June 13, 2007

*i played buddy holly in the worst movie of all time

Great Balls of Fire!!!

from Jim McBride the man who brought you The Big Easy with Dennis "CAJUN" Quaid asGomer/ JLL:

i was filmin one of my scenes at the beautiful mempho orpheum theater watchin gomer (the big DQ) burn the piana in the recreation of the brooklyn/freed/apoc-rock myth, although with a distinct disney/bowdlerized epithetlessness:

listen here, my good man of bitumen you may attempt to perform your set piece, as i have just completed my great pyrotechnical display...
jerry lee shows up to watch. he exits the limo in flip flops and a sherlock holmes pipe while me and chuck berry are gettin our pictures snapped with the extras. the producer, adam fields, starts to introduce me to the killer, and jerry lee looks at this biopipsqueak-rock'n'roll-desecratin-phony-type-producer cat and says to adam killer:
killer, i know killer...

and adam killer says:
he's playin buddy holly.
jerry lee gives me the once-over twice, pops the meerschaum out of the side of his leering suckhole and in a dilaudid-meets-ferriday drawl, slurs in my direction:
killer, buddy holly was my best friend in the world...
and then to adam killer:
killer, if you had enough sense to get killer here to play buddy holly you got more sense than i thought you had...
and then to me killer again:
son, you look more like buddy holly than buddy holly ever did!

here is a transcript of my comment to this guy:
christ, where did you get this?

oh, god, i'm dyin...who the fuck is dorothee? and where are her giant french balls hidden? and how does she materialize beside killer's piana like that? oh fuck, that's harold cowart playin' bass on this, the craunchiest vid i've never seen of gbof

rockin' my life away by the late great Mack Vickery, who divulged to me at one of jll's nesbit ranch birthday parties in answer to my questioning the significance of the seemingly random set of numbers with which jll introduces the song:
well, hoss, i used to play touch football with elvis at graceland and it's a quarterback play we used to run!
i said, oh...and smiled

that's me in the intro standing in the front row with a gold tuxedo and seven jack daniels and babania in this craunchy raveup of swanee river rock at the greatest small show of all time at storyville in n.o., fats and friends...ray charles can play a rhodes...and for all you harp-lovers, that's sug blue...and for all you obscure bass/cajun studio legend cognescentis, that's harold cowart on bass...and for all you cocaine kingpins, that's ron wood well into a second eightball...but who is that second guitarist???

see more buddy holly impersonator resume here: