October 6, 2010

Facebook Open Graph Protocol Integration: Appropriate type for a page containing a list of tracks

On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 1:57 PM, Aravindan R  wrote:
I have a page which lists the soundtracks for a movie and plays them.
I am integrating a like button into that page. My question is what
would be an appropriate 'type' for this page. Is it movie, audio or
album? Is there a better type for movie soundtracks?

If i use audio, can i specify multiple audio_title (s)? Can I have
multiple tags like below?

<meta proprery="og:title" content="page title" />
<meta proprery="og:description" content="audio description" />
<meta property="og:image" content="audio image url (eg. album art)" /
<meta property="og:audio" content="audio url (.mp3 only)" />


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