May 1, 2010

(Video) Plastic Bertrand (Un Chien And A Loo) Anal Dog Glands + Add My Expertise (Crazy) To Your Google Search Engine

Plastic Bertrand
 (Un Chien And A Loo)
Anal Dog Glands


See More Weird Plastic Bertrand at YouWeirdTube

Plastic Bertrand Disco Video (FRENCH BLOOPER)

Francis HUGHES explains how empty the anal glands of the dog - 18/03/1998 - Using a diagram, showing where these glands are then simulates the operation of Jules, the little dog mascot issue. General laughter on set. Plastic Bertrand, guest of honor, crying with laughter.

Plastic Bertrand (Roger Jouret pseudonymous) - (Brussels February 24, 1958) is a Belgian singer. Plastic Bertrand broke through in 1977 with the smash Ça plane pour moi. Already one years later he was a "real rock star", with all the sex & drugs & rock'n'roll that go with them. So there are rumors that he was once a New York hotel room with an ax to bits would have beaten. After the wild years diluted the fame of the Belgian rockgod somewhat. So he had a minor hit in 1979 with Tout petit la plan a small but eight years later he performed at the Eurovision Song Contest on the second last place finish, standing out for Luxembourg with the song Amour Amour. In 1988, Plastic Bertrand still a hit with Slave to the beat. Today he runs a private art gallery and is producer for upcoming talent. He also devotes much of his free time to Scrabble. In 2006 the singer won a lawsuit against him brought by Lou De Prijck, the producer of Ça plane pour moi. The Prijck tried by this court case the rights to acquire this number and claimed that Plastic Bertrand sang the song, itself.

François HUGUES explique comment vider les glandes anales de son chien
PAROLE D'EXPERT - 18/03/1998 - 03min44s

Sur le plateau de Valérie EXPERT, explique comment vider les glandes anales de son chien pour éviter qu'il se gratte le derrière. A l'aide d'un schéma, montre où se situent ces glandes puis simule l'opération sur Jules, le petit chien mascotte de l'émission. Fou rire général sur le plateau. Plastic BERTRAND, invité d'honneur, pleure de rire.

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