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- 1、什么是专辑? 1, What is the album?专辑有什么用处? Album, to what use?
- 专辑是相关主题的多个视频集合。 The theme of the album is correlation more than a collection of video. 你可以把它理解成一个文件夹,也可以理解成一张自己的CD:把多个视频放在一起,并且按你指定的顺序连续播放 You can understand it into a folder can also be interpreted as an own CD: the number of video together, and according to the order in which you specify in a row player
- 你可以建立很多专辑,用来收集不同内容的视频。 You can create a lot of albums for different video content.
- 无论视频是否是你上传的,只要你愿意就可以把它们放在同一个专辑中。 No matter whether you upload video, as long as you want to be able to put them in the same album.
- 当你把他人上传的视频添加到专辑的时候,都会自动被加入收藏。 When you upload the video to others to be added to the album, that they will automatically be added to the collection.
- 2、如何建立自己的专辑? 2, how to create their own album?
- 在“我的优盘”-“专辑”、“视频”、“收藏”页面上,都可以看到一个“新建专辑”的按钮,点击后出现新建专辑的界面。 "My USB" - "Album" and "video" and "Collection" page, can see a "new album" button, click on the album after the new interface.
- 先为专辑取个标题,填写标签并选择分类,最好为专辑写上几句说明,点击“确认”创建一个新专辑。 To get a first album title, fill out the label and select categories for the best album to write a few words on that, click the "confirmation" to create a new album.
- 3、为什么要为专辑填写分类、标签? 3, why should fill out the album for the classification, labeling?如何填写? How to fill out?
- 分类和标签,是网友们找到你专辑的主要依据,因此需要认真填写。 Classification and labeling, is the album of your users to find the main basis and therefore need to fill out.
- 每个专辑只能选择一个所属分类,你可以由专辑里的视频来决定它。 Each album can only belong to choose a classification from the album, you can decide which of the video.
- 标签是对分类的补充说明,也是吸引浏览者的主要工具,这个广告一定要做好。 The classification label is added, is to attract visitors to the main tool for the ad must do a good job.
- 4、为什么要为专辑填写内容简介? 4, why should fill out the brief for the album?如何填写? How to fill out?
- 专辑简介是浏览者对这个专辑的重要印象。 Album is a brief viewers on this album an important impression. 填写简介会让你的专辑更受欢迎。 About let you fill out the album more popular.
- 你可以介绍创建专辑的原因,也可以大致介绍下专辑里视频的情况,好好包装自己的专辑吧。 You can introduce the establishment of the reasons for the album, more or less can also be introduced next album, video, make their own album packaging it.
- 5、为什么要为专辑设置封面? 5, why should we set for the album cover?如何设置? How do I set up?
- 专辑的封面是指代表整个专辑的图片。 The album cover is the representative of the entire album of photos.
- 你加入专辑的第一个视频截图,会被默认为专辑的封面。 You join the album's first video shots, will be the default for the album cover.
- 我们正在开发新的功能,以便你可以自己指定专辑的封面。 We are developing new features, so that you can specify their own album cover.
- 6、如何为专辑里的视频排序? 6, for the album, what sort of video?
- 进入“我的优盘”-“专辑”,选中想要排序的专辑,在右侧会出现该专辑的视频列表。 Access to "My USB" - "album," want to select the sort of album, the album will appear on the right side of the video list.
- 点击“调整顺序”按钮激活排序界面,你可以灵活地自定义视频顺序。 Click on the "adjustment in the order" button to activate the interface sort, you have the flexibility to customize the video sequence. 如下图: Plans are as follows:
- 7、如何管理(修改、删除)我的专辑信息? 7, how to manage (modify, delete) my album information?
- 进入“我的优盘”-“专辑”,页面左侧的专辑列表里,每个专辑名称后都可以看到一个“修改”的链接,点击它打开修改信息界面。 Access to "My USB" - "album", the album list on the left side of the page, every album could be seen after the name of a "revision" of the link, click to open it to amend the interface information.
- 当专辑里有视频时,专辑是不能被删除的。 When there are video album, the album can not be deleted. 只有把专辑里视频都移除后,才可以看到“删除”的链接。 Only when we have to remove the album, video, we can not go see the "delete" link. 这个链接位于“修改”链接的旁边。 The link is located in the "edit" link next to. 点击后删除专辑。 Click delete album.
- 8、如何向专辑里添加视频? 8, how to add video to the album?
- 第一种方法:上传视频时,指定一个专辑,上传完成后视频会自动添加到专辑里。 The first method: upload video, a designated album, after the completion of the uploaded video is automatically added to the album.
- 第二种方法:进入“我的优盘”,在“视频”、“收藏”或者“专辑”的任意一个页面,勾选中意的视频,点击“添加到”按钮,把视频放到指定的专辑。 The second method: enter "My USB" and "video" and "collection" or "album" any page, check the video and Italy, click on "Add" button on the video specified Album.
- 第三种广漠:全站的何意位置,把中意的视频添加到点播单,然后把点播单保存为专辑。 Guangmo a third: the whole point of what is intended location, the Italian added to the video-on-demand, single, and then save it as a one-on-demand album. 查看点播单使用全指南 。 View on-demand single-use guide.
- 9、如何向我的朋友介绍专辑? 9, how to introduce my friend album?
- 进入“我的优盘”-“专辑”-选中一个专辑,页面右上方为你提供了这个专辑的地址代码,直接点击“复制”,然后在QQ或者MSN里把地址粘贴给好友,邀请他们一同观看。 Access to "My USB" - "album" - a selected album, the top right of the page for you to provide the album's address code, click "copy", and then QQ or MSN, to paste the address to the good Friends invite them to watch together.
- 你还可以进入任何一个专辑,把浏览器地址栏里的地址发送给好友。 You can also enter any of the album, the browser's address column sent to the address of the friend.