I was an English teacher at two elementary schools in La Roche-sur-Yon, France this year. For the end of the year show we learned the Carter classic "Keep on the Sunny Side." The version the children are singing along to is from June Carter's CD Wildwood Flower. Before the show they did an introduction in English and French about The Carter Family and about June Carter as well. I apologize for the pause between the introduction and the singing but we were having some technical difficulties.
The recording seems to overpower the children on the tape because we could only place the camera next to the sound system, so I apologize for that too! Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy it. My students put a lot of work into this and it took hours and hours to get their lovely French tongues around those very English sounds! Félicitation aux enfants et à leur professeur, quelle surprise et quel ravissement de voir nos petits français approcher le monde de June.
Dommage pour l'autre vidéo, sans les coupures elle aurait été très bonne, merci à toi.