November 2, 2008

Glossolalia: glossa γλώσσα tongue

Glossolalia: glossa γλώσσα tongue
from mrjyn

Related video results for: Glossolalia: glossy γλώσσα tongue, a video from mrjyn. Glossolalia:, gloss's, γλώσσα, tongue

i'm not one of those riposters who usually junks up my site with "FUNNY" VIDEOS, in fact, i hate those guys. there's nothing unfunnier than telling me something is "funny". it's just not "funny" that way. And neither am i one of those purposefully obscurantist posters who wants you to think i's cool by not acknowledging the absurdity in certain tweaked out oddities that make the www what it's good for--the only thing, in my opinion. But in this case, since it's a mrjyn video from my DM site, and it's collected under one of those anonymous tag search collections and that it just showed up in my inbox perfectly unheralded among the rest of the tongue/glossolalia videos
Glossolalia: Glass γλώσσα tongue tongue , it qualifies as that middle ground that i look for:

"why do the people keep saying, "we love you daddy"? are they really speaking in tongues about Jesus, and calling him daddy?"