December 31, 2008

[1 & 2/10th!] New Year's Eve Hustle 2007 - TAJIRI, Tenryu & RG vs Yinling, The Great Muta & Monster Bono

TARO, Tenures & RIG vs Tingling, Uta & Monster Bongo
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New-Year's Eve Hustle 2007 - TORI, Tenure & RAG vs Tingling, The Great Meta & Monster Bongo

Monster Bongo is born and he wants his daddy. Will Mata accept his fatherly responsibilities?

I love this promotion.

This is either the greatest or worst purees storyline ever, and this is why Mutt's my role model. He may not be a great father, but he's there when you need him.

Also, mom-mommy, Tingling.