nichopoulooza | first SexyPinkLipstick | | | omgg calisfinestbabe + | | | omg! aww wow this is amazing i feel like this with us now i love you mj AFAITM + | | | Erm Okaaaayyyy bullettriviumbodom + | | | It could have been anyone!
Like meber of the family getting something!
Its stupid nichopoulooza | member of your family like maybe! my family has skin and scary music doesn 't play half invisible when they walk down the hallway bullettriviumbodom | | | the music one isn' t there!
Its been added on!
Secondly after further analysis zoom in the video and you 'll see the long shadow it Means it was created from someone far away Anyway NRA Ghost' t real and there is no possible way it is him! But if you believe so keep believeing at least you 've got something to believe in!
AlexCorralMexico | | | good point nichopoulooza | GHOSTHATER AirAfroMan | | | ghosts are real nigga rdatlasmbrd hours | | | you can see only what you perceive JustinTheChallenger + | | | im creeped out but i guess it 's good to see him lol i sud be happy TheeeBronteee + | | | wooow i love you xxxx mj the king of pop is still with us khtz x + | | | What aload of crap i have watched this millions of times ran it through the proper processors def and it IS NOT the fake it is def the real deal it is def elvis nichopoulooza | it's possible that Elvis was looking for leftover Demerol or other opiate left under the floorboards that the DEA missed And the fact that like someone else suggested he 's not fat doesn' t make sense It's scientific fact that after death one loses almost% of one's body mass weight Read Weekly World News for more information ThaPrincess | | | that sound so stupid why would be in Elvis Presley neverland i am sure that is Sprit but that is not elvis MICHAEL JACKSON MJ home is neverland so if spirit is seen in neverland HELLO PPL its Michael Jackson misssalsa + | | | I believe that was Michael's after that was his home he loved barberball + | | | shut up bout ppl learn first then go and tell ppl it IS NOT real jaldesai | | | Thats just putting another video of man over the main CNN video and increasing the transparency value to percent so that the man's figure seems transparent Can be done in Adobe After Effects in less than minute!
LR + | | | Thats good point But I so badly want to believe its his ghost rdatlasmbrd hours ^ ^ | | | + I mystuffmineminemine | | | Oh my I forgot about these things that will now be in the National Enquirer and tabloids He hated SO he will be spotted over the world for the rest of OUR lives I mean isn 't Elvis still incognito in small towns around the world one thing is for sure the average joe wont be mistaken for MJ he was one of kind!
MJ RIP we will always hold on to hope that somehow you will remain with us even beyond the great talents you left behind! glue | | | STFU mans the creep why do you even care so much about man you dont even know if you were family member i would understand but c 'mon if the old lady across my street died would you be saying the exact same thing i doubt it cuz she's not famous you people are stupid kc CFB hours + | | | Would it be racially insensitive to refer to MJ's ghost kjhvhgd Spook hours | | | its stupid his songs he was the king of pop of our team like Elvis was the king of rock if an old lady died i wouldnt give fuck cuz i wouldnt know who she was dammnnnnnnnnnn these stupid people these days that 's why they invented the word dumb Deathwish hours | | | Only in America person can become Pedophiles to hero over night hours LAXIEBABY + | | | hey it could be true just because you don 't believe doesn' t mean it isn 't real mums my best friends husband passed away and she said she saw her shadow Husbands in her bedroom before he was finally laid to rest after the funeral and she said it made her blood run cold and could feel Tingling strangestranger hours | | | CNN explained it It 's crew member's shadow There were crew members and people in that room was where the shadow and the sun or light they had set up his shadow Castedo he walked by unsolo hours + | | | il fantasma perezchristianne hours + | | | That was probably Michael's ghost and he 'll keep Haunting his house looking for some clue to his death still haunts his Even Elvis Graceland everynow hours and then kk kk + | | | well I am not saying that things like ghosts don 't exist but I' ll only believe when I 'll see one takemedave hours | | | and I thought the world would give may be little more respect but still joke of the media makes him sad Very Sad TheGhostWritter hours + | | | Yeah but like everybody else you watched the video when you see MICHAEL JACKSON 'S GHOST Sad very sad ZwinkyLover hours | | | How are they making joke of him! everyone actually cried for him and you think people are Joking about him just because they saw something walk past and they thoughgt it was MJ's ghost your friken retarded never say tht nachoescobars hours + | | | i think it's really him because you can tell the ghost is moonwalking xyquiz hours | | | It 's shadow you can see the wall from sun too bright It could be someone walked pass the window and shadow on the wall I don' t believe tfonseca hours | | | Let MJ the dead in peace! fubaloko hours | | | If Michael should be doing the Moonwalk is a s o l be left to someone to bring people beast! almaluzmonzon hours | | | y ojala si sea Michael Jackson Emerson meters hours + | | | deixen mj in the peace and killed after he dexan vcs in peace! q mount more false kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk hooked hours + | | | Fuck! si eso top of the shock with the musiquita ni te cuento hours | | | i 'm afraid | nooo MegaGigi hours | | | wow! benixxbuddy hours + | | | laura affffff hours ss + | Not | | I LOVE YOU MICHAEL calitex hours | | | we use all our steps from the beyond RaulPavia hours | | | The Ghosts make the shadow effect is particularly gabylynda hours% | | | mm can be montaje pero si estaba en vivo como yo pienso ke si es el sofikpa hours | | | this is piece of shxt he died and now they're making joke with him bryacristian hours | | | tu mare takemedave hours | | | reality might be boring but he is dead and the media is Hotter than ever to speculate on everything I feel ashamed for them man! joselovefabi hours | | | hola yo pienso friends on sonbra q esa es jackson in itself is a demon in q q takes the pariencias personas por eso de la gente q so there abisto a family dise q q lla Muri but the family is not in itself atom q is a demon of the family as good people dead tanbien esa si es real sonbra by Balla q be a q sonbra are fucked in the sea if there ganpuesto of akuerdo to get sonbra si esa es esa sonbra devil is a real good friends chau aki les dejo mi msn es ss joselovefabi hours jose_love_fabi | Not | | hola yo pienso friends on sonbra q esa es jackson in itself is a demon in q q takes the pariencias personas por eso de la gente q so there abisto a family dise q q lla Muri but the family is in you is a devil in the form of atom q family dead people tanbien bueno si esa es real sonbra by Balla q be a q sonbra are fucked in the sea if there ganpuesto of akuerdo to get sonbra esa si esa sonbra is real good friends is a demon chau aki les dejo mi msn es jose_love_fabi joselovefabi hours | Not | | hola yo pienso friends on sonbra q esa es jackson in itself is a demon in q q takes the pariencias de la personas por eso ai so gente q dise q abisto a family q lla Muri but the family is in you is a devil in the form of atom q family muerto bueno pes tanbien real es si esa sonbra by Balla q be a q sonbra are fucked in the sea if there ganpuesto of akuerdo to get sonbra esa si esa es sonbra devil is a real good friends chau aki les dejo mi msn es jose_love_fabi Xell hours | | | I dont think that anyone would joke about his death and it's shadow is too big if you ask me willianmattei hours | | | ow ta live it the Michael Jackson AmfarDJ hours | | | OK looser if U see the image look U don 't see one shadow are two on the fire place & the floor extrange! is not ghost!
DisneyFreak hours | | | hello no! it cannot be shadow of its crew member definitely spirit or something like that kaitoukid hours | | | jajaja the song! xD I don 't know if I should believe this DeniseWebMusic hours | | | la verdad nose qe decir qe si fuera by a shadow is reflected in a wall and the ahi Habia naada can be qe sea un truco qe sea may be the en el es el fin y siempre a great value if you remember the hours asi + | | | S i es verdad es un l is great and I feel a lack of respect toward l is doing what estan con esto es un truco y con the technology that í í rotten hay hasta yo hacerlo Weather disappears in the shadow coincides esa muy bien con el movimiento de la camara hacia la izquierda y esa es la classic addition to the effects of ghosts in crossing movements of a door toward otra en un pasillos Michael Serasa always a great clanvvars hours per | | | window shadow reflecing the wall of the house lights so bright ghost spirit spirts are not always clear greyish never never have dark shadows they hover they dont move and they move usuall mm every seconds that was about meters in seconds it was not possible proven window reflection or just spoof laissxp hours | | | this is soooo fake holyranger hours | | | i admit it's convicing but it's simply too soon for him to manifest himself in spirit form and also it's during the which adds the chance of simply shadow if it was at night i 'd be more convinced shilouette also the spirit to the often looks like the person but it looks nothing like Michael Jackson so i am to conclude it is not him immortalpuppylol hours | | | well i believe it i mean ive got ghosts that do things to me in the daylight and i hate it lol to my ghosts MY DAMN SHOULD STOP Tapping and if it was shadow of one of the crew members dont u think it would be a lot shorter and the crew member would have to be much closer to showing that besides the large shadow disappears into the walls so yea i has to be if not his ghost ghost of someone who died in that house back then AwsomeGirl hours + | | | Ahhhhh vimeshtube hours + | | | some times it 's true naathaliasilva hours + | | | omg fbillalkhan The hours + | | | LOL! the music freaked me out more than the shadow Chunooatron hours + | | | i think so to Bizalha hours removed by author Lenita hours + | | | omg!
HI dont belive in ghost maybe is someone or something but Joking dehyuki hours + | | | I don 't believe in ghost too It could be maybe shadow GuihPs hours + | | | No it's just shadow of one of the crew % <
Michael Jackson rest in peace you are and always will be the only best artist in all questions of the world!
The King of Pop! paulosk hour | | | dude that was his spirit dancin the Moonwalk nudoca hour | | | BUUUUUUUU to rid your ass thayaha hour | | | REDICULO AND SUCH NEIM your face do not respect the dead ¬ ¬ hopefully it comes for you night your fucking attention ç ¬ ¬ provides vooc and speaks to what an idol and that was a myth and that it lost ¬ ¬ vai pra Fika always ak II ~ ~> ♥ desenhord hour | | | coredor on the cross He moonwaker I vi kkkk mreis hour | | | he step dancing hsahuashuasuhashashahsuhuasuha Moonwalk shuasuhasuhhusauahsuhsauhsa thayaha hour | | | Cover SERIIO SAME AND THAT CAN BE EVEN He loves Moonwalk hauhuahsuahsuashu styflerb hour | | | very scary!
MrFodase hour | | | Aaah for sure was that I spent hours and that will fuck and fude could be my someone is m more for your products is not only for creating s pol mica ê 'thayaha hour | | | Aaah and Burr VOOCE CARA you do not HAVE OR WILL STEP PORTE PRA TE MONEY IN TIME TAH LA PENSA idiot ¬ ¬ SEE BEFORE YOU SPEAK TO THE VE GOSTOZO DINOITE LAZARENTO YY fettonfetton hour | | | Why should it be even he could not enter the pq heaven he came wanting to take the boy Jesus uahuahuahuahuahauahauahauahaua hq Q crude MariNegona hour | | | I still think the Freddie Mercury q eh !!!!!
Freddie I love you! James and hour | | | Michael Jackson 's Spirit Jozusi hour | | | IS NOT him that if it was him he' d be walkin backwards \ o Peterson hour | | | the fake Peterson hour k | | | pq naum he liked Nestle nor Lacta Soh pq he ate boy kkkk inesvs hour + | | | The people do not have to do the same n and find that we are stupid to believe that firulinha rsrsrsrs miguewillcutu hour | | | fake ass shit u could see the shadow on the floor dumb ThePhillyryder hour + | | | ant fake cuz that sprits are real believe it or not animalnt minutes | | | are you on crack TheKarinaPrazeres hour + | | | I do not believe it! AXO q should respect the descan I want it! yes!
BlindWatcher hour + | | | well unforntunately II was not there to see it with my own eyes its very frightening to think about it whatever i never seen my grandparents ghosts but i also never lived in their house too bf hl hour | | | olloloolololololololololololo lmao furfleg hour | | | ahhhhhhh it's just smoke it if ppl start to dance i would believe william minutes | | | report was that I was watching live and axei a person who was going engraadas mere â ç t oc not perceive the Larry King jah tah very old and famous for making this kind of thing engraadas fake naum ThePhillyryder minutes ç t | | | ok lol im crazy and on crack but i believe in it like i said that spirits are real could be fake but who knows and i never said it had to do with religion i said if you believe in the bible you would know that spirts are real veraluciafelix minutes | | | It was impossible to be false was alive Incredible!
I think this is in so many runs he will not rest What he rest in peace! darkmasterdark minutes | | | You can figure that appears in the CH A shadow can be fake but the Minute + | | | I q soul michael Jamas leaving neverland ligiahelenarj minutes | | | I belive because exist more between the sky and the earth than we can imagine!
NABOPOLAZAR minutes | | | to see the pure fraud that was all armed josilizrio minutes | | | I think him and he qe pq ta happy seeing this as we feel for him and him and for a hat! reeei eternal! camera he had not stopped and continued connecting or more minutes for this krlimjunior | | | This is katie s Macumba minutes | | | Michael Jackson 's ghost still lives on RIP MICHAEL JACKSON I WILL NEVER FORGET U MA Prays R WITH U AND UR FAMILY alarmclocktimebomb minutes | | | HAHAHAHAHA this is fucking hilarious ermacmk minutes + | | | LOL he moonwalked across the hallway minutes minicj red | | | nothing there this is ballshit deborafernandapavani minutes | | | is Capeta ibiramon minutes | | | PQP thing stupid PiKeManLoKo minutes | | | c pod kra q step in a window at the outside and the shadow feiz inside MJacksonlovergirl minutes | | | wowow wohwoh jonas minutes | | | I was spent the their donkeys diegosanper minutes XD kkkkk + | | | which is what was black became white and gray R is now Michael Jackson! jonas minutes | | | kkkk minutes minuchoman + | | | The American people are too create something to make money or audio and ncia capitalism the people is very funny minutes + | | | Buuuuuu !!!!!!! So give it lacked the Moonwalk and dan ç minutes of the robbery KKK jonas | | | if a spirit does not appear in the Call ã ã Ent At the assembly it was certainly I do know that kind of thing BrunaLuisaRomanichen minutes | | | must each Gabrielitj minutes | | | huge weird! the actual assembly that is alive and he still tar primarc minutes | | | ptuz that bunch of people without your heart are the vcs hein! the minimum m í í lia fam should respect and the fans and let these idiots comments to make when m and vcs will die!
V do not you all fucking hell vcs!