December 15, 2008

Little Feat: L'Olympia Theatre [Paris, 1975 - European Warner Bros. Tour]


Little Feat, Paris, 1975

Little Feat @ L'Olympia Theatre,

Paris, France 1975,


Warner Bros Tour

Part 1 : Tripe Face Boogie,
Feel the power and enjoy (despite the bad video quality). Rare TV shot from Little Feat @ L'Olympia Theatre, Paris, France 1975, Febr.,3 during the Warner Bros Tour in Europe.
Part 2: Willin'. Lowell George introduces the song
with following historic words:
"If You Got It A Truck Brought It"
which was the title of the LP-bootleg of this show.
Rare TV shot from Little Feat @ L'Olympia Theatre, Paris, France 1975, Febr.,3 during the Warner Bros Tour in Europe.

Part 3: Teenage Nervous Breakdown