in violation of professional ethics that, in order to make money by fair means or foul, Hang students, parents pit!"

刘芬的孩子今年也高考。 Liu Fen child exam this year. 前几天,家里接到一个电话,正是有人推销“仪器”。 A few days ago, the family received a phone call that it was selling "equipment."

6月8日上午的考试结束后,记者从松原市前郭县第五中学一位考生处了解到,考场上抓了4个使用作弊器材的学生。 The morning of June 8 after the end of the examination, the reporter from the fifth前郭县Songyuan City School Department, a candidate that took the test four students use the equipment to cheat. 但他表示,还有很多考生带设备入场,“那4个只是被抓了当典型,成了替死鬼”。 However, he said, there are many candidates admission with equipment, "and that only four were arrested when the typical, has become a scapegoat."

记者向吉林省公安厅来松原巡查的张队长询问,前郭五中是否有4名考生因使用作弊器材被抓获,他告诉记者,共有9名。 To the Jilin Province Public Security Bureau's inspections to Songyuan Zhang captain asked whether the Fifth Qianguo four candidates to cheat because of the use of equipment was captured, he told reporters that a total of nine.

前郭五中这名考生还说,场外传来的答案并不太准。 Fifth Qianguo The candidates also said that the over-the-counter and not from the prospective of the answer. “答题的水平还是很高的,只是因为用摄像头传出去的考题,有些地方拍摄得不太清楚,有些数字就会计算不准,从而影响正确率”。 "Answer or a very high level, it is only because the camera was used to the questions, in some places, have not clearly taken some calculated figures will not be allowed, thus affecting accuracy."

据警方介绍,今年松原对高考舞弊查得特别严格,查处了一批犯罪团伙。 According to the police, on the college entrance examination this year of fraud investigations Songyuan particularly strict, investigated and dealt with a number of criminal gangs. 1月,松原市公安局整理去年侦办的出售作弊器材案件时,发现了一个出售窃听窃照器材的地下窝点。 January, Songyuan City Public Security Bureau investigation last year of finishing equipment for sale cheating cases, discovered a burglary according to the sale of eavesdropping equipment underground dens. 该团伙以奥博公司作为掩护,兜售窃听窃照器材、反屏蔽设备,以及考试作弊用的无线语音传输和接收设备,牟取暴利,经营已经成规模化、网络化、组织化。 AOBO companies in the group as a cover, according to selling stolen equipment wiretapping, anti-shielding devices, as well as cheating on exams used for wireless voice transmission and reception equipment, huge profits, business has become large-scale, network-based, organization.

经查,奥博公司是地下网络公司,并未在相关部门注册,也没有公开的办公场所。 According to investigation, is the underground network AOBO company, not registered in the relevant departments, has also failed to disclose the office. 5月28日,专案组相继抓获团伙成员15人,捣毁地下制作窝点4处,收缴各类作弊器材500余套,无线语音发射装置100多套,用于无线发射的车载台16套等设备。 May 28, the panel have been gang members arrested 15 people, destroyed four dens underground production, the collection of all types of cheating more than 500 sets of equipment, wireless voice over 100 sets of launchers, the launch vehicle for wireless sets and other equipment 16 .

“买场”——好学生是赚钱的 "Buy the market" - a good student is to make money

刘芬老师告诉记者,有外地学生费尽周折,转到这里参加高考,虽然刘芬从没在自己的班上见到这样的孩子。 LIU teachers told reporters that there are foreign students painstakingly, go here to participate in college entrance examination, although never Fen Liu class in their own children to see that.

“也许是报考这两天来考试,我们都不知道,平时上课时没有。”她说。 "May be applied to sit the test two days, we do not know, usually there is no class." She said.

一位高中女生坦率地和记者说,外地学生之所以要到扶余来参加高考,是因为“在这块儿考试有手段”。 A high-school girls and frankly told reporters that the reason for foreign students to attend the college entrance examination to Buyeo because "children in this means of examination." 她解释说:“可以买场啊,只要有钱都行。假如说你在别的地方打500分,在这儿能打600分。” She explained: "can buy games, ah, as long as the money will do. If you play in other places 500 points, 600 points in play here."

松原市公安局户政处工作人员告诉中国青年报记者,松原市高考户籍审查还是很严格的,考前专门开展过户口集中整顿,就在前几天,该市宁江区还清退了5名不符合报考条件的考生,他们都是以社会青年的身份报考的。 Songyuan staff户政处Municipal Public Security Bureau told China Youth Daily reporter Songyuan City residence test is very rigorous review, carried out a test specifically focused on straightening out accounts on a few days ago, the city宁江区also removed the 5 applicants who do not meet the conditions of the candidates, they are based on social status of young people enrolled for the examination.

上任一个多月的松原市招生办主任张大军说,报考要求必须是应届毕业生,外省转入的考生有严格的条件限制,比如单独户口必须迁入满3年,随父母迁移为1年。 More than a month of taking office director Zhang市招生办Songyuan force that is required to apply for fresh graduates, candidates from other provinces into strict conditions, for example, moved into a separate account must be over 3 years, moving with his parents for 1 year. 他告诉本报记者,今年高考前,松原陆续清理出了80多名不符合条件的考生,但迄今没发现高考移民。 He told our reporter, the former college entrance examination this year, one after another out of Songyuan more than 80 candidates who do not meet the conditions, but so far not found HKALE immigrants.

在松原,外地人听不懂的“买场”,就是花钱买通监考老师和同一考场的其他考生,抄袭他们的试卷。 In Songyuan, outsiders do not understand the "buy the market" is to spend money to buy the same test invigilator teachers and other students, copy of their papers. 被收买的老师不但可以睁一只眼闭一只眼,还可帮忙传答案,或者放风,以免被巡视员撞见。 Was bought not only the teachers turn a blind eye, but also help answer Chuan, or leaked information to avoid being caught inspectors.

前郭五中一名考生说,自己所在的考场监考并不严格,他就亲眼看见一位监考老师给一个考生递纸条,假装掉在地上,“那个考生捡起来就抄”。 Fifth Qianguo a candidate, said the examination room, where test is not strict, he would see a test teacher candidates to a delivery note, pretending to fall to the ground, "the candidates to pick up on the copy."

在买场的情况下,老师“不管闲事”是理所应当的。 In the case of the market to buy, teachers "do not Mind your own business" is well deserved. 有家长举例说,往年曾有学生截获了不属于自己的纸条,拿起就抄,监考老师制止,他理直气壮地说:答案是你递的,兴他抄不兴我抄? Some parents, for example, in previous years, students had seized a piece of paper is not his own, picked up on the copy, the teacher invigilator to stop, he said confidently: The answer is that you delivered, I will not be any copy-hing, he copy?

家长们感慨,“高考就是考家长”,“学习好是赚钱的”。 Parents are feeling, "is the college entrance examination parents", "good to learn to make money." 成绩不好的学生,家里得处处花钱;成绩好的学生,不仅可免学费、拿奖学金,还能在高考考场上卖答案,大赚一笔。 Students who did not do well at home have to spend money everywhere; results good students, not only free tuition, get a scholarship, but also sold in the college entrance examination answers, profit.

高考前夜,记者在扶余一中篮球场边听到一番对话。 The eve of college entrance examination, the reporter in Buyeo basketball court to hear a lot of dialogue. 一名女生向一名男生抱怨,我真的不甘心,咱农村的,买场咱也买不了。 A girl complained to a male, I really can not be reconciled, Our rural areas to buy buy market can not be God.

在同一个校园里,五六名考生谈论着一位卖家的叫价:“5万块钱一科,而且不能单买。”当中有名男生惊讶地大喊:“5万块钱一科?以后创业的钱都有了!” In the same campus, the 56 candidates to talk about a seller's asking price: "50,000 of money to a subject, but can not buy." Famous among the boys shouted in surprise: "50,000 of money to a subject? After With the money in business! "

而学校门口的一群考生说,据他们了解的行情,买一场在3000元左右,中间人会收1000元。 The school said in front of a group of candidates, according to their understanding of the market, bought a 3,000 yuan, 1,000 yuan a middleman will be closed. 语文由于答案不好确定,买场现象较少,其他三科合计9000元。 As a result of bad language to determine the answer, buy the market is relatively small, the other three combined 9,000 branches. 人群中冒出一句粗话:“他妈的,都得有钱的,没钱谁买?” The crowd emitted a foul language: "hell, the rich have no money to buy one?"

一名高一学生说,去年自己表哥家花了近10万元买场,既“买”老师也“买”学生,然后全场乱抄都没人管。 One high and one of them said that last year took home their cousin million on the purchase of the past 10 games, not only "bought" by the teacher to "buy" students, and then copy the whole chaotic没人管are.

对于儿子的将来,扶余县一家饭馆的老板王锋(化名)表现得胸有成竹。 For my son's future, the owner of a restaurant扶余县Wang (not her real name) was so sure of. “我给孩子运作了”,他有些得意。 "I have the operation to the children," he and some pride. “反正我家孩子考不上的话,这个考场就基本没人考上了。” "Anyway, my home考不上children, then the test on the basic No one passed."

王锋的儿子是扶余一中成绩较差的学生之一,模拟考试400多分。 Wang Fuyu one son is academically less able students in one of more than 400 hours of mock examinations. 通过父亲的“运作”,儿子有望达到480分左右,这是家里估计的本科线。 Through his father's "operation", the son is expected to reach about 480, it is estimated that undergraduate home line.

6月3日一分完考场,王锋立即从县教育局拿到一张单子,上面列着儿子所在的考场28名考生的姓名、学校、模拟考试成绩单等信息。 June 3 after a test, Feng received from the County Department of Education a list of the son of the above listed site is located the names of 28 candidates, schools, report card information such as mock examinations. “材料整出来了。哪一场,都有谁,你要没有人,都看不到这单子。” "Out of the whole material. Which one are who you want to no one, have not seen this list."

他发现,这个考场成绩最好的学生,模拟考试也就在550分左右。 He found that the best students in the examination room, mock examinations will be at about 550. “我们主打就找一个,找那个最好的。” "We are looking for a hit, look for the best."

记者问:“今年查这么严,你们怎么运作?”他说:“到里边就松了。” Reporter asked: "This year so strict search, how you work?" He said: "The song has been on the inside."

“你不给我抄,别人也得抄你的,也得打扰你。还不如让我抄呢,我不让别的同学打扰你。”王锋“运作”的算盘是:“我抄完了,大伙儿都有份,但在我抄之前,谁也不能抄。” "You do not copy me, people have to copy you, they have to interrupt you. Might as well let me take it, I do not allow other students to interrupt you." Feng "operation" of thinking: "I have copied over, they all have copies, but I have copied before, no one can copy. "

他说,自己“还没提钱的事儿”,对方“保我多少分,走上(大学)再给钱。要真抄上了,你一毛不拔也不行。” He said that he "did not mention money," the other "security how many points I have to go into (the University) and then give you the money. We have to take on, you mean too."

一边抱怨生意难做,王锋一边说:“谁家都得舍得这一万两万的,这十多年都拿了,还差这一点?” One complained that doing business is difficult, while Wang said: "Who willing to have 20,000 of these 10,000, it took 10 years, this is even worse?"

监考老师“不敢太深管” Invigilator teacher "too afraid to pipe"

语文考试之后,扶余三中学生张帆(化名)走出考场的第一件事,是给家里打电话。 Language examinations, the three students Buyeo Fan (not his real name) out of the examination room the first thing is to call home.

她旁若无人地对着话筒大喊:“我同学语文不好,让我给她整答案,我就整张面巾纸,写上去了,让一个女生传,那女生还不给传,一下子卡住了,让一个老师看见了。就一个老师管,那老师其实挺好的。另一个老师站着不吱声……没收卷儿?不可能!”旁 若无人to对着话筒she shouted: "I am not good students of language, let me give her the whole answer, I would like to whole tissues, write up, let a mass of girls, that girls not to the mass, all of a sudden stuck so that a teacher saw. a teacher on the tube, and that teachers in fact quite good.不吱声another teacher standing roll ... ... confiscated? impossible! "

挂掉电话后,她笑嘻嘻地:“我同学在前面,吱那一声了你说我能不帮吗?都这时候了。” Hang up phone, grinning to her: "I am in front of students, squeak it out of you say I can not help it? All this time."

当时,那位同学坐在第一排,张帆将选择题答案写在面巾纸上向前传,不料前面的女生不帮忙,又给送回来了。 At that time, students who sat front row, Zhang Fan will answer multiple-choice forward in the tissue mass, surprise, the girls in front of help, but also to send back. 张自己接纸条的时候,那位女老师走过来,对她说:“你老实点!”但老师所做的到此为止。 Zhang received his own note, the teacher who came to her: "You honestly point!" But the end of the teacher has done.

“这不面巾纸啊?我传出去好几个呢!”张帆对记者抖抖手里的塑料文件夹,里面有一大包纸巾。 "This is not tissues ah? I reported it to several!" Zhang told reporters shook the hands of the plastic folder, inside a large paper bag.

她说:“老师不敢太深管。只要你别让巡场的看到,给老师添麻烦。去年有老师管得太严,让人给揍了。” She said: "The teachers did not dare too much possession. As long as you can see Do not let the field visits to the teacher trouble. Last year, the teacher is too strict control, to the beat of the people."

很多家长也持这样的看法。 Many parents also shared this view. 王锋说:“监场老师都有胸牌,你要是对我不利了,我考完后找你。他学习啥也不是,考试就只能背水一战了,你敢跟他声张?(老师)工作范围内必然得提醒你,但你就拿他的话别当回事儿。” Wang said: "The teachers have监场badges, if you are against me, and after I finished looking for you. What he is not learning, the examination can only背水一战, you敢跟he quiet? (Teachers) work framework is bound to remind you, but you take seriously his son good-bye. "

他还说,正常而言,人都有同情心,谁家没有孩子? He also said that the normal, the people are compassionate, Who has not children?

另一些家长说:“一般的不敢给卡,孩子一辈子前途,卡的话出来后真收拾你。”“老师要是看到抄,也当没看见,都本地人,本地多出几个大学生不挺好吗?” Other parents said: "The general did not dare to the card, the child's future life, cards really clean up after you." "If the teachers see the copy, but also did not see when all the locals, more than a few local college students are not very please? "

另一方面,那些学习好又不愿“卖”场的学生,如果不想被别人打扰,也可以交钱“买保护”,就不会受到打扰。 On the other hand, those who study and do not want to "sell" the student market, if people do not want to be disturbed, you can pay "buying protection", there would not be disturbed.

高考期间,刘芬听自己的学生反馈,今年监考严了不少,有人传纸条被没收了。 Test period, LIU students listen to their own feedback, this year a lot of strict test, it was a piece of paper was confiscated Chuan. 但考试第一天,刘芬的孩子就被别的考生要答案,受到干扰,监考老师睁一只眼闭一只眼。 However, the first day of the examination, Liu Fen children were other candidates to answer, subject to interference examiner teacher turned a blind eye.

高考第一天,就有知情人向记者反映,在松原江南考场,清出了至少两名替考者和若干带耳机的违纪考生。 The first day of college entrance examination, it reflects the source told reporters in the southern Songyuan test, clear the proxy at least two persons and a number of discipline candidates with headphones. 考场上有考生互相换卷子抄,监考老师也不管。 Examination room have candidates for each examination paper copy, regardless of the teacher test. 记者在松原市实验高中考场随机问了几个考生,普遍反映“监考不严”,有的考生说,考场内很多人用无线耳麦,还有人传纸条。 Songyuan City's experimental high school in the examination room were asked a number of candidates, generally reflect the "strict test", some candidates said that the examination room with a lot of people use wireless headset, and others note Chuan.

同样望子成龙,中学教师刘芬不同于饭馆老板王锋的乐观,她十分忧心孩子的前途。望 子成龙Similarly, secondary school teachers is different from the restaurant owner Liu Fen Wang's optimism, she is very worried about the future of their children. 她说,以孩子的平时成绩,如果考风正常,谁也不抄,“本科稳走”,但在其他考生抄袭的情况下,就会成为可上可下的“边缘生”。 She said to the child's usual performance, if the exam normal, no copy, "we go steady," but in other cases of plagiarism candidates, will become available to the "brink of Health."

她说:“我非常担忧,考风不端正,学风怎么也改正不了。一是家长,二是学生。有的不把老师放在眼里,看不起你,认为孩子肯定能上,孩子搁你这儿就是让你给看着,人家有钱就当爷。还有的是把老师捧到天上,给老师送钱。” She said: "I am very worried about the wind is not the correct test, study how to correct it can not. First, the parents, two are students. Some teachers do not pay attention, look down on you, that would certainly be on the children, the children put you here is to allow you to see, when people have money on God. There is the sky捧到teachers, money for teachers. "

但在高考这两天,刘芬背离了她的信条。 However, in this two-day exam, LIU a departure from the tenets of her. “我对孩子说,为了公平点,在场上你能抄就抄,能打多少算多少。一上考场我就嘱咐,我说实在都抄的时候,你也得回头看看,别在那儿不动啊。” "My children said that in order to be fair, in the field you can copy on the copy, count the number of how many play. One last test, I asked, I said to copy it all, you have to look back, do not there is not ah move. "

守在熙熙攘攘的考场外,当中国青年报记者询问扶余一中3名高二学生,明年高考会不会考虑作弊时,有人回答“看吧”,有人回答“嗯哪”。 Shou-examination in the bustling, when the China Youth Daily, a reporter asked in Buyeo 3 High students, college entrance examination next year will not be considered cheating, it was answered, "Check it out", it was answering the question "Which ah."

本报吉林松原6月9日电 Our Jilin Songyuan Xinhua June 9