July 26, 2010

"♡c'est ma ♬ guitare ma ♋maîtresse!♚"

c'est ma guitare ma maîtresse!

  1. 1°) – DO YOU PREFER THE STONES OR THE BEATLES ? It’s pretty interesting because in the beginning I didn’t take The Beatles seriously; they made songs like “Please Mr Postman” from the 1st album so it didn’t hit me but when they began to play “Blue jay way” or “I’m the walrus” I took that band more seriously and when they recorded (during only few years) it’s clear The Beatles was developing incredibly it’s a kind of force of nature while The Stones, I always loved them ‘cause they

  2. 2°) came with our same roots : blues, Muddy waters, people like that ... -DO YOU PREFER JAGGER OR RICHARDS ? It depends I mean I can talk about Keith and about Mick too ! -DO YOU PREFER LENNON OR McCARTNEY ? Probably Lennon ...yeah definitely Lennon -DO YOU PREFER SEE YOUR CHILDREN DRUG ADDICTS OR LISTENING TO B.SPEARS ? Well, Spears could be a drug if we are a kind of obsessed by her and if we don't remove the disc : the songs are played continuously. My children's drugs is the air !

  3. 3°) – OK WELL DO YOU PREFER SEE PEOPLE PIRATING YOUR ALBUMS OR NOBODY WHO LISTEN TO IT ? – Actually, with Led Zep there were reference cassettes (tapes) every night there were parts of recorded tapes which came to me in my house then there was a period in my life I divorced and left the house and people (close to my ex-wife) stole all these tapes that was all the old concerts until the 80s ! there was also some records of repetitions so if you want to think about a music rape, a kind of drug,

  4. 4°) here you have an example but it was sad and that’s the resaon why they had good piracy ‘cause it’s the original tapes ! – DO YOU PREFER THE 1st WAR IN IRAK OR THE 2nd ? I don’t prefer any of these wars ! – DO YOU PREFER A GOOD FOOD OR AN AVERAGE SEX ? Whatever it’s a good food or an average sex it’s always a banquet for me ! -JIMMY DO YOU PREFER YOU WIFE OR YOU MISTRESS ? My guitar is my mistress


                        • (SoRrY fOr My EnGlIsH !)

    it all started with diicley ...



      and an innocent request he made under the movie. 

      limbsandthings1 provided a sarcastic response

      • 1 week ago
        quelqu'un pourrait traduire ce Pleeease? Cela voudrait dire beaucoup, il ne doit pas...

    (meant in fun),

      but then z1inspector picked up the blower




            • 1 week ago
              I NEED JIMMYS TRANSCRIPT please ANYONE !!!


      and got Stairwaytoheaven06 on the line all the way from France,

      who immediately provided a

      Five-Part Translated transcription of Jimmy Page's Cheese or Dessert Segment from Thierry Ardisson's show...


        • could somebody pleeease translate this? It would mean alot, it doesn't have to be EXACTLY what he says:)



          • you know ,NOW that iv heard the transcript (thankyou)
            IM sure every1 WISHES the questions wer better,i mean sO close with a whocares twist
            I THOUGHT he was gonna ask : beatles or the stones? & what do u think of lennon,and WHICH Gutair,or drug
            REAL QUESTIONS ,
            hey jimmy, CAN I ASK YOU A FEW QUESTIONS ?,
    Jimmy understand french?I don't see the translator...

              • LOL...Page is a Bluesman/Rocker at heart. The Stones and Zeppelin share more in common. Interestingly, Jagger speak flawless French.
3 days ago
oh god ! c'est la 1ere fois que je vois cette interview !!!!! trop bien !!!

"c'est ma guitare ma maîtresse !!!" wow



  • THANK YOU!!!!!
    diicley 2 days ago

  • @diicley it's my pleasure ! we are led zep fan so it's normal to help ourselves :))

  • Tell the french translator to shut up

  • @Bellyflops2 I translated it !

  • THE BEATLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • @lavcadtomadar they're both amazing. the beatles are more for girls and fairy boys who think flowers in your hair will change the world. the stones were blues men and rock n roll animals

  • Squibfire
    • @skint0n0mintedThe
      Stones were only amazing before Out of Our Heads came out, back before
      that album they were one of the greatest bands, this hard edged perfect
      rhythm and blues, but then they got to poppy, to rocky, and stop
      mattering, what was great about early stones was that they weren't rock n
      roll, and they weren't pop, they were their own thing, but it all
      ended much too early

  • limbsandthings1
    • pouvez vous poster toute l'interview SVP?
    • could you post the whole interview plz?

    •  i'm
      pretty sure that was the whole interview, poussy. i'll stick up another
      one though since you kids dig it enough to translate it. nice job
      stairway. ...he said he can talk TO keith, but that might have just been
      a typo.

  • coincidentally, i just posted a video of a Led Zep roadie, tito something, that's a real howler. there's a pic of me and Page on my blog too from christmas in new orleans a while back mid-90s you might like

  •  ∠∑⊉ ℤ∂ℙℙ∉⌋∤ℕ Roadi∉ Ti∤o Meℕdoz∂
    ∉∂ℙtioℕ ∤∉x∤


                  •   ∠∑⊉ ℤ∂ℙℙ∉⌋∤ℕ
  • so in any of the rumors that are broader plan with the home of work
    many the camera general his the line
    yet that will determine
    I mean for whoever he won't
    so you never thought it was a it was a man
    on the election a team from the worst thing whirlwind John bonham like the real good
    well many was good many complete with the fingers
    in the old he'll simply which is
    well yeah he's the best
    you never seen him
    and number three was it good
    blake greater to
    they'd be required
    no man hardly
    her and yet he was into the shoppers the US into the born to be wild to
    wirthlin a career work very well
    I think so
    to were ordered to undergo
    the view through the guitar no matter how was his stuff you know
    and %uh the highlands
    for she in there
    fourth drug user
    you've got of the in your paper return of it all is
    some of them
    rather than ever collected
    did you ever smoked the issue
    that they use the same thing that I made
    I should like to know how to read
    if it were like bread but it's have never seen in that book run you don't feel like
    they used to call
    maybe she had
    but never soul
    all right juan
    I know about
    dry heat joaquin for any but
    never seen
    she had or this is viewed and it's for the technology as well of that ship
    I had a friend that will implement laura
    and then and %uh I don't get see it anymore
    the it
    but apparently no for white people
    you know what
    it's and for the technology
    people one of the moon the it
    likes that light penalties yet been
    that days joaquin dangerous and giving everybody cancer
    he had man's thumb really consider
    we're hearing from Britain and France over
    I don't know
    I have lost my wife
    that's your
    well I have been married to this man
    what do you think about his drug eroded reviewed the %uh of a deeper
    for Medvedev
    from the purple
    well I think about it the right thing
    did you know of that is that you go back into wants it
    if there is one road thirty one of the three groups
    on what grounds
    but during that day
    thank you Martin
    I would feel
    the one will saying that or a but I don't think it would be a good man
    what do you love about Iran
    with the advent of a bizarre with the do you think
    things are
    but had
    so how did you get into the whole drug aurora
    I don't know
    what friends with them
    the votes
    the policeman remember saying anything bad about that
    GATT is was he's
    these madmen
    he'll kick your ass the
    there should be no her of who sideways and it's gone up
    black and white light of salt pepper shared the don't fall with him and
    you know what can tell you you're what in role the that smokes a thinkers network artistic
    and in that very
    you can find that she had very seldom life
    be careful won't ever staged a double again
    you'll get mad
    we're having a very vivid and Richard riordan
    but jimi hendrix many walking
    I landed the squeeze killing everyone
    you play the game are you know without
    bullshit mandy patinkin those sound that rule
    that's bullshit man
    the guy was just go
    locked in
    playing without without with the press
    he was just kidding
    no his fight up for us
    for us knows about music
    police yet now
    black guy that you doing
    even sure he's spotted owl as with with would hearing that use the drug act he sees well
    that's what on that
    little will fall into their mistakes
    ∠∑⊉ ℤ∂ℙℙ∉⌋∤ℕ

    Jimmy Page: Stones or Beatles?

    Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin gets tough questions: Beatles or Stones?
    ...Jagger or Richards? Lennon or McCartney? Britney Spears or Drugs?!
    (Also: Iraq War? Divorce? Favorite Zeppelin Albums? Wife or Mistress?)
    by (in English with French Translation) on Thierry ARDISSON's popular TV
    Show segment, 'Fromage ou dessert' ("Cheese or Dessert") - YouTube —
    limbsandthings1 May 29, 2010 — Jimmy PAGE 10/05/2003 Other guests on
    Ardison's Show include: Laurent BAFFIE Bruno SOLO and Helene de
    Fougerolles Interview Fromage ou dessert de Jimmy Page En présence de
    Laurent BAFFIE, Bruno SOLO et Hélène DE FOUGEROLLES, Jimmy PAGE répond à
    l'interview "fromage ou dessert" de Thierry ARDISSON
    de-jimmy-pa Jimmy Page: Stones or Beatles?

    Zeppelin" roadie shark mudshark l'incident "rock 'n' roll" groupie
    hotel sex zeppelin "led zepplin" "led zepelin" ∠∑⊉ ℤ∂ℙℙ∉⌋∤ℕ "Jimmy Page"
    "led zeppelin" Interview mrjyn yt:quality=high youweirdtube