[featuring girls on the phone asking what the name of the new Elvis is...
One says to the other,
Camera pans to 8 X 10 framed photo of Elvis in uniform,
and to Elvis live saying briefly,
'G.I. Blues--Gee, I hope you like it."
G.I. ブルース
Mizuki Ichiro [Gong] Sasaki
Mizuki Ichiro [Gong] Sasaki
( 日語 :ささきいさお,1942年5月16日-)
(Japanese:ささいきさお, May 16, 1942 -)
Gong Sasaki
is a Japanese singer, actor,
声优. 本名佐々木功(讀音相同)。
Sasaki, whose real name is Gong
(same pronunciation).
生於東京都,住在千葉縣市川市。Experience was born in Tokyo, living in Chiba City, Sichuan cities.
Hyosung private primary and secondary schools, private colleges and universities Musashi in graduate school.
Excellent score, the original studies in the University of Tokyo as the goal, but in the end did not study.
Musashi studying at colleges and universities, they begin to engage in the activities of singers, in 1960, is based on you Benming 』
debut as a singer for Rockailly, known as Elvis Presley in Japan.
Appeared after the new plays and musicals for the bulk in order to cast as the main job activities.
1972年,以聲優的身份出演龍之子製作公司製作的『科學小飛俠 』的「大明」一角,翌年擔任『新造人間凱翔』的主題曲演唱,從此成為動畫歌手,演唱大量動畫與特攝電視劇的主題曲。
In 1972, starred in the identity of声优the son of long production company produced 』『 science Peter Pan's "Ming dynasty" of the iceberg, as the following year 『new world』凯翔singing the theme song, singer became animated, animation and special concert substantial perturbation the theme song of the series.
When in 1974, because singing television animation, "Space Battleship Yamato," the theme song and all the rage, and create millions of record sales.
之後也以演員、歌手、旁白等身份活躍,後來又專門在西洋電影裡為席維斯·史特龍與克里斯多夫·李維等人飾演的角色配音。After actor, singer, identity aside, such as active, and later specialized in western movies as Sylvester Stallone and Christopher Li and so long as the role of voice-over person.其妻為聲優上田美由紀,兩人於1981年各自帶着自己的孩子再婚。 His wife for声优Miyuki Ueda, two in 1981 with their children their remarriage. 後來他們將這段辛苦的故事於1986年著成「攜子再婚的單程票」(與妻子共著)出版。
Later, they will be the story of this difficult book in 1986 as a "son to carry one-way ticket to remarry" (with his wife a total book) published.
興趣是音響 、家庭劇院等物,他曾經多次登上相關的專業雜誌。
Are interested in audio, home theater and other objects, he has made many professional journal board.
Chinese characters are used him the past, whose real name is "Gong Sasaki" job as an actor at the time of first name, but in concert声优work with the use of "いきささおさ" as a stage name of Hiragana, since 2004, he unified the use of "いきささおさ" as a stage name.
He once said in a singing and dancing, this is once in order to miss him as born in the era of pandemic Rockabilly is a witness to the good time.
G.I BLUESエルヴィス・プレスリーの声が懐かしい。
Miss the voice of Elvis Presley.
It's the human touch of the human voice.
"Occupation GIBlues"
"Occupation GIBlues"
when the voice of Elvis and the lyrics of a blow,
"ROKKUNRORA" look more shiny medal sparkling with Elvis.
向KAIAI gun and the moment is being chased by a bullet, is another place to laugh and watch TV.
The moment that the death of a friend絶唱
and elsewhere are writing a love letter to people who are screaming.
It's cruel, but people are living without a sense of what is happening elsewhere.
Even the tragic disaster is clinging to, they would also continue the war and endless nightmares.
And I think the soldiers in the battlefield, it seems like a dirty war against a cruel and even, I do not even mean anything anymore.
気紛RE the offensive power of their madness.
Not only to honor the civic body 巻KI付KETA bombs, terrifying madness that ordered it done for?,・・・。,
Abandoned the bomb, left their guns at home, at home, in my way,
Saddam Bush kiss kiss.
Bush HAGUHAGU Hussein.
Is not.
Power Kiss Kiss Bush?
Power HAGUHAGU Hussein?
The reason to not to?
The AHORASHII, people admitted that power is more stupid.
Oh, shudder to think of themselves that mirror, it must be terrifying.
Impressed with his appeal for the PR value of life after you, praising the film interesting and brutal violence.
After CHIKURI CHIKURI with a solemn face and said the newscaster, the March on multiple personality sleazy sex, symptoms気GATSUKANAI whole division of the media itself.
It may be a mirror of it.
But it happens every day without even a war.
It is "human" from a live cross.
It is sad but true.
Die in a war, a war much repeat, there is no denying the human mind.
Denied, conflicts are all around everywhere.
Pettishly snowman and only had to grow before my eyes, of course, continue rolling into the world as long as the medicine of the heart always.
But we, cave, well, the trigger points, can not be depressed.
Once you reset your mind up and go to live your life and make it not.
Do not have a bomb crabby, you do not have to reconsider denied a gun,
A voice from heaven and do not just live on begging.
To the small.
To the system.日常のスイッチをオフにした時に、エルヴィスの声がオンになる。
When you switch off the routine, turned on the voice of Elvis.
Kokoro and the head was turned off, but now,
軍が与えてくれた部屋からは The military gave me the room is
美しいライン河の眺め Beautiful views of the River Line
軍が与えてくれた部屋からは The military gave me the room is
美しいライン河の眺め Beautiful views of the River Line
でも泥と油で濁ったテキサスの Cloudy in the Texas oil and mud at
汚い小川がいいんだよ I have a dirty creek
*まいっちまうぜ、1、2、3、4 * I CHIMAU shell, 1,2,3,4
仕事は”GIブルース” Work "GI Blues"
GIカットのてっぺんからGIシューズの踵まで GI GI cut to the top of the heel of the shoe
早いところ、生まれ故郷のアメリ力に帰れなきゃ At the earliest,帰RENAKYA to force America's hometown
頭のヒューズが飛んでじゃうぜ I flew Hughes to head JAU
ドイツ風シチューと Germany and stew
黒パンが俺たちの食事 We eat the black bread
ドイツ風シチューと Germany and stew
黒パンが俺たちの食事 We eat the black bread
来月の給料が飛んでもいいぜ I can fly a paycheck next month
テキサス・ステーキが食べれるなら ・Texas would be eating steak
ヒーローに憧れるのに I憧RERU a hero
来る日も来る日も行進ばかり Just a single day march
ヒーローに憧れるのに I憧RERU a hero
来る日も来る日も行進ばかり Just a single day march
橋から落ちたくらいでは I fell from a bridge in the
勲章なんかもらえやしない Mollification MORAEYASHINAI medal
*まいっちまうぜ、1、2、3、4 * I CHIMAU shell, 1,2,3,4
仕事は”GIブルース” Work "GI Blues"
うんざりさ Bore
GIカットのてっぺんからGIシューズの踵まで GI GI cut to the top of the heel of the shoe
早いところ、生まれ故郷のアメリ力に帰れなきゃ At the earliest,帰RENAKYA to force America's hometown
頭のヒューズが飛んでじゃうぜ I flew Hughes to head JAU
花よりきれいなドイツの娘たち Beautiful girls from Germany flowers
なのに近づくこともできゃしない But that approach does not DEKYA
花よりきれいなドイツの娘たち Beautiful girls from Germany flowers
なのに近づくこともできゃしない But that approach does not DEKYA
だってみんなの胸には The hearts of everyone he has
「私の芝生に立入禁止」のサイン "KEEP OUT me on the grass" signs
*まいっちまうぜ、1、2、3、4 * I CHIMAU shell, 1,2,3,4
仕事は”GIブルース”、 Work "GI Blues",
GIカットのてっぺんからGIシューズの踵まで GI GI cut to the top of the heel of the shoe
早いところ、生まれ故郷のアメリ力に帰れなきゃ At the earliest,帰RENAKYA to force America's hometown
頭のヒューズが飛んでじゃうぜ I flew Hughes to head JAU
(嘆きが仕事のGIブルース) (GI Blues grief work)
嘆きが仕事のGIブルース GI Blues of grief work
(嘆きが仕事のGIブルース) (GI Blues grief work)
ハウディ Howdy
The theme song for the movie GI Blues
same name, and despite the title, number of air lock tripping March. ブルースの所以は、ブルーな兵隊さんの心情を歌ったものだから。
Why the blues is just a soldier's sang the feelings of the blue.
エルヴィス・プレスリーはアメリカ国民の法律によって、実際に1958年に1958年3月24日、陸軍に入隊、テキサスの基地で6ヶ月の訓練を受けた後、ドイツに駐屯、Elvis Presley is the law of the American people, the actual 1958 to March 24, 1958, into the army base in Texas for six months after training, stationed in Germany,
月給78ドルで2年間の兵役を持ち前のあたたかく豊かなサービス精神で勤めた。2, who has worked for a salary of 78 dollars in a rich warm and natural spirit of service to years of military service.
Hope I do not like special treatment to ordinary people, and promoted to sergeant as a youth spent as a soldier.
March 1960 and discharged in five days.
除隊後初の映画『GIブルース』はその等身大の姿を全世界に見せようと、実際にエルヴィスが駐屯していたフランクフルトを舞台に、製作され1960年11月23日に公開された。Discharged after the first movie, GI Blues, and show the world a life-size figure of the stage had been stationed in Frankfurt Elvis is actually being produced in 1960 was published on November 23.
そのコンセプトはファンのみならず多くの人の気持ちとマッチ、アメリカ人の誇り、安心、共有のアンケート結果であるかのように記録破りの大ヒットとなっている。The concept is to match people's feelings as well as fans of American pride, confidence, and record-breaking smash hit as if it shared the results of the survey.
アメリカ人はきっと虹を見たようにうれしかったのだ。Americans are glad to see the rainbow in it.
オリジナル・サウンドトラック・アルバムは映画公開に先行して10月にリリース、10週連続アルバムチャート・トップの大ヒットとなっている。Original soundtrack to the film ahead of the June 10 release, 10 have hit the top of the album charts for another week.
チャートイン期間は2年を超える111週で、ギネス大量ホルダーのエルヴィスでも最長のアルバムとなった。Period in the chart in two weeks more than 111 years, the longest record holder in the massive Guinness Elvis.
無気味・・・僕は幼い頃、エルヴィスの存在と声(ハートブレイク・ホテル)を何かで見たこと、聴いたことはあったが、その印象は無気味、恐い、ふしだらの印象でしかなかったのだ。無気味 I was a child, the presence and voice of Elvis (Heartbreak Hotel) saw something that was heard, the impression無気味, scary, impressive not only in the loose it.
その無気味さは子供には近付いてはいけない雰囲気があって、”成人オンリー”しかも”特殊な人オンリー”の覗いてはいけないモノと決めていた。 無気味the child is approached in the atmosphere has not, "adults only" and "Only special people" look at the things we decided was not. ところが偶然立続けに見た『ガール!
But by chance saw the girl standing still!
The girl's love of Elvis in the KO punch, nor the devil, a healthy "normal brother."
なんとなく知っていた恐い印象とのギャップが急速に接近させたのかも知れない。Maybe the gap is rapidly approaching and I knew somehow scary impression.
いま思うとそれはエルヴィスと能動的に関わることは大人への関門として偶然の必然だったようである。I think it is now actively involved with Elvis is as casual as a barrier was necessary for adults.
映画『GIブルース』には入隊前に製作された4作品の無気味なエルヴィスとは全く違うエルヴィス・プレスリーがすでに登場している。GI Blues, a film producer before joining the army was given the ominous Elvis and four of the work is already very different Elvis Presley.
Number of new frontier of both singing and acting, is filled to the torrent.
Preinduction fans, the moment I saw Elvis in the new film, from the fear that my guess was a shock.
映画の展開は歴史に名高いMGMミュージカルでのジーン・ケリー、フランク・シナトラらの作品のようだし、エルヴィスの笑顔が爽やかなキャラクターも、その線でこちらもスマイル。Expansion of the film is famous in the history of Gene Kelly in MGM musicals, and it works by Frank Sinatra, Elvis character refreshing smile, smile even more in the line.
The music, but firmly "Elvis movie" genre in which to push.
ハル・ウォリスのプロデュース、ノーマン・タグロウ監督のアカデミー賞コンビが初めてエルヴィスと組んだ作品ということもあって定石ながらも全編にもっとも映画らしい雰囲気が漂い好感の持てる力強い作品に仕上がっているProducer Hal Wallis, the work is finished strong drift amiable atmosphere映画RASHII while most full-length book that works because of Elvis and his first Academy Award for director duo TAGUROU Norman.
映画の1/3が過ぎた頃に登場するエルヴィスの相手役のジュリエット・プラウズが、アメリカの友人とそっくりなのが個人的には一番楽しめる理由。Movie 1 / 3 of the opposite Juliet Prowse Elvis has come around, much like a personal friend of the United States and most enjoyable reason.
The songs of Elvis and to the point it can also develop the film in extremely good shape, and the always enjoyable.
Sing in front of Juliet Prowse
ROKKUNRORA in a light, full of Elvis stuff, UOTSU, UOTSU, finally, how good a movie like that now.
伝説的アニメ『宇宙戦艦ヤマト』のテーマ曲でも知られる佐々木功氏のカヴァーもあって、日本では馴染みの深いタイトル曲<GIブルース>だが、意外にもアメリカではシングル・リリースされていない。Space Battleship
Anime legendary commander, also known as the
theme song and also a cover of
success in Japan is a familiar title song
But surprisingly in the U.S. has not been a single release.
From my album
single cut in the United Kingdom.
ヨーロッパではドイツ語バージョンがリリースされた。In Europe, the German version is released.
アメリカでは<さらばふるさと>も1964年クリスマス・シーズンに<ブルー・クリスマス>のB面としてやっとリリースされた。In the United States
The year 1964 Christmas was released just as the B side. つまり本国ではアルバム1本勝負だったわけだが、納得できる充実したアルバムになっている。
That is an album at home but this game was, the album has been fully satisfactory.
It's nice from the beginning when the force exceeds a trendy jacket and content.
<GIブルース>のシド・テッパー、ロイ・C・べネットの作者コンビによる。Sid Tepper, Roy C by a combination of the net all authors.
Here IKASANAI title but the song is gone
even though they offer, the acquisition, Blue Hawaii fans in mass and so on.
『ガール! The Girls! ガール! Girls! ガール! Girls! 』では<壁の耳には聞こえない><似合いのカップル>などなど。
and so on. なんとそれぞれ。
Each of them.
The five songs are also available.
Is a drama, and nostalgia, the King home! 稀代のロケン屋仲間、スコテイ・ムーア、DJフォンタナのバンドとともにお披露目される。
稀代ROKEN of fellow man, SUKOTEI Moore, DJ and band will be unveiling Fontana.
Lyrics homesickness, feelings of his soldiers took to the boo-hoo, sounds like the number lock out GENKI March.
嘆きが仕事の”GI稼業”といった内容だが、きちんと兵役をつとめ、軍曹に昇進したエルウ゛ィス・プレスリーゆえに歌になり、絵になっている。The grief work "GI occupation" which is like a military working properly, because of the Elvis song ERUU゛ISU was promoted to sergeant, has been painting.
裂け目を疾走するエルヴィスの真骨頂、絶妙のバランスが声のバランスで2乗4乗されてエルヴィスらしい。Elvis to drive on the true worth of the cleft, the balance of the exquisite balance of voices square is four square ERUVISURASHII.
Not quite an explosion to blow the pathos of the closing shout. 泣け泣け、 Cry Cry,
Cow milk occasionally promiscuous mode and even if such a clause to cry, and come home early and devote themselves to the steak.
OJIJI, OBABA the country is great and happy, as happy as young people is a great country.
"Elvis for President!" I think this might have been a most healthy people, he said.,・・・。,
Hit in the chest.
エルヴィスの背中にかくれんぼ。Hide and seek in the back of Elvis.
もういいかい?Remember that? まあだだよ。
It's reasonably. もういいかい?
Remember that? ・・・・。
エルヴィスの声が消えて、意向を尋ねるわけでもなく、新しい瞬間が出迎える。Elvis's voice disappears, nor would we ask, and receive a new moment.
How happy time, when the cruel, but I do not know, you turn on the switch.
You can start with Kokoro.
GIブルース、ラジカセ抱えて、「FUCK YOU!」逃げ出してしまえばいいのに。GI Blues, with boom box, "FUCK YOU!" I wish I would have run away.
Do all soldiers.
Do not run away.
And muttering, and the world can not go away.
Elvis continues to push back.,・・・。,
They give us a room They give us a room
With a view of the beautiful Rhine With a view of the beautiful Rhine
They give us a room They give us a room
With a view of the beautiful Rhine With a view of the beautiful Rhine
A gimme a muddy ole creek A gimme a muddy ole creek
In Texas any ole time In Texas any ole time
* l've got these hup two three four * L've got these hup two three four
Occupation GIBlues Occupation GIBlues
From my GIhair From my GIhair
To the heels of my GIshoes To the heels of my GIshoes
And if I don't go Stateside soon And if I don't go Stateside soon
l'm gonna blow my fuse l'm gonna blow my fuse
We get hasenpfeffer We get hasenpfeffer
And black pumpernickel for chow And black pumpernickel for chow
We get hasenpfeffer We get hasenpfeffer
And black pumpernickel for chow And black pumpernickel for chow
l'd blow my next month's pay l'd blow my next month's pay
For a slice of Texas cow For a slice of Texas cow
We'd like to be heroes We'd like to be heroes
But all that we do here is march But all that we do here is march
We'd like to be heroes We'd like to be heroes
But all that we do here is march But all that we do here is march
And they don't give the Purple Heart And they don't give the Purple Heart
For a fallen arch For a fallen arch
* Repeat * Repeat
The frauleins are pretty as flowers The frauleins are pretty as flowers
But we can't make a pass But we can't make a pass
The frauleins are pretty as flowers The frauleins are pretty as flowers
But we can't make a pass But we can't make a pass
Cause they're all wearin' signs sayin' Cause they're all wearin 'signs sayin'
"Keep it to your own grass" "Keep it to your own grass"
* Repeat * Repeat
(Occupatlon GIBlues) (Occupatlon GIBlues)
Occupation GIBlues Occupation GIBlues
(Occupation GIBlues) (Occupation GIBlues)
Howdy Howdy