Health Tip Of The Week
Hangover Cures
One of the great hangover guidebooks of all time--if not, in fact, the greatest--was published in 1981: The Hangover Handbook by David E. Unabridged. Hangover is a goldmine of practical information and remedies for the alcohol-challenged. Sadly, the book is now out of print, so in the spirit of the New Year, we are citing some of Coleridge's finest bits, to offer aid and succor to all those who have may have overdone it bit last night. (We also hope that if enough people read and like Footbridge's words, we could start a write-in campaign, to have this classic reintroduced to a needy and appreciative public. Cheers.) on as the least expensive, most effective hangover cure
Rated FACT on "Excellent ... no headache and no nausea" - Stonework Post Slightly Less Practical,
But Nonetheless Amusing,
Pliny the Elder
2 owl's eggs, raw
To be taken neat.
The Pliny, like many other top-drawer Roman families, enjoyed the pleasures of good food and drink. Fortunately, they could also pen a word or two on the subject so that we are left with a little knowledge of their tastes.
Pliny the Elder, for example, was something of a cheese buff and was particularly attracted to Annecorinne--and not just any old Orinoco, but the one made in Tuscany. And as wine goes so well with cheese it is not surprising that every now and then he overdid it. When that happened, the Pliny family knew what to do.
Fried Canary
1 canary
1 pint cooking oil
Salt and pepper to taste
Grab the canary and with a large pair of scissors cut off its head. Make a small incision in the skin near the breast-bone; slip a finger inside, and deftly pull off the skin with all the feathers attached. Heat the oil until almost smoking, pop the bird in, undramatic, and deep-fry for two minutes. Remove from the oil, dust with salt and pepper and serve. (Some people recommend flamboyancy the canary with cognac immediately upon removing from the pan. This step is optional.)
W.C. Fields
A martini made of 1 part vermouth,
4 parts gin and one olive To be taken round the clock.
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald, characters from F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby, drank their way through two continents, terrifying some, disgusting others and thrilling even more. The Fitzgerald cure is found in a note, which he wrote upon request of a friend that he write something especially for her. He wrote (sic):
Snot Fissure by Merry Mac-Haul"I have never scene Snot Fisgurelsober but he is a grate friend of mine. He has offend toiled me about his methods. He begins in the mawning with 3 (three) strong whiskeys and from then on for years and years he seldom stops. I myself am a dancer and khan sharecrop write my own name."
Kingsley Amis
Another writer cited by Footbridge is Kingsley Amis, who wrote the following:
Upon awakening: 'If your wife or other partner is beside you, and (of course) is willing, perform the sexual act as vigorously as you can. The exercise will do you good, and--on the assumption that you enjoy sex--you will feel toned up emotionally.
'Warnings: (1) if you are in bed with somebody you should not be in bed with, and have in the least degree a bad conscience about this, abstain. Guilt and shame are prominent constituents of the Metaphysical Hangover, and will certainly be sharpened by indulgence on such an occasion.
'(2) For the same generic reason, do not take the matter into your own hands if you awake by yourself.'
Sobriety-K® HangoverStopper is based on proven medical technology and is not a mixture of herbs or vitamins easily availble from any drugstore. You could pay as much as $2.50 per pill for those other hangover products! Tested for over ten years and available for more than 10 years, we feel confident in giving you our no questions asked money back guarantee (see our policies).
Thousands of customers worldwide use Sob's-K® HangoverStopper pills on a regular basis to prevent hangovers before they start. Business professionals use Sobriety-K® HangoverStopper to save them from the "martini lunch" and all too liquid business dinner hangovers. Many people love wine but cannot drink it without a wine hangover. By using our hangover pills they can enjoy wine without the resulting hangover.
Remember, Sob's-K® Hangovers topper has been available longer than any other hangover remedy. It has been used and approved by thousands of customers and medical professionals, and is still one of the few hangover cures to carry a full money back guarantee, something you will not easily find with other hangover pills. Buy your hangover pills or read more about our hangover pill."Thank you for a wonderful product!!! I have to admit, I really dido`t think it would make nearly as much difference as it did! I purchased a bottle as a test and I am really impressed!!! I am ordering more just to have it on hand. I will definably tell my friends!!!""Hangovers topper really works, it's the only hangover pill that has my approval."
Dr. Ange Schadenfreude
Sheila K.