The Gateway to The Berlin Wall - Berliner Mauer - Berlinmuren - Berliinin Muuri - Le Mur de Berlin - ALGONETWhat, exactly, interest me about the Berlin Wall?
The question that I think most people would like to get an answer to is what it is that signifies the Berlin Wall and other constructions which make me love and be attracted to them. I will try to explain it here..
With the Berlin Wall and some other constructions it is mainly what they look like. This is not as obvious and superficial as it sounds. For me to be attracted by a construction, it must be a construction with parallel lines, usually horizontal. I also find other manufactured things look good, as Bridges, Fences, Railroad Tracks, Gates... All these things have two things in common. They are rectangular, they have parallel lines, and all of them divide something. This is what physically attracts me.
The purpose of the construction is completely irrelevant in this connection. So for instance The Berlin Wall symbolizes communism and oppression to many people but not to me. I am not interested in politics. The Berlin Wall is my spouse, it is as simple as so. I also know that there are people who are attracted by gallows, because they are tools for execution. They are fascinated and excited for that reason only, while I am totally uninterested in executions.
Animism, fundamental condition of objectum-sexuality.
This means that I look at things as LIVING BEINGS. I can communicate with them (and with other objects too as far as that goes). I know that this might sound very odd to many people. And as I can do that I can have an affair with The Berlin Wall (to whom I have been married since June 17, 1979). To me it is so natural and instinctive which makes it so difficult to explain. I have always believed in Animism, even as a child. I have always had this sexual disposition (Objectum-sexuality).I also believe in Reincarnation, that I have had relations to Fences, Walls, Bridges, Gates and other constructions in an earlier life, and that our paths have crossed several times. I have memories from these earlier lives. But of course I can't prove it.
My attraction to the Berlin Wall and other constructions is BOTH emotional AND sexual. I love them as beings (I use this word intentionally here). I enjoy their company… and I catch fire sexually on the Berlin Wall. I also find other constructions sexy, but it is a question of the above-mentioned things: Fences, Walls, Bridges, Railway Rails, Gates…. My sexual feelings towards them are very intense. All these things I was attracted to in the sixties. The Berlin Wall in 1961 when he was built. Also other Walls from the beginning of the sixties, followed by Fences and Bridges. The others "came" later in the middle of the sixties. My feelings for the Berlin Wall are far deeper than what most people believe.
To be attracted to things (which this really is about) IS built on Animism. I relate to things in the same way as when many people relate to other people. And here one can put the blame on the valuations of society that in many cultures are based on Christianity – but what says that man is "the Crown of Creation"? Nothing!!! We share this planet with other beings like animals, things etc. We have all the same worth independent of what we are – an object, an animal or a human being or a plant if it comes to that.
I understand that all this may be difficult to understand for many people, but this is something that really is included in Freedom and the individual's right to choose his own way and be respected for it. I don't harm anybody with my love for the Berlin Wall and other things, nor do they.
If you have questions about this I should be glad to answer them. I am very open and broad-minded. Anyhow I WANT to be it. We all have to live on this earth and the only way to peace, friendship and freedom is accepting and respecting even if one doesn't understand. As long as nobody is injured all is well.
In Peace and Friendship,