July 22, 2009

Bing’s Viral Video for Chinese Market

Recently, we’ve heard of a rumor that a Fortune 500 company will release a viral video featuring Furong Jiejie (芙蓉姐姐) and Xiaopang (小胖). My first reaction is: WTF? Are you bloody kidding me?

Let me give you some background infomation about Furong Jiejie (via Danwei):

Furong Jiejie writes boring nonsense about herself and publishes photographs of herself in sexually assertive but unrevealing poses. It’s difficult to understand why she has become a blog star: perhaps it’s because while she is not very attractive, she often talks about her beauty, and poses for photos like a minx.

Check this Google Image page for more pictures of Furong Jiejie.

She’s one of those Web celebs who enjoys what’s been called “The Fame of the Lame,” like William Hung from “American Idol” a few years back.

I can think of no reason a Fortune 500 company would want to risk its brand by associating it with someone like Furong Jiejie. But, well, they just did it! Bravo, Micro$oft!

Xiao Pang, or “Little Fatty,” was a chubby youngster who happened to have his picture taken while on a school outing one day, and his porcine countenance been Photoshopped into innumerable posters since. Check out a collection of those pictures, starting with the original, here.

BTW, if you, an English-speaking reader, don’t understand what the hell this video is talking about, don’t feel guilty. I don’t understand it either, even though I’ve spoken Chinese for more than 25 years. Just remember there’s a Bing logo in the end. That’s all.

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